Searching document details v1
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    Searching document details v1

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    Article Summary


    This is the API to search document details.

    Search API

    It searches document details.

    Request URL


    Request header

    Header nameDescription
    x-ncp-apigw-timestampIt indicates the time elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC in milliseconds,
    and if the time difference compared to the API Gateway server is more than 5 minutes, then the request is considered invalid.
    x-ncp-iam-access-keyAccess key ID value issued on the NAVER Cloud Platform portal
    x-ncp-iam-access-key:{Account Access Key}
    x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2This is the signature encrypted Access Key ID value and Secret Key.
    x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2:{API Gateway Signature}

    Request path parameter

    ParameterTypeSizeRequirement statusDescription
    companyIdString36YLinkage key (CompanyId)Linkage key for the basic settings
    aprvDocIdString36YLinkage key (AprvDocId)Search target document ID - It gets documents as user and uses aprvDocId of the result from the documents obtained.

    Request parameter

    ParameterTypeSizeRequirement statusDescription

    Request example


    Response data

    ParameterTypeSizeRequirement statusDescription
    docMapYDocument information
    drftUserStatCd> MapYCreator status information
    code>>String36YStatus code
    name>> String100NStatus name (default)
    i18nNames>> MapNStatus name of multiple language
    drftDeptCd> String36YCreator department code
    aprvDocId> String20YApproval document ID
    drftUserId> String36YCreator ID
    drftYmdhmsDt> String100YProposal date and time
    trgtUserNm> String150YApplicant name
    docTitle> String1000YDocument title
    trgtCompanyId> String36YApplicant company ID
    drftCompanyNm> String150YCreator company name
    shreOpninCnt> String10YNumber of shared comments
    drftCompanyId> String36YCreator company ID
    trgtJobNm> String150NApplicant position name
    drftJobNm> String150NCreator position name
    trgtDeptNm> String150NApplicant department name
    companyNm> String150NDocument company name
    delYmdhmsDt> String100NHiding date and time
    dfmId> String36YForm ID
    trgtUserStat> Map36YApplicant status code
    code>> String36YStatus code
    name>> String150YStatus code name
    i18nNames>> MapNStatus name of multiple language
    drftTzCd> String100NDocument application Zone ID
    drftPositNm> String150NCreator job grade name
    trgtPositCd> String150NApplicant job grade code
    cmpltYmdhmsDt> String100NCompletion date and time
    shreTimeTpCd> Map100NSharing settings date and time
    code>> String36YCode
    name>> String150YCode name
    i18nNames>> MapNMultiple language
    drftDeptNm> String150NCreator department name
    drftUserNm> String150NCreator name
    trgtDeptCd> String50NApplicant department code
    modifiableYn> String1NDocument editable status
    docNo> String36YDocument number
    trgtUserId> String36YApplicant ID
    dfmTpCd> String36NInformation of detailed sharing settings
    dfmVersion> String9YForm version
    delYn> String1YHide status
    trgtCompanyNm> String150NApplicant company name
    trgtJobCd> String150NApplicant position code
    companyId> String36YCompany ID
    delUserId> String36YDocument status code
    docStatCd> MapYDocument status code
    code>> String36YCode
    name>> String150YCode name
    i18nNames>> MapNMultiple language
    proxyYn> String1YProxy application status
    commonDfmYn> String1YCommon form status
    drftJobCd> String1NCreator position code
    tenantId> String36YTenant ID
    dfmNm> String150YForm name
    trgtPositNm> String150NApplicant job grade name
    category> Map150YCategory
    code>> String36YCode
    name>> String150YCode name
    i18nNames>> MapNMultiple language
    drftPositCd> String36YCreator job grade code
    aprvUseYn> String1YApproval line use status
    shreMapYShared information
    shreUsersList> ListNInformation to be shared
    shrePositNm>> String150NJob grade name to be shared (if the sharing target is an employee)
    revisionSeq>> String10NHistory number (default: 1)
    aprvDocId>> String20NApproval document ID
    shreJobCd>> String36NPosition code to be shared (if the sharing target is an employee)
    shreJobNm>> String150NPosition name to be shared (if the sharing target is an employee)
    shreUserStatCd>> String36NStatus code of a person to share with
    shreObjectId>> String36NSharing target ID
    shrePositCd>> String36NJob grade code to be shared (if the sharing target is an employee)
    shreDeptCd>> String36NDepartment code to be shared (if the sharing target is an employee)
    shreObjectTpCd>> MapNType code to be shared
    code>>> String36NCode
    name>>> String150NCode name
    i18nNames>>> MapNMultiple language
    shreObjectNm>> String150NName to be shared
    shreDeptNm>> String150NDepartment name to be shared (if the sharing target is an employee)
    shreTpCd> Nap36YShare time
    code>> String36YCode
    name>> String150YCode name
    i18nNames>> MapYMultiple language
    aprvLineListListNApproval line
    aprvDeptNm> String150NApprover department name
    aprvUserStatCd> MapNApprover status
    code>> String36NCode
    name>> String150NCode name
    i18nNames>> MapNMultiple language
    defaultYn> String1NDefault approval line status
    delegUserNm> String150NDelegated employee name (exclude if automatically delegated)
    aprvUserNm> String150NApprover name
    aprvPositNm> String150NApprover job grade name
    aprvDocId> String20NApproval document ID
    aprvObjectTpNm> String150NType name to be approved
    aprvCompanyId> String36NApprover company ID
    aprvJobCd> String36NApprover position code
    aprvObjectId> String36NApproval target
    aprvUserId> String36NApprover ID
    aprvPositCd> String36NApprover job grade code
    aprvCompanyNm> String150NApprover company name
    revisionSeq> String10NHistory number (default: 1)
    aprvObjectTpCd> MapNType code to be approved
    code>> String36NCode
    name>> String150NCode name
    i18nNames>> MapNMultiple language
    delegUserId> String36NDelegated employee ID (exclude if automatically delegated)
    rptToYn> String1NReports To status
    aprvTpCd> MapNApproval type code
    code>> String36NCode
    name>> String150NCode name
    i18nNames>> MapNMultiple language
    aprvDeptCd> String36NApprover department code
    aprvJobNm> String150NApprover position name
    aprvStatCd> MapNApproval status code
    code>> String36NCode
    name>> String150NCode name
    i18nNames>> MapNMultiple language
    aprvOrd> String9NApproval order (default: 1)
    rptUserId> String36NReportee ID
    aprvOpnin> String1000NComment
    aprvYmdhmsDt> String100NProcess date and time
    infoMapYApproval document history
    tenantId> String36YTenant ID
    companyId> String36YCompany ID
    aprvId> String36YDocument ID
    empId> String36YApplicant ID
    aprvDt> String10YDate to be applied for
    docNo> String100YDocument number
    title> String1000YDocument title
    content> String4000NContent
    docStat> MapYProgress status
    code>> String36NCode
    name>> String150NCode name
    i18nNames>> MapNMultiple language
    detailList> ListYList of work plan request times
    startDt>> String100YApplication start time
    endDt>> String100YApplication end time

    Response example

    "doc": {
        "drftUserStat": {
          "code": "IN",
          "name": "Employment",
          "i18nNames": {
            "zh_TW": "在職",
            "ko_KR": "재직",
            "en_US": "Work",
            "zh_CN": "在职",
            "ja_JP": "在職"
        "drftDeptCd": "abc002",
        "aprvDocId": 25675,
        "drftUserId": "96b02530-82de-41c8-8223-3055c74e705e",
        "drftYmdhmsDt": "2020-03-19T10:07:26+09:00[Asia/Seoul]",
        "trgtUserNm": "Gildong Hong",
        "docTitle": "Sharing absence schedule",
        "trgtCompanyId": "e721e2da-29ee-4782-9672-3d2b150ac1a6",
        "drftCompanyNm": "ABC Corporation",
        "shreOpninCnt": 0,
        "drftCompanyId": "e721e2da-29ee-4782-9672-3d2b150ac1a6",
        "trgtJobNm": "",
        "drftJobNm": "",
        "trgtDeptNm": "Planning team",
        "companyNm": null,
        "delYmdhmsDt": null,
        "dfmId": "D000000001",
        "trgtUserStat": {
          "code": "IN",
          "name": "Employment",
          "i18nNames": {
            "zh_TW": "在職",
            "ko_KR": "재직",
            "en_US": "Work",
            "zh_CN": "在职",
            "ja_JP": "在職"
        "drftTzCd": "Pacific/Midway",
        "drftPositNm": "",
        "trgtPositCd": null,
        "cmpltYmdhmsDt": null,
        "shreTimeTpCd": {
          "code": "anyTime",
          "name": "Share constantly from creation",
          "i18nNames": {
            "zh_TW": "從編寫文件起持續分享",
            "ko_KR": "Share constantly from creation",
            "en_US": "Share from document creation",
            "zh_CN": "从编写文件起持续共享",
            "ja_JP": "文書作成から継続して共有"
        "drftDeptNm": "Planning team",
        "drftUserNm": "Gildong Hong",
        "trgtDeptCd": "abc002",
        "modifiableYn": "Y",
        "docNo": "2020-TIM01-000060",
        "trgtUserId": "96b02530-82de-41c8-8223-3055c74e705e",
        "dfmTpCd": null,
        "dfmVersion": null,
        "delYn": "N",
        "trgtCompanyNm": "ABC Corporation",
        "trgtJobCd": null,
        "companyId": "e721e2da-29ee-4782-9672-3d2b150ac1a6",
        "delUserId": null,
        "docStatCd": {
          "code": "ing",
          "name": "In progress",
          "i18nNames": {
            "zh_TW": "進行",
            "ko_KR": "진행중",
            "en_US": "Ongoing",
            "zh_CN": "进行",
            "ja_JP": "実行"
        "proxyYn": "N",
        "commonDfmYn": "Y",
        "drftJobCd": null,
        "tenantId": "e721e2da-29ee-4782-9672-3d2b150ac1a6",
        "dfmNm": "Absence schedule (ko)",
        "trgtPositNm": "",
        "category": {
          "code": "1973",
          "name": "HR",
          "i18nNames": {
            "ko_KR": "인사",
            "en_US": "HR",
            "ja_JP": "인사",
            "zh_CN": "인사",
            "zh_TW": "인사"
        "drftPositCd": null,
        "aprvUseYn": "Y"
      "shre": {
        "shreUsersList": [
            "shrePositNm": "",
            "revisionSeq": 1,
            "aprvDocId": 25675,
            "shreJobCd": null,
            "shreJobNm": "",
            "shreUserStatCd": "IN",
            "shreObjectId": "f649075b-f196-4599-a71e-3b3fde723b6f",
            "shrePositCd": null,
            "shreDeptCd": "abc002",
            "shreObjectTpCd": {
              "code": "user",
              "name": "User",
              "i18nNames": {
                "zh_TW": "使用者",
                "ko_KR": "사용자",
                "en_US": "User",
                "zh_CN": "用户",
                "ja_JP": "使用者"
            "shreObjectNm": "Joined in 2019",
            "shreDeptNm": "Planning team"
            "shrePositNm": "",
            "revisionSeq": 1,
            "aprvDocId": 25675,
            "shreJobCd": null,
            "shreJobNm": "",
            "shreUserStatCd": "IN",
            "shreObjectId": "59a674bb-24f5-471f-a066-1d7ed8af8e04",
            "shrePositCd": null,
            "shreDeptCd": "abc002",
            "shreObjectTpCd": {
              "code": "user",
              "name": "User",
              "i18nNames": {
                "zh_TW": "使用者",
                "ko_KR": "사용자",
                "en_US": "User",
                "zh_CN": "用户",
                "ja_JP": "使用者"
            "shreObjectNm": "Joined in 2016",
            "shreDeptNm": "Planning team"
        "shreTpCd": {
          "code": "partShre",
          "name": "Shared to selected",
          "i18nNames": {
            "zh_TW": "部分分享",
            "ko_KR": "일부 공유",
            "en_US": "Share to Selected",
            "zh_CN": "部分共享",
            "ja_JP": "一部共有"
       "aprvLineList": [
          "aprvDeptNm": "ABC Corp",
          "aprvUserStatCd": {
            "code": "IN",
            "name": "Employment",
            "i18nNames": {
              "zh_TW": "在職",
              "ko_KR": "재직",
              "en_US": "Work",
              "zh_CN": "在职",
              "ja_JP": "在職"
          "defaultYn": "N",
          "delegUserNm": "",
          "aprvUserNm": "Myeongsik Park",
          "aprvPositNm": "",
          "aprvPositCd": null,
          "aprvDocId": 25675,
          "aprvObjectTpNm": null,
          "aprvCompanyId": "e721e2da-29ee-4782-9672-3d2b150ac1a6",
          "aprvJobCd": null,
          "aprvObjectId": null,
          "aprvUserId": "05fa1156-4b48-479a-bceb-b8a458746dca",
          "aprvCompanyNm": "ABC Corporation",
          "revisionSeq": 3,
          "aprvObjectTpCd": {
            "code": "user",
            "name": "User",
            "i18nNames": {
              "zh_TW": "使用者",
              "ko_KR": "사용자",
              "en_US": "User",
              "zh_CN": "用户",
              "ja_JP": "使用者"
          "delegUserId": null,
          "rptToYn": "N",
          "aprvTpCd": {
            "code": "refer",
            "name": "Reference",
            "i18nNames": {
              "zh_TW": "參照",
              "ko_KR": "참조",
              "en_US": "Reference",
              "zh_CN": "参照",
              "ja_JP": "参照"
          "aprvDeptCd": "e721e2da-29ee-4782-9672-3d2b150ac1a6",
          "aprvJobNm": "",
          "aprvStatCd": {
            "code": "cmplt",
            "name": "Agreement",
            "i18nNames": {
              "zh_TW": "核准",
              "ko_KR": "동의",
              "en_US": "Approve",
              "zh_CN": "审批",
              "ja_JP": "承認"
          "aprvOrd": 1,
          "rptUserId": null,
          "aprvOpnin": null,
          "aprvYmdhmsDt": "2020-03-19T10:07:33+09:00[Asia/Seoul]"
      "info": {
        "tenantId": "e721e2da-29ee-4782-9672-3d2b150ac1a6",
        "companyId": "e721e2da-29ee-4782-9672-3d2b150ac1a6",
        "aprvId": "23270",
        "empId": "96b02530-82de-41c8-8223-3055c74e705e",
        "aprvDt": "2019-11-14",
        "docNo": "2019-TCP01-000183",
        "title": "Work plan request - November 14, 2019",
        "content": "ddddd",
        "msg": null,
        "docStat": {
          "code": "cmplt",
          "name": "Agreement",
          "i18nNames": {
            "zh_TW": "核准",
            "ko_KR": "동의",
            "en_US": "Approve",
            "zh_CN": "审批",
            "ja_JP": "承認"
        "detailList": [
            "startDt": "2019-11-14T10:00-11:00[Pacific/Midway]",
            "endDt": "2019-11-14T12:00-11:00[Pacific/Midway]"


    Returned as HTTP status code in the response body.

    HTTP status codeResponse messageDescription
    200OKGeneral request made successfully
    400Bad RequestUsed for failed request in general (usually used to respond to a request format that the server can't understand.)
    401UnauthorizedAuthentication is required.
    403ForbiddenServer denied the request.
    404Not FoundThe requested page wasn't found.
    500Internal Server Error- Response code to general server errors
    While 4XX error codes represent client-side errors,
    5XX error codes represent server-side errors.

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