API Gateway overview
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    API Gateway overview

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    Article summary

    API Gateway makes it easy to do everything related to API calls. Various management features for stable execution of APIs and a dashboard for viewing the API usage status in real time can be used. This allows you to focus on your business more efficiently.

    Common attributes



    Go to Swagger UI

    Request headers

    The following headers are commonly used by the API Gateway API.

    CategoryRequirement StatusDescription
    Content-TypeRequiredSpecify the request body content type as application/json (POST)
    x-ncp-apigw-timestampRequiredIt indicates the time elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 (UTC) in milliseconds.
    Request is considered invalid if the timestamp differs from the current time by more than 5 minutes
    x-ncp-iam-access-keyRequiredThis is the access key ID issued by the portal or Sub Account.
    x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2RequiredSignature that encrypts the body with secret key mapped to the access key ID
    Use the HMAC-SHA256 encryption algorithm

    Response status codes

    The following are commonly used response status codes in API Gateway API.


    The following codes are returned if the request is successful.

    HTTP status codeMessageDescription
    200OKRequest succeeded
    201CreatedA new resource is created as a result of the request
    202AcceptedThe request has been accepted but not yet completed
    204No ContentThe request succeeded, but no response content


    The following codes are returned if the request fails.

    HTTP status codeCodeMessageDescription
    400100Bad Request ExceptionRequest error due to HTTPS protocol or UTF-8 encoding
    401200Authentication FailedAuthentication information to use the requested resource was not provided or is invalid
    401210Permission DeniedNo permissions to the requested resource
    403230ForbiddenNo permissions to the requested resource
    404300Not Found ExceptionRequested resource not found
    429400Quota ExceededExceeded API usage limit (quota)
    429410Throttle LimitedExceeded API request rate
    429420Rate LimitedExceeded API request rate
    413430Request Entity Too LargeRequest body size exceeds the limit the server can handle
    415440Unsupported Media TypeUnsupported media type
    503500Endpoint ErrorEndpoint connection error
    504510Endpoint TimeoutEndpoint connection time limit exceeded
    503520Unknown Endpoint DomainEndpoint not recognized or not set up
    503530Connection Closed By EndpointDisconnection from the endpoint
    500900Unexpected ErrorFailed to process request due to unexpected circumstances

    Supported HTTP/TLS version

    The HTTP/TLS versions supported by API Gateway API are as follows.

    ProtocolSupported version
    • HTTP/1.1
    • HTTP/2
    • TLSv1.2
    • TLSv1.3

    Go to NAVER Cloud Platform authentication key and signature creation guide

    Web console

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