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    Can be used in a VPC environment.


    VPC Peering instance


    private String vpcPeeringInstanceNo;
    private String vpcPeeringName;
    private String regionCode;
    private Date createDate;
    private Date lastModifyDate;
    private CommonCode vpcPeeringInstanceStatus;
    private String vpcPeeringInstanceStatusName;
    private CommonCode vpcPeeringInstanceOperation;
    private String sourceVpcNo;
    private String sourceVpcName;
    private String sourceVpcIpv4CidrBlock;
    private String sourceVpcLoginId;
    private String targetVpcNo;
    private String targetVpcName;
    private String targetVpcIpv4CidrBlock;
    private String targetVpcLoginId;
    private String vpcPeeringDescription;
    private Boolean hasReverseVpcPeering;
    private Boolean isBetweenAccounts;
    private String reverseVpcPeeringInstanceNo;


    Parameter nameRequiredTypeDescription
    vpcPeeringInstanceNoYesStringVPC Peering instance number
    NAVER Cloud Platform's identifier to identify VPC Peering instances
    vpcPeeringNameYesStringVPC Peering name
    regionCodeYesStringRegion code
    createDateYesDateCreation date format: "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ"
    lastModifyDateYesDateLast modified date format: "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ"
    vpcPeeringInstanceStatusYesCommonCodeVPC Peering instance status
    INIT (VPC Peering instance INIT status)
    RUN (VPC Peering instance RUN status)
    TERMTING (VPC Peering instance TERMTING status)
    vpcPeeringInstanceStatusNameYesStringVPC Peering instance status name
    vpcPeeringInstanceOperationYesCommonCodeVPC Peering instance OP
    sourceVpcNoYesStringRequested VPC number
    sourceVpcNameYesStringRequested VPC name
    sourceVpcIpv4CidrBlockYesStringRequested VPC IPv4 CIDR block
    sourceVpcLoginIdYesStringRequested VPC owner ID
    targetVpcNoYesStringAccepted VPC number
    targetVpcNameYesStringAccepted VPC name
    targetVpcIpv4CidrBlockYesStringAccepted VPC IPv4 CIDR block
    targetVpcLoginIdYesStringAccepted VPC owner ID
    vpcPeeringDescriptionNoStringVPC Peering description
    hasReverseVpcPeeringYesBooleanExisting status of reverse VPC Peering
    isBetweenAccountsYesBooleanVPC Peering status between accounts
    reverseVpcPeeringInstanceNoNoStringThe number of the reverse VPC Peering instance

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