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Cloud Insight overview
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Available in Classic and VPC
Cloud Insight is a NAVER Cloud Platform service that integrates and manages the performance indicators of services provided by NAVER Cloud Platform. When a failure occurs, it promptly alerts the person in charge with relevant information. The Cloud Insight service provides APIs for features such as schema, plugin, event rule, and planned maintenance in a RESTful form.
Cloud Insight metrics
Cloud Insight APIs allow you to centrally manage performance and operational metrics for NAVER Cloud Platform services (products) and use them for various monitoring purposes. For information on the services (products) of the NAVER Cloud Platform that provide performance/operational metrics and a detailed description of the performance/operational metrics, see the following.
- Description of concepts such as metric, dimension, aggregation, and schema: Cloud Insight concepts
- Check performance/operational metrics by service (product) on NAVER Cloud Platform: Cloud Insight metrics
Common Cloud Insight settings
The following describes commonly used request and response formats in Cloud Insight APIs.
The following describes the common request format.
The request API URL is as follows.
Request headers
The following describes the headers.
Field | Required | Description |
x-ncp-apigw-timestamp | Required | This is the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC
x-ncp-iam-access-key | Required | Access key issued on NAVER Cloud Platform
x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2 | Required | Base64-encoded signature that encrypts the request information with a secret key that maps to the access key issued on NAVER Cloud Platform, using the HMAC encryption algorithm (HmacSHA256)
Content-type | Optional | Request data format
x-ncp-region_code | Optional | NAVER Cloud Platform Region code
x-ncp-dmn_cd | Optional | NAVER Cloud Platform domain information
The following describes the common response format.
Response status codes
Cloud Insight APIs use NAVER Cloud Platform's common response status codes. For response status codes common to NAVER Cloud Platform, see Ncloud API response status codes.
Cloud Insight API
The following describes the APIs provided by the Cloud Insight service.
The following describes the dashboard-related APIs.
API | Description |
GetDashboardList | Get dashboard list |
GetDashboardWidgetImage | Download dashboard widget image file |
GetDashboardWidgetList | Get dashboard widget list |
The following describes the event-related APIs.
API | Description |
SearchEvent | Search and get event |
SearchEventById | Get event details with event ID and rule ID |
SearchEventCountConsole | Get the number of occurrences of an event |
Event Rule
The following describes the event rule-related APIs.
API | Description |
CopyRuleGroup | Copy event rule |
CreateMetricsGrp | Create rule template (monitoring item group) |
CreateMonitorGrp | Create monitoring target group |
CreateRuleDirectly | Create an event rule by specifying the target and items to be monitored |
CreateRuleGroup | Create event rule |
DeleteMetricGroupForce | Delete all event rules related to a specific rule template (monitoring item group) |
DeleteMetricsGrp | Delete rule template (monitoring item group) |
DeleteMetricsGrpByProdKeyAndId | Delete rule template (monitoring item group) with the rule template ID |
DeleteMonitorGroupForce | Delete all event rules related to a specific monitoring target group |
DeleteMonitorGrp | Delete monitoring target group |
DeleteRuleGroup | Delete event rule |
DeleteRuleGroupByProdKeyAndId | Delete event rule with event rule ID |
GetAllMonitorGrp | Get the list of monitoring target groups |
GetMetricsGroup | Get details of a specific rule template (monitoring item group) |
GetMetricsGroupList | Get rule template (monitoring item group) list |
GetMonitorGrp | Get details of a specific monitoring target group |
GetNotificationRecipientList | Get notification recipients |
GetRuleGroup | Get details of a specific event rule |
GetRuleGroupByMetricGroupIds | Get event rules related to the rule template (monitoring item group) |
GetRuleGroupByMonitorGroupIds | Get event rules related to the monitoring target group |
GetRuleGroupList | Get event rule list |
RemoveResourceFromRules | Delete a specific monitoring target from the event rule's monitoring target group |
SearchMetricList | Get monitoring items available to the monitoring target group |
UpdateMetricsGroup | Edit rule template (monitoring item group) |
UpdateMonitorGrp | Edit monitoring target group |
UpdateRuleGroup | Edit event rule |
The following describes the schema-related APIs.
API | Description |
CreateCustomSchema | Create user-defined schema |
DeleteProductSchema | Delete user-defined schema |
GetExtendedStatus | Set/get extended metrics of an instance |
GetProductSchema | Get user-defined schema |
GetSystemSchemaKeyList | Get the product key (cw_key) of the schema |
RegisterProductSchema | Register user-defined schema |
UpdateExtendedDisable | Disable the collection of extended metrics for the instance |
UpdateExtendedEnable | Enable the collection of extended metrics for the instance |
UpdateProductSchema | Edit user-defined schema |
Custom Resource
The following describes the APIs related to custom resource.
API | Description |
CreateCustomResource | Create user-defined resource |
DeleteCustomResource | Delete user-defined resource |
GetAllCustomResource | Get user-defined resource list |
GetCustomResource | Get a specific user-defined resource details |
UpdateCustomResource | Edit user-defined resource |
Planned Maintenance
The following describes the APIs related to planned maintenance.
API | Description |
CreatePlannedMaintenance | Create maintenance schedule |
DeletePlannedMaintenance | Delete maintenance schedule |
GetPlannedMaintenanceDetailById | Get details of a specific maintenance schedule |
GetPlannedMaintenanceList | Get maintenance schedule list |
UpdatePlannedMaintenance | Edit maintenance schedule |
The following describes the plugin-related APIs.
API | Description |
AddFilePlugin | Add file plugin |
AddPortPlugin | Add port plugin |
AddProcessPlugin | Add process plugin |
GetAllFilePlugin | Get file plugin list |
GetAllPortPlugin | Get port plugin list |
GetAllProcessPlugin | Get process plugin list |
GetFilePlugin | Get file plugin for a specific instance |
GetPortPlugin | Get port plugin for a specific instance |
GetProcessPlugin | Get process plugin for a specific instance |
RemoveFilePlugin | Delete file plugin |
RemovePortPlugin | Delete port plugin |
RemoveProcessPlugin | Delete process plugin |
UpdateFilePlugin | Change file plugin settings |
UpdatePortPlugin | Change port plugin settings |
UpdateProcessPlugin | Change process plugin settings |
The following describes the server-related APIs.
API | Description |
GetServersTop | Get the top five servers with the highest CPU, memory, and file system usage rates |
The following describes the data-related APIs.
API | Description |
SendData | Send JSON data to Cloud Insight |
QueryData | Get time-series data stored in Cloud Insight |
QueryDataMultiple | Get multiple time-series data stored in Cloud Insight |
QueryWidgetDataPreview | Get widget preview data by specifying a metric |
The following describes the integration-related APIs.
API | Description |
CreateIntegration | Create integration |
DeleteIntegration | Delete integration |
GetIntegration | Get integration |
GetIntegrationList | Get integration list |
UpdateIntegration | Update integration |
Cloud Insight related resources
NAVER Cloud Platform provides a variety of related resources to help users better understand Cloud Insight APIs.
- Cloud Insight API guides
- Create signature: how to create a signature to add to the request header
- API Gateway User Guide: how to issue the API key to be added to the request header
- Sub Account User guide: how to issue the access key to be added to the request header
- Common Ncloud response status codes: information on common response status codes of NAVER Cloud Platform used by the Cloud Insight service
- How to use the Cloud Insight service
- Cloud Insight User Guide: how to use Cloud Insight in the NAVER Cloud Platform console
- Ncloud use environment guide: guide for VPC and Classic environments and support availability
- Introduction to pricing, characteristics, and detailed features: the summary of pricing system, characteristics, and detailed features of Cloud Insight
- Latest service news: the latest news on the Cloud Insight service
- FAQ: frequently asked questions from the Cloud Insight service users
- Contact us: Send direct inquiries for unresolved questions that aren't answered by the API guide.