Cloud Insight overview
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    Cloud Insight overview

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    Article summary

    Available in Classic and VPC

    Cloud Insight is a NAVER Cloud Platform service that integrates and manages the performance indicators of services provided by NAVER Cloud Platform. When a failure occurs, it promptly alerts the person in charge with relevant information. The Cloud Insight service provides APIs for features such as schema, plugin, event rule, and planned maintenance in a RESTful form.

    Cloud Insight metrics

    Cloud Insight APIs allow you to centrally manage performance and operational metrics for NAVER Cloud Platform services (products) and use them for various monitoring purposes. For information on the services (products) of the NAVER Cloud Platform that provide performance/operational metrics and a detailed description of the performance/operational metrics, see the following.

    Common Cloud Insight settings

    The following describes commonly used request and response formats in Cloud Insight APIs.


    The following describes the common request format.


    The request API URL is as follows.

    Request headers

    The following describes the headers.

    x-ncp-apigw-timestampRequiredThis is the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC
    • Request is considered invalid if the timestamp differs from the current time by more than 5 minutes
    • Unix timestamp format
    x-ncp-iam-access-keyRequiredAccess key issued on NAVER Cloud Platform
    x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2RequiredBase64-encoded signature that encrypts the request information with a secret key that maps to the access key issued on NAVER Cloud Platform, using the HMAC encryption algorithm (HmacSHA256)
    Content-typeOptionalRequest data format
    • application/json
    x-ncp-region_codeOptionalNAVER Cloud Platform Region code
    • KR | SGN | JPN | USWN | DEN
      • KR: Korea Region
      • SGN: Singapore Region
      • JPN: Japan Region
      • USWN: US West Region
      • DEN: Germany Region
    x-ncp-dmn_cdOptionalNAVER Cloud Platform domain information


    The following describes the common response format.

    Response status codes

    Cloud Insight APIs use NAVER Cloud Platform's common response status codes. For response status codes common to NAVER Cloud Platform, see Ncloud API response status codes.

    Cloud Insight API

    The following describes the APIs provided by the Cloud Insight service.


    The following describes the dashboard-related APIs.

    GetDashboardListGet dashboard list
    GetDashboardWidgetImageDownload dashboard widget image file
    GetDashboardWidgetListGet dashboard widget list


    The following describes the event-related APIs.

    SearchEventSearch and get event
    SearchEventByIdGet event details with event ID and rule ID
    SearchEventCountConsoleGet the number of occurrences of an event

    Event Rule

    The following describes the event rule-related APIs.

    CopyRuleGroupCopy event rule
    CreateMetricsGrpCreate rule template (monitoring item group)
    CreateMonitorGrpCreate monitoring target group
    CreateRuleDirectlyCreate an event rule by specifying the target and items to be monitored
    CreateRuleGroupCreate event rule
    DeleteMetricGroupForceDelete all event rules related to a specific rule template (monitoring item group)
    DeleteMetricsGrpDelete rule template (monitoring item group)
    DeleteMetricsGrpByProdKeyAndIdDelete rule template (monitoring item group) with the rule template ID
    DeleteMonitorGroupForceDelete all event rules related to a specific monitoring target group
    DeleteMonitorGrpDelete monitoring target group
    DeleteRuleGroupDelete event rule
    DeleteRuleGroupByProdKeyAndIdDelete event rule with event rule ID
    GetAllMonitorGrpGet the list of monitoring target groups
    GetMetricsGroupGet details of a specific rule template (monitoring item group)
    GetMetricsGroupListGet rule template (monitoring item group) list
    GetMonitorGrpGet details of a specific monitoring target group
    GetNotificationRecipientListGet notification recipients
    GetRuleGroupGet details of a specific event rule
    GetRuleGroupByMetricGroupIdsGet event rules related to the rule template (monitoring item group)
    GetRuleGroupByMonitorGroupIdsGet event rules related to the monitoring target group
    GetRuleGroupListGet event rule list
    RemoveResourceFromRulesDelete a specific monitoring target from the event rule's monitoring target group
    SearchMetricListGet monitoring items available to the monitoring target group
    UpdateMetricsGroupEdit rule template (monitoring item group)
    UpdateMonitorGrpEdit monitoring target group
    UpdateRuleGroupEdit event rule


    The following describes the schema-related APIs.

    CreateCustomSchemaCreate user-defined schema
    DeleteProductSchemaDelete user-defined schema
    GetExtendedStatusSet/get extended metrics of an instance
    GetProductSchemaGet user-defined schema
    GetSystemSchemaKeyListGet the product key (cw_key) of the schema
    RegisterProductSchemaRegister user-defined schema
    UpdateExtendedDisableDisable the collection of extended metrics for the instance
    UpdateExtendedEnableEnable the collection of extended metrics for the instance
    UpdateProductSchemaEdit user-defined schema

    Custom Resource

    The following describes the APIs related to custom resource.

    CreateCustomResourceCreate user-defined resource
    DeleteCustomResourceDelete user-defined resource
    GetAllCustomResourceGet user-defined resource list
    GetCustomResourceGet a specific user-defined resource details
    UpdateCustomResourceEdit user-defined resource

    Planned Maintenance

    The following describes the APIs related to planned maintenance.

    CreatePlannedMaintenanceCreate maintenance schedule
    DeletePlannedMaintenanceDelete maintenance schedule
    GetPlannedMaintenanceDetailByIdGet details of a specific maintenance schedule
    GetPlannedMaintenanceListGet maintenance schedule list
    UpdatePlannedMaintenanceEdit maintenance schedule


    The following describes the plugin-related APIs.

    AddFilePluginAdd file plugin
    AddPortPluginAdd port plugin
    AddProcessPluginAdd process plugin
    GetAllFilePluginGet file plugin list
    GetAllPortPluginGet port plugin list
    GetAllProcessPluginGet process plugin list
    GetFilePluginGet file plugin for a specific instance
    GetPortPluginGet port plugin for a specific instance
    GetProcessPluginGet process plugin for a specific instance
    RemoveFilePluginDelete file plugin
    RemovePortPluginDelete port plugin
    RemoveProcessPluginDelete process plugin
    UpdateFilePluginChange file plugin settings
    UpdatePortPluginChange port plugin settings
    UpdateProcessPluginChange process plugin settings


    The following describes the server-related APIs.

    GetServersTopGet the top five servers with the highest CPU, memory, and file system usage rates


    The following describes the data-related APIs.

    SendDataSend JSON data to Cloud Insight
    QueryDataGet time-series data stored in Cloud Insight
    QueryDataMultipleGet multiple time-series data stored in Cloud Insight
    QueryWidgetDataPreviewGet widget preview data by specifying a metric


    The following describes the integration-related APIs.

    CreateIntegrationCreate integration
    DeleteIntegrationDelete integration
    GetIntegrationGet integration
    GetIntegrationListGet integration list
    UpdateIntegrationUpdate integration

    NAVER Cloud Platform provides a variety of related resources to help users better understand Cloud Insight APIs.

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