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    Can be used in a VPC environment.


    NAS volume instance rating


    private String ratingTime;
    private Long volumeSize;
    private Long volumeUseSize;
    private Float volumeUseRatio;
    private Long averageVolumeSize;
    private Long averageVolumeUseSize;
    private Float averageVolumeUseRatio;
    private Long maxVolumeUseSize;
    private Float maxVolumeUseRatio;
    private Long minVolumeUseSize;
    private Float minVolumeUseRatio;
    private Long snapshotVolumeSize;
    private Long snapshotVolumeUseSize;
    private Float snapshotVolumeUseRatio;
    private Long snapshotAverageVolumeSize;
    private Long snapshotAverageVolumeUseSize;
    private Float snapshotAverageVolumeUseRatio;
    private Long snapshotMaxVolumeUseSize;
    private Float snapshotMaxVolumeUseRatio;
    private Long snapshotMinVolumeUseSize;
    private Float snapshotMinVolumeUseRatio;


    Parameter nameRequiredTypeDescription
    ratingTimeYStringRating time Format: YYYY-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ
    volumeSizeConditionalLongVolume size
    The value is assigned if the rating time is 5m (5 min).
    volumeUseSizeConditionalLongVolume usage size
    The value is assigned if the rating time is 5m (5 min).
    volumeUseRatioConditionalFloatVolume usage ratio
    The value is assigned if the rating time is 5m (5 min).
    snapshotVolumeSizeConditionalLongSnapshot volume size
    The value is assigned if the rating time is 5m (5 min).
    snapshotVolumeUseSizeConditionalLongSnapshot volume usage size
    The value is assigned if the rating time is 5m (5 min).
    snapshotVolumeUseRatioConditionalFloatSnapshot volume usage ratio
    The value is assigned if the rating time is 5m (5 min).
    averageVolumeSizeConditionalLongAverage volume size
    The value is assigned if the rating time is 6h (6 hours), 1d (1 day) or 1M (1 month).
    averageVolumeUseSizeConditionalLongAverage volume usage size
    The value is assigned if the rating time is 6h (6 hours), 1d (1 day) or 1M (1 month).
    averageVolumeUseRatioConditionalFloatAverage volume usage ratio
    The value is assigned if the rating time is 6h (6 hours), 1d (1 day) or 1M (1 month).
    maxVolumeUseSizeConditionalLongMaximum volume usage size
    The value is assigned if the rating time is 6h (6 hours), 1d (1 day) or 1M (1 month).
    maxVolumeUseRatioConditionalFloatMaximum volume usage ratio
    The value is assigned if the rating time is 6h (6 hours), 1d (1 day) or 1M (1 month).
    minVolumeUseSizeConditionalLongMinimum volume usage size
    The value is assigned if the rating time is 6h (6 hours), 1d (1 day) or 1M (1 month).
    minVolumeUseRatioConditionalFloatMinimum volume usage ratio
    The value is assigned if the rating time is 6h (6 hours), 1d (1 day) or 1M (1 month).
    snapshotAverageVolumeSizeConditionalLongAverage snapshot volume size
    The value is assigned if the rating time is 6h (6 hours), 1d (1 day) or 1M (1 month).
    snapshotAverageVolumeUseSizeConditionalLongAverage snapshot volume usage size
    The value is assigned if the rating time is 6h (6 hours), 1d (1 day) or 1M (1 month).
    snapshotAverageVolumeUseRatioConditionalFloatAverage snapshot volume usage ratio
    The value is assigned if the rating time is 6h (6 hours), 1d (1 day) or 1M (1 month).
    snapshotMaxVolumeUseSizeConditionalLongMaximum snapshot volume usage size
    The value is assigned if the rating time is 6h (6 hours), 1d (1 day) or 1M (1 month).
    snapshotMaxVolumeUseRatioConditionalFloatMaximum snapshot volume usage ratio
    The value is assigned if the rating time is 6h (6 hours), 1d (1 day) or 1M (1 month).
    snapshotMinVolumeUseSizeConditionalLongMinimum snapshot volume usage size
    The value is assigned if the rating time is 6h (6 hours), 1d (1 day) or 1M (1 month).

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