Get documents as admin v1
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    Get documents as admin v1

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    Article Summary


    This is the API to search approved documents that can be searched with admin permission.

    Search API

    It searches approved documents that can be searched with admin permission.

    Request URL


    Request header

    Header nameDescription
    x-ncp-apigw-timestamp- It indicates the time elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC in milliseconds.
    - If the time difference compared to the API Gateway server is more than 5 minutes, then the request is considered invalid.
    x-ncp-iam-access-keyAccess key ID value issued on the NAVER Cloud Platform portal
    x-ncp-iam-access-key:{Account Access Key}
    x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2Signature encrypted with the access key ID value and secret key
    x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2:{API Gateway Signature}

    Request path parameter

    ParameterTypeSizeRequirement statusDescription
    companyIdString36YLinkage key (CompanyId) Developers > Basic settings > Linkage key

    Request parameter

    ParameterTypeSizeRequirement statusDescription
    categoryIdString20NCategory ID
    dfmIdString20NForm ID
    dfmTpCdString20NForm type code
    docStatCdString50NDocument status code
    docNoString100NDocument number
    docTitleString1000NDocument title
    zoneIdString50YZoneId based on search period
    startDtString10YSearch period start date (YYYY-MM-DD)
    endDtString10YSearch period end date (YYYY-MM-DD)
    dateTypeString20NPeriod type code (drft, cmplt)
    waitEmpIdString36NApproval pending employee ID
    ingEmpIdString36NApproval requesting employee ID
    prcsdEmpIdString36NApproval obtained employee ID
    drftEmpIdString36NCreator ID
    trgtEmpIdString36NApplicant ID
    trgtDeptCdString36NApplicant department code
    delYnString1NHidden document status
    approverDocYnString1NInclusion status of document under my approval
    shareDocYnString1NInclusion status of document shared to me
    offsetlong9NDisplay offset rows first
    limitint9YDisplay as many as the number of limits
    localeString20YSearch data locale
    emailIdString100Nemail ID

    Request example

    GET /workflow/apigw/v1/company/fe5f8382-aae3-4746-8d6e-f9d0545c5a9b/mngdocs?companyId=fe5f8382-aae3-4746-8d6e-f9d0545c5a9b&startDt=2020-01-02&endDt=2020-10-02&locale=ko_KR&limit=10&zoneId=Asia/Seoul

    Response data

    ParameterTypeSizeRequirement statusDescription
    resultCodeLong36YResult code
    resultMessageLong36YResult message
    totalElementsintYNumber of entire data
    contentListYData list
    aprvDocId> Long20YApproval document ID
    companyId> String36NCompany ID
    companyNm> String1000NCompany name
    categoryId> String20NCategory ID
    categoryNm> String1000NCategory name
    dfmId> String36NForm ID
    dfmNm> String1000NForm name
    docNo> String100NDocument number
    docStatCd> String50YDocument status code
    dfmTpCd> String50YForm type code
    dfmTpNm> String1000NForm type name
    docTitle> String1000NDocument title
    shreTimeTpCd> String50NShare time code
    shreOpninCnt> intNNumber of shared comments
    shreTpCd> String50NShare type code
    drftEmpId> String36NCreator ID
    drftEmpNm> String1000NCreator name
    drftEmpStatCd> String50NCreator status code
    trgtEmpId> String36NApplicant ID
    trgtEmpNm> String1000NApplicant name
    trgtEmpStatCd> String50NApplicant status code
    drftDt> Date50NCreation date and time
    cmpltDt> Date50NInvitation completion/rejection date and time
    delYn> String1YHidden document status
    aprvLine> ListNApproval line
    aprvOrd>> intNApproval order
    aprvEmpId>> String36NApprover ID
    aprvEmpNm>> String1000NApprover name
    aprvEmpStatCd>> String50NApprover status code
    aprvStatCd>> String50NApproval status code
    aprvTpCd>> String50NApproval type code
    docUri> String1000NDocument link

    Response example (normal)

      "resultCode": "OK",
      "resultMessage": null,
      "content": [
          "aprvDocId": 30493,
          "companyId": "fe5f8382-aae3-4746-8d6e-f9d0545c5a9b",
          "companyNm": "ABC Corp.",
          "categoryId": "2004",
          "categoryNm": "Basic",
          "dfmId": "D000000003",
          "dfmNm": "General (ko)",
          "docNo": "2020_GEN01_000041",
          "docStatCd": "cmplt",
          "dfmTpCd": "8",
          "dfmTpNm": "Recruitment plan",
          "docTitle": "sdf",
          "shreTimeTpCd": "anyTime",
          "shreOpninCnt": 0,
          "shreTpCd": "partShre",
          "drftEmpId": "bee51313-5411-4a13-8850-a1db29dedf14",
          "drftEmpNm": "Sehun Lee (South Korea)",
          "drftEmpStatCd": "IN",
          "trgtEmpId": "bee51313-5411-4a13-8850-a1db29dedf14",
          "trgtEmpNm": "Sehun Lee (South Korea)",
          "trgtEmpStatCd": "IN",
          "drftDt": "2020-09-25T03:07:22.000Z",
          "cmpltDt": "2020-09-25T03:07:23.000Z",
          "delYn": "N",
          "aprvLine": [],
          "docUri": ""
          "aprvDocId": 30480,
          "companyId": "fe5f8382-aae3-4746-8d6e-f9d0545c5a9b",
          "companyNm": "ABC Corp.",
          "categoryId": "2006",
          "categoryNm": "Work",
          "dfmId": "D000000007",
          "dfmNm": "Work result request",
          "docNo": "2020_TCS01_000177",
          "docStatCd": "cmplt",
          "dfmTpCd": null,
          "dfmTpNm": "",
          "docTitle": "Work result request - September 25, 2020",
          "shreTimeTpCd": "anyTime",
          "shreOpninCnt": 0,
          "shreTpCd": "allShre",
          "drftEmpId": "18a7cd5b-d5de-4601-8fbf-5b70e5368e44",
          "drftEmpNm": "Greeny",
          "drftEmpStatCd": "IN",
          "trgtEmpId": "18a7cd5b-d5de-4601-8fbf-5b70e5368e44",
          "trgtEmpNm": "Greeny",
          "trgtEmpStatCd": "IN",
          "drftDt": "2020-09-25T02:26:57.000Z",
          "cmpltDt": "2020-09-25T02:26:58.000Z",
          "delYn": "N",
          "aprvLine": [],
          "docUri": ""
          "aprvDocId": 30478,
          "companyId": "fe5f8382-aae3-4746-8d6e-f9d0545c5a9b",
          "companyNm": "ABC Corp.",
          "categoryId": "2005",
          "categoryNm": "HR",
          "dfmId": "D000000001",
          "dfmNm": "Absence schedule (ko)",
          "docNo": "2020_TIM01_000188",
          "docStatCd": "ing",
          "dfmTpCd": "001",
          "dfmTpNm": "Annual leave",
          "docTitle": "Absence schedule (ko) - 0.187 days of annual leave September 29, 2020 (1 hour 30 minutes)",
          "shreTimeTpCd": "cmpltTime",
          "shreOpninCnt": 0,
          "shreTpCd": "partShre",
          "drftEmpId": "b113e5e0-9833-4882-8b2d-68d1c1efe79b",
          "drftEmpNm": "Gildong Hong.ko",
          "drftEmpStatCd": "IN",
          "trgtEmpId": "b113e5e0-9833-4882-8b2d-68d1c1efe79b",
          "trgtEmpNm": "Gildong Hong.ko",
          "trgtEmpStatCd": "IN",
          "drftDt": "2020-09-24T10:14:45.000Z",
          "cmpltDt": null,
          "delYn": "N",
          "aprvLine": [],
          "docUri": ""
          "aprvDocId": 30477,
          "companyId": "fe5f8382-aae3-4746-8d6e-f9d0545c5a9b",
          "companyNm": "ABC Corp.",
          "categoryId": "2005",
          "categoryNm": "HR",
          "dfmId": "D000000001",
          "dfmNm": "Absence schedule (ko)",
          "docNo": "2020_TIM01_000187",
          "docStatCd": "ing",
          "dfmTpCd": "001",
          "dfmTpNm": "Annual leave",
          "docTitle": "Absence schedule (ko) - 0.125 days of annual leave September 28, 2020 (1 hour)",
          "shreTimeTpCd": "cmpltTime",
          "shreOpninCnt": 0,
          "shreTpCd": "partShre",
          "drftEmpId": "b113e5e0-9833-4882-8b2d-68d1c1efe79b",
          "drftEmpNm": "Gildong Hong.ko",
          "drftEmpStatCd": "IN",
          "trgtEmpId": "b113e5e0-9833-4882-8b2d-68d1c1efe79b",
          "trgtEmpNm": "Gildong Hong.ko",
          "trgtEmpStatCd": "IN",
          "drftDt": "2020-09-24T10:14:33.000Z",
          "cmpltDt": null,
          "delYn": "N",
          "aprvLine": [],
          "docUri": ""
          "aprvDocId": 30476,
          "companyId": "fe5f8382-aae3-4746-8d6e-f9d0545c5a9b",
          "companyNm": "ABC Corp.",
          "categoryId": "2005",
          "categoryNm": "HR",
          "dfmId": "D000000001",
          "dfmNm": "Absence schedule (ko)",
          "docNo": "2020_TIM01_000186",
          "docStatCd": "ing",
          "dfmTpCd": "001",
          "dfmTpNm": "Annual leave",
          "docTitle": "Absence schedule (ko) - 0.062 days of annual leave September 25, 2020 (30 minutes)",
          "shreTimeTpCd": "cmpltTime",
          "shreOpninCnt": 0,
          "shreTpCd": "partShre",
          "drftEmpId": "b113e5e0-9833-4882-8b2d-68d1c1efe79b",
          "drftEmpNm": "Gildong Hong.ko",
          "drftEmpStatCd": "IN",
          "trgtEmpId": "b113e5e0-9833-4882-8b2d-68d1c1efe79b",
          "trgtEmpNm": "Gildong Hong.ko",
          "trgtEmpStatCd": "IN",
          "drftDt": "2020-09-24T10:14:19.000Z",
          "cmpltDt": null,
          "delYn": "N",
          "aprvLine": [],
          "docUri": ""
          "aprvDocId": 30474,
          "companyId": "fe5f8382-aae3-4746-8d6e-f9d0545c5a9b",
          "companyNm": "ABC Corp.",
          "categoryId": "2006",
          "categoryNm": "Work",
          "dfmId": "D000000009",
          "dfmNm": "Cancel work result request",
          "docNo": "2020_TCC01_000054",
          "docStatCd": "ing",
          "dfmTpCd": null,
          "dfmTpNm": "",
          "docTitle": "Work results of Gildong Hong.ko canceled by the admin",
          "shreTimeTpCd": "cmpltTime",
          "shreOpninCnt": 0,
          "shreTpCd": "partShre",
          "drftEmpId": "18a7cd5b-d5de-4601-8fbf-5b70e5368e44",
          "drftEmpNm": "Greeny",
          "drftEmpStatCd": "IN",
          "trgtEmpId": "18a7cd5b-d5de-4601-8fbf-5b70e5368e44",
          "trgtEmpNm": "Greeny",
          "trgtEmpStatCd": "IN",
          "drftDt": "2020-09-24T10:07:30.000Z",
          "cmpltDt": null,
          "delYn": "N",
          "aprvLine": [],
          "docUri": ""
          "aprvDocId": 30473,
          "companyId": "fe5f8382-aae3-4746-8d6e-f9d0545c5a9b",
          "companyNm": "ABC Corp.",
          "categoryId": "2006",
          "categoryNm": "Work",
          "dfmId": "D000000007",
          "dfmNm": "Work result request",
          "docNo": "2020_TCS01_000176",
          "docStatCd": "cmplt",
          "dfmTpCd": null,
          "dfmTpNm": "",
          "docTitle": "Work result request - September 24, 2020",
          "shreTimeTpCd": "anyTime",
          "shreOpninCnt": 0,
          "shreTpCd": "partShre",
          "drftEmpId": "b113e5e0-9833-4882-8b2d-68d1c1efe79b",
          "drftEmpNm": "Gildong Hong.ko",
          "drftEmpStatCd": "IN",
          "trgtEmpId": "b113e5e0-9833-4882-8b2d-68d1c1efe79b",
          "trgtEmpNm": "Gildong Hong.ko",
          "trgtEmpStatCd": "IN",
          "drftDt": "2020-09-24T10:05:39.000Z",
          "cmpltDt": "2020-09-24T10:05:41.000Z",
          "delYn": "N",
          "aprvLine": [],
          "docUri": ""
          "aprvDocId": 30471,
          "companyId": "fe5f8382-aae3-4746-8d6e-f9d0545c5a9b",
          "companyNm": "ABC Corp.",
          "categoryId": "2005",
          "categoryNm": "HR",
          "dfmId": "D000000001",
          "dfmNm": "Absence schedule (ko)",
          "docNo": "2020_TIM01_000185",
          "docStatCd": "decline",
          "dfmTpCd": "002",
          "dfmTpNm": "Business trip",
          "docTitle": "Absence schedule (ko) - 4 days of business trip July 24, 2020 - July 27, 2020",
          "shreTimeTpCd": "cmpltTime",
          "shreOpninCnt": 0,
          "shreTpCd": "partShre",
          "drftEmpId": "b113e5e0-9833-4882-8b2d-68d1c1efe79b",
          "drftEmpNm": "Gildong Hong.ko",
          "drftEmpStatCd": "IN",
          "trgtEmpId": "b113e5e0-9833-4882-8b2d-68d1c1efe79b",
          "trgtEmpNm": "Gildong Hong.ko",
          "trgtEmpStatCd": "IN",
          "drftDt": "2020-09-24T09:08:10.000Z",
          "cmpltDt": "2020-09-24T09:14:03.000Z",
          "delYn": "N",
          "aprvLine": [],
          "docUri": ""
          "aprvDocId": 30468,
          "companyId": "fe5f8382-aae3-4746-8d6e-f9d0545c5a9b",
          "companyNm": "ABC Corp.",
          "categoryId": "2005",
          "categoryNm": "HR",
          "dfmId": "D000000001",
          "dfmNm": "Absence schedule (ko)",
          "docNo": "2020_TIM01_000184",
          "docStatCd": "decline",
          "dfmTpCd": "001",
          "dfmTpNm": "Annual leave",
          "docTitle": "Absence schedule (ko) - 0.25 days of annual leave September 24, 2020 (2 hours)",
          "shreTimeTpCd": "cmpltTime",
          "shreOpninCnt": 0,
          "shreTpCd": "partShre",
          "drftEmpId": "b113e5e0-9833-4882-8b2d-68d1c1efe79b",
          "drftEmpNm": "Gildong Hong.ko",
          "drftEmpStatCd": "IN",
          "trgtEmpId": "b113e5e0-9833-4882-8b2d-68d1c1efe79b",
          "trgtEmpNm": "Gildong Hong.ko",
          "trgtEmpStatCd": "IN",
          "drftDt": "2020-09-24T08:42:27.000Z",
          "cmpltDt": "2020-09-24T08:55:53.000Z",
          "delYn": "N",
          "aprvLine": [],
          "docUri": ""
          "aprvDocId": 30467,
          "companyId": "fe5f8382-aae3-4746-8d6e-f9d0545c5a9b",
          "companyNm": "ABC Corp.",
          "categoryId": "2005",
          "categoryNm": "HR",
          "dfmId": "D000000001",
          "dfmNm": "Absence schedule (ko)",
          "docNo": "2020_TIM01_000183",
          "docStatCd": "decline",
          "dfmTpCd": "001",
          "dfmTpNm": "Annual leave",
          "docTitle": "Absence schedule (ko) - 0.125 days of annual leave September 23, 2020 (1 hour)",
          "shreTimeTpCd": "cmpltTime",
          "shreOpninCnt": 0,
          "shreTpCd": "partShre",
          "drftEmpId": "b113e5e0-9833-4882-8b2d-68d1c1efe79b",
          "drftEmpNm": "Gildong Hong.ko",
          "drftEmpStatCd": "IN",
          "trgtEmpId": "b113e5e0-9833-4882-8b2d-68d1c1efe79b",
          "trgtEmpNm": "Gildong Hong.ko",
          "trgtEmpStatCd": "IN",
          "drftDt": "2020-09-24T08:41:49.000Z",
          "cmpltDt": "2020-09-24T08:45:29.000Z",
          "delYn": "N",
          "aprvLine": [],
          "docUri": ""
      "totalElements": 481


    Returned as an HTTP status code in the response body.

    HTTP status codeResponse messageDescription
    200OKGeneral request made successfully
    400Bad RequestUse for failed general request
    Usually used to respond to a request format that the server can't understand
    4XX error codes represent client-side errors.
    401UnauthorizedAuthentication is required.
    403ForbiddenServer denied the request.
    404Not FoundThe requested page wasn't found.
    500Internal Server Error- Response code to general server errors
    5xx error codes represent server-side errors.

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    Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
    First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Enter a valid email
    Enter a valid password
    Your profile has been successfully updated.