Business places
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    Business places

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    Article Summary


    Sets business place information of your company in WOKPLACE.

    Add business places

    Adds business place information.

    Request URL


    Request header

    x-ncp-apigw-timestamp* This is the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC.
    * If the time difference compared to the API Gateway server is more than 5 minutes, then the request is considered invalid.
    x-ncp-iam-access-key* Access Key ID issued on NAVER Cloud Platform portal or by Sub Account
    x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2* A signature that encrypts the body of the example above with Secret Key mapped to the access key ID
    * HmacSHA256 is used as the HMAC encryption algorithm

    Request path parameters

    companyIdString36YAPI key (CompanyId). Developers > Basic Settings > API Key
    externalKeyString36YAdditional property’s external key

    Request body parameters

    placeNmString100YBusiness place name
    placeNmI18nNamesMapYBusiness place name in multiple languages Map<Locale, String> i18nNames
    corporateNumString30YCorporate number or CEO’s resident registration number
    corporateNmString100YCorporate name or company name
    categoryString1NBusiness place category (1:Representative, 2:Corporate business, 3: Self-employed business)
    phoneNumString30NPhone number
    corpRegistNumString30YBusiness registration number
    corpRegistSubNumIntNBusiness place number (4 digits)
    bossNmString100YCEO name
    bossNmI18nNamesMapNCEO name in multiple languages Map<Locale, String> i18nNames
    useYnString1YIndicates whether to use the property (Y/N).
    zipcodeString10NZip code
    addrDtlString100NDetailed address
    bizTypeString100NBusiness type
    bizCondString100NBusiness category
    texOfficeCodeIntNTax office code
    addTexDeclareYnString1NIndicates whether to file VAT returns.
    endYmdString10NEnd date of business place

    Request example

    POST /organization/apigw/v1/company/adc835a8-244c-46b4-8410-7421816d4808/placebiz/gw02attrext0001
    Content-Type: application/json
    x-ncp-apigw-timestamp: 1505290625682
    x-ncp-apigw-api-key: DUxjP4HYTP8V7khBkgywdDHQjKuaYWGrppHKpvdv
    x-ncp-iam-access-key: D78BB444D6D3C84CA38A
    x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2: WTPItrmMIfLUk/UyUIyoQbA/z5hq9o3G8eQMolUzTEo=
        "placeNm" : "서초사업장",
        "placeNmI18nNames" : {
        "en_US" : "SEOCHO PLACE",
        "ko_KR" : "서초사업장",
        "ja_JP" : "서초사업장(JP)",
        "zh_CN" : "서초사업장(CN)",
        "zh_TW" : "서초사업장(TW)"
        "category" : "1",
        "corporateNum" : "111-22-34567",
        "corporateNm" : "테스트사업장(법인)",
        "phoneNum" : "010-3456-3456",
        "corpRegistNum" : "345-22-34567",
        "corpRegistSubNum" : "666",
        "bossNm" : "홍길동",
        "bossNmI18nNames" : {
        "en_US" : "Gil-Dong Hong",
        "ko_KR" : "홍길동",
        "ja_JP" : "홍길동(JP)",
        "zh_CN" : "홍길동(CN)",
        "zh_TW" : "홍길동(TW)"
        "useYn" : "Y",
        "zipcode" : "123-456",
        "addr" : "34-13, 65beon-gil, Dongpangyo-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do",
        "addrDtl" : "Detailed address",
        "bizType" : "Business type",
        "bizCond" : "Business category",
        "texOfficeCode" : "123",
        "addTexDeclareYn" : "Y",
        "endYmd" : "2999-12-31"

    Response example

        "companyId": "187d83ad-4038-45b6-8e7c-59eca16fdc46",
        "category": 1,
        "corporateNum": "111-22-34567",
        "placeNm": "테스트사업장",
        "placeNmI18nNames": {
            "en_US": "SEOCHO PLACE",
            "ko_KR": "서초사업장",
            "ja_JP": "서초사업장(JP)",
            "zh_CN": "서초사업장(CN)",
            "zh_TW": "서초사업장(TW)"
        "corporateNm": "테스트사업장(법인)",
        "phoneNum": "010-3456-3456",
        "corpRegistNum": "345-22-34567",
        "corpRegistSubNum": 666,
        "bossNm": "홍길동",
        "bossNmI18nNames": {
            "en_US": "Gil-Dong Hong",
            "ko_KR": "홍길동",
            "ja_JP": "홍길동(JP)",
            "zh_CN": "홍길동(CN)",
            "zh_TW": "홍길동(TW)"
        "useYn": "Y",
        "zipcode": "123-456",
        "addr": "65beon-gil, Dongpangyo-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do",
        "addrDtl": " 34-13 801호",
        "bizType": "Internet",
        "bizCond": "Service",
        "texOfficeCode": 123,
        "addTexDeclareYn": "Y",
        "endYmd": "2999-12-31",
        "externalKey": "gw02attrext0001"

    Edit business places

    Edits business place information.

    Request URL


    Request header

    x-ncp-apigw-timestamp* This is the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC.
    * If the time difference compared to the API Gateway server is more than 5 minutes, then the request is considered invalid.
    x-ncp-iam-access-key* Access Key ID issued on NAVER Cloud Platform portal or by Sub Account
    x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2* A signature that encrypts the body of the example above with Secret Key mapped to the access key ID
    * HmacSHA256 is used as the HMAC encryption algorithm

    Request path parameters

    companyIdString36YAPI key (CompanyId). Developers > Basic Settings > API Key
    externalKeyString36YAdditional property’s external key

    Request body parameters

    placeNmString100YBusiness place name
    placeNmI18nNamesMapYBusiness place name in multiple languages Map<Locale, String> i18nNames
    corporateNumString30YCorporate number or representative’s resident registration number
    corporateNmString100YCorporate name or company name
    categoryString1NBusiness place category (1:Representative, 2:Corporate business, 3: Self-employed business)
    phoneNumString30NPhone number
    corpRegistNumString30YBusiness registration number
    corpRegistSubNumIntNBusiness place number (4 digits)
    bossNmString100YCEO name
    bossNmI18nNamesMapNCEO name in multiple languages Map<Locale, String> i18nNames
    useYnString1YIndicates whether to use the property (Y/N).
    zipcodeString10NZip code
    addrDtlString100NDetailed address
    bizTypeString100NBusiness type
    bizCondString100NBusiness category
    texOfficeCodeIntNTax office code
    addTexDeclareYnString1NIndicates whether to file VAT returns.
    endYmdString10NEnd date of business place

    Request example

    PUT /organization/apigw/v1/company/adc835a8-244c-46b4-8410-7421816d4808/placebiz/gw02attrext0002
    Content-Type: application/json
    {   "placeNm" : "수정-서초사업장",
        "placeNmI18nNames" : {
        "en_US" : "SEOCHO PLACE",
        "ko_KR" : "수정-서초사업장",
        "ja_JP" : "수정-서초사업장(JP)",
        "zh_CN" : "수정-서초사업장(CN)",
        "zh_TW" : "수정-서초사업장(TW)"
        "category" : "1",
        "corporateNum" : "111-22-34567",
        "corporateNm" : "테스트사업장(법인)",
        "phoneNum" : "010-3456-3456",
        "corpRegistNum" : "345-22-34567",
        "corpRegistSubNum" : "666",
        "bossNm" : "홍길동",
        "bossNmI18nNames" : {
        "en_US" : "Gil-Dong Hong",
        "ko_KR" : "홍길동",
        "ja_JP" : "홍길동(JP)",
        "zh_CN" : "홍길동(CN)",
        "zh_TW" : "홍길동(TW)"
         "useYn": "Y",
         "zipcode": "123-456",
         "addr": "65beon-gil, Dongpangyo-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do",
         "addrDtl": " 34-13 801호",
         "bizType": "Internet",
         "bizCond": "Service",
         "texOfficeCode": 123,
         "addTexDeclareYn": "Y",
         "endYmd": "2999-12-31"

    Response example

        "timestamp": "2019-12-13 14:33:31",
        "status": 200,
        "error": null,
        "message": null,
        "path": "/organization/apigw/v1/company/187d83ad-4038-45b6-8e7c-59eca16fdc46/placebiz/195c1526-d8f4-40b3-9269-1c55b7336551111111",
        "body": {
            "companyId": "187d83ad-4038-45b6-8e7c-59eca16fdc46",
            "category": 1,
            "corporateNum": "111-22-34567",
            "placeNm": "수정-서초사업장",
            "placeNmI18nNames" : {
            "en_US" : "SEOCHO PLACE",
            "ko_KR" : "수정-서초사업장",
            "ja_JP" : "수정-서초사업장(JP)",
            "zh_CN" : "수정-서초사업장(CN)",
            "zh_TW" : "수정-서초사업장(TW)"
            "corporateNm": "테스트사업장(법인)",
            "phoneNum": "010-3456-3456",
            "corpRegistNum": "3452234567",
            "corpRegistSubNum": 666,
            "bossNm": "홍길동",
            "bossNmI18nNames": {
                "zh_CN": "홍길동(CN)",
                "ja_JP": "홍길동(JP)",
                "ko_KR": "홍길동",
                "zh_TW": "홍길동(TW)",
                "en_US": "Gil-Dong Hong"
            "useYn": "Y",
            "zipcode": "123-456",
            "addr": "65beon-gil, Dongpangyo-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do",
            "addrDtl": "801, 34-13",
            "bizType": "Business type",
            "bizCond": "Business category",
            "texOfficeCode": 123,
            "addTexDeclareYn": "Y",
            "endYmd": "2999-12-31",
            "externalKey": "195c1526-d8f4-40b3-9269-1c55b7336551111111"

    Delete business places

    Deletes business place information.

    Request URL


    Request header

    x-ncp-apigw-timestamp* This is the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC.
    * If the time difference compared to the API Gateway server is more than 5 minutes, then the request is considered invalid.
    x-ncp-iam-access-key* Access Key ID issued on NAVER Cloud Platform portal or by Sub Account
    x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2* A signature that encrypts the body of the example above with Secret Key mapped to the access key ID
    * HmacSHA256 is used as the HMAC encryption algorithm

    Request path parameters

    companyIdString36YAPI key (CompanyId). Developers > Basic Settings > API Key
    externalKeyString36YAdditional property’s external key

    Response example

        "timestamp": "2019-12-17 13:54:08",
        "status": 200,
        "error": null,
        "message": null,
        "path": "/admin/ns/apigw/v1/company/fe5f8382-aae3-4746-8d6e-f9d0545c5a9b/placebiz/KEY_004",
        "body": null

    Get all business places

    Gets all business places.

    Request URL


    Request header

    x-ncp-apigw-timestamp* This is the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC.
    * If the time difference compared to the API Gateway server is more than 5 minutes, then the request is considered invalid.
    x-ncp-iam-access-key* Access Key ID issued on NAVER Cloud Platform portal or by Sub Account
    x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2* A signature that encrypts the body of the example above with Secret Key mapped to the access key ID
    * HmacSHA256 is used as the HMAC encryption algorithm

    Request path parameters

    companyIdString36YAPI key (CompanyId). Developers > Basic Settings > API Key

    Request example


    Response example

        "timestamp": "2019-12-17 13:36:21",
        "status": 200,
        "error": null,
        "message": null,
        "path": "/admin/ns/apigw/v1/company/fe5f8382-aae3-4746-8d6e-f9d0545c5a9b/placebiz",
        "body": [
                "companyId": "187d83ad-4038-45b6-8e7c-59eca16fdc46",
                "category": 1,
                "corporateNum": "111-22-34567",
                "placeNm": "서초사업장",
                "placeNmI18nNames": {
                    "zh_CN": "서초사업장(CN)",
                    "ja_JP": "서초사업장(JP)",
                    "ko_KR": "서초사업장",
                    "zh_TW": "서초사업장(TW)",
                    "en_US": "SEOCHO PLACE"
                "corporateNm": "서초사업장(법인)",
                "phoneNum": "010-3456-3456",
                "corpRegistNum": "3452234567",
                "corpRegistSubNum": 666,
                "bossNm": "홍길동",
                "bossNmI18nNames": {
                    "zh_CN": "홍길동(CN)",
                    "ja_JP": "홍길동(JP)",
                    "ko_KR": "홍길동",
                    "zh_TW": "홍길동(TW)",
                    "en_US": "Gil-Dong Hong"
                "useYn": "Y",
                "zipcode": "123-456",
                "addr": "65beon-gil, Dongpangyo-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do",
                "addrDtl": " 34-13",
                "bizType": "Business type",
                "bizCond": "Business category",
                "texOfficeCode": 123,
                "addTexDeclareYn": "Y",
                "endYmd": "2999-12-31",
                "externalKey": "195c1526-d8f4-40b3-9269-1c55b7336551111111"
                "companyId": "fe5f8382-aae3-4746-8d6e-f9d0545c5a9b",
                "category": 2,
                "corporateNum": "111-22-34561",
                "placeNm": "강남사업장",
                "placeNmI18nNames": {
                   "zh_CN": "강남사업장(CN)",
                   "ja_JP": "강남사업장(JP)",
                   "ko_KR": "강남사업장",
                   "zh_TW": "강남사업장(TW)",
                   "en_US": "GANG-NAM PLACE"
                "corporateNm":  "강남사업장(법인)",
                "phoneNum": "111-3456-7890",
                "corpRegistNum": "3452234567",
                "corpRegistSubNum": 777,
                "bossNm": "홍길석",
                "bossNmI18nNames": {
                    "zh_CN": "홍길석(CN)",
                    "ja_JP": "홍길석(JP)",
                    "ko_KR": "홍길석",
                    "zh_TW": "홍길석(TW)",
                    "en_US": "Gil-SEOK Hong"
                "useYn": "Y",
                "zipcode": "123-456",
                "addr": "65beon-gil, Gyodae-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul",
                "addrDtl": " 34-13",
                "bizType": "Business type",
                "bizCond": "Business category",
                "texOfficeCode": 123,
                "addTexDeclareYn": "Y",
                "endYmd": "2017-12-29",
                "externalKey": "195c1526-d8f4-40b3-9269-1c55b7336551111112"

    Get a business place

    Gets a single business place.

    Request URL


    Request header

    x-ncp-apigw-timestamp* This is the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC.
    * If the time difference compared to the API Gateway server is more than 5 minutes, then the request is considered invalid.
    x-ncp-iam-access-key* Access Key ID issued on NAVER Cloud Platform portal or by Sub Account
    x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2* A signature that encrypts the body of the example above with Secret Key mapped to the access key ID
    * HmacSHA256 is used as the HMAC encryption algorithm

    Request path parameters

    companyIdString36YAPI key (CompanyId). Developers > Basic Settings > API Key
    externalKeyString36YAdditional property’s external key

    Request example


    Response example

        "timestamp": "2019-12-13 14:33:31",
        "status": 200,
        "error": null,
        "message": null,
        "path": "/organization/apigw/v1/company/187d83ad-4038-45b6-8e7c-59eca16fdc46/placebiz",
        "body": {
            "companyId": "187d83ad-4038-45b6-8e7c-59eca16fdc46",
            "category": 1,
            "corporateNum": "111-22-34567",
            "placeNm": "서초사업장",
            "placeNmI18nNames": {
                "zh_CN": "서초사업장(CN)",
                "ja_JP": "서초사업장(JP)",
                "ko_KR": "서초사업장",
                "zh_TW": "서초사업장(TW)",
                "en_US": "SEOCHO PLACE"
            "corporateNm": "서초사업장(법인)",
            "phoneNum": "010-3456-3456",
            "corpRegistNum": "3452234567",
            "corpRegistSubNum": 666,
            "bossNm": "홍길동",
            "bossNmI18nNames": {
                "zh_CN": "홍길동(CN)",
                "ja_JP": "홍길동(JP)",
                "ko_KR": "홍길동",
                "zh_TW": "홍길동(TW)",
                "en_US": "Gil-Dong Hong"
            "useYn": "Y",
            "zipcode": "123-456",
            "addr": "65beon-gil, Dongpangyo-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do",
            "addrDtl": " 34-13",
            "bizType": "Business type",
            "bizCond": "Business category",
            "texOfficeCode": 123,
            "addTexDeclareYn": "Y",
            "endYmd": "2999-12-31",
            "externalKey": "195c1526-d8f4-40b3-9269-1c55b7336551111111"


    It returns an HTTP status code in the response body.

    HTTP status codeResponse messageDescription
    201CreatedResource successfully created.
    400Bad RequestFailure (It is usually used to respond to the request format that the server cannot understand.)
    500Internal Server ErrorGeneral server error. Whereas 4xx error codes represent client-side errors,
    5xx error codes represent server-side errors.

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