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    Article summary

    Available in VPC

    Checks the run history of a specific scanner in the user’s catalog.


    Request URL

    GET {DATA_CATALOG API_URL}/catalogs/{catalog-id}/scanners/{scanner-id}/histories

    Request parameters

    Parameter nameRequirement statusTypeRestrictionsDescription
    catalogIdYesStringUnique catalog ID
    (ref: getCatalogs)
    scannerIdYesStringUnique scanner ID
    fromTimestampYesLongStart time for history check (milliseconds timestamp)
    toTimestampYesLongEnd time for history check (milliseconds timestamp)
    pageNoNoint Default of the page number: 1
    pageSizeNointMaximum: 200Default of the result list size: 20

    Request header

    See common guide.

    Request examples

    curl -X GET "{catalog-id}/scanners/{scanner-id}/histories?fromTimestamp=1673794800000&toTimestamp=1686841200000" \
        -H "x-ncp-apigw-timestamp: {x-ncp-apigw-timestamp}" \
        -H "x-ncp-iam-access-key: {x-ncp-iam-access-key}"  \
        -H "x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2: {x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2}"
    • fromTimestamp: 1673794800000 (January 16, 2023 12:00:00 AM)
      • GMT: January 15, 2023 3:00:00 PM
    • toTimestamp: 1686841200000 (June 16, 2023 12:00:00 AM)
      • GMT: 6/15/2023 3:00:00 PM


    Response bodies

    • scannerHistoryListResponseList: list of scanner run history
    scannerIdintUnique scanner ID
    catalogIdintUnique user catalog ID
    beginTimeDateStart time of the scanner run
    endTimeDateEnd time of the scanner run
    resultStringThe result of the scanner run as success/failure
    resultMessageStringMessage for the result of the scanner run
    tableChangesStringTables added/changed according to the scanner run result, information on the partition added/changed
    elapsedTimeintTime taken to run a scanner
    createTimeDateScanner creation time

    Response examples


    HTTP StatusDescription


      "pageNo": 1,
      "pageSize": 1,
      "totalCount": 1,
      "scannerHistoryListResponseList": [
          "scannerId": 89,
          "catalogId": 301,
          "beginTime": "2023-05-25T10:38:49+0900",
          "endTime": "2023-05-25T10:38:56+0900",
          "result": "SUCCESS",
          "resultMessage": "",
          "tableChanges": "{\"table_added\": {\"count\": 0, \"list\": []}, \"table_updated\": {\"count\": 0, \"list\": []}, \"table_failed\": {\"count\": 0, \"list\": []}, \"partition_added\": {\"count\": 0, \"list\": []}, \"partition_updated\": {\"count\": 0, \"list\": []}, \"partition_failed\": {\"count\": 0, \"list\": []}}",
          "elapsedTime": 5,
          "createTime": "2023-05-25T10:38:56+0900"

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