Create custom attributes
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    Create custom attributes

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    Article summary

    Available in VPC

    Create a profile of custom attributes.

    When you request to create a profile, the creation process will proceed according to the following sequence.

    OrderCreation statusDescription
    Step 1registered: registeredStatus where the creation job is registered in the NCLUE system
    Step 2pending: pendingStatus where the creation job is queued in the system
    Step 3in_progress: creatingStatus where the creation job is running on the server
    Step 4
    • complete: available
    • failed: failure
    Status where the creation job has been completed
    • If the creation is successful, the status will be complete, and it can be used normally
    • If the creation fails due to an error that occurred during the operation, the status will be failed and it can't be used

    The duration of each job when creating a profile depends on the amount of data and service's available resources. To check the progress of the creation, call the Get custom attributes API and check the status field in the response body.


    This section describes the request format. The method and URI are as follows:


    Request headers

    For information about the headers common to all NCLUE APIs, see NCLUE request headers.

    Request body

    You can include the following data in the body of your request:

    nameStringRequiredProfile name
    • 1-100 characters
    feature_idStringRequiredFeature ID to apply for profiling
    keyword_setStringRequiredList of attribute keywords to check the similarity to the target user
    • Total keyword count within 1000 characters
    • Each keyword is separated by "\n"
    • <Example> running\nrun\nmarathon
    result_bucketStringRequiredName of the Object Storage bucket where the profiling result will be stored
    result_file_pathStringRequiredFile path in result_bucket to store the profiling results
    • File paths containing the following special characters can't be entered
      • &$@=;:+,?*\{}^%`[]<>~#|"'
      • Characters with ASCII codes 0 to 31 and 128 to 255

    Request example

    The request example is as follows:

    curl --location --request POST '' \
    --header 'X-NCP-APIGW-TIMESTAMP: {Timestamp}' \
    --header 'X-NCP-IAM-ACCESS-KEY: {Access Key}' \
    --header 'X-NCP-APIGW-SIGNATURE-V2: {API Gateway Signature}' \
    --data '{
        "name": "YOUR_PROFILE_NAME",
        "feature_id": "1be871f6-****-****-****-827671fa8fdb",
        "keyword_set": "Running\nrun\nmarathon\njogging\nrunning shoes\nrunning socks\nrunning app",
        "result_bucket": "YOUR_BUCKET_NAME",
        "result_file_path": "path/filename"


    This section describes the response format.

    Response body

    The response body includes the following data:

    profile_idString-Profile ID
    profile_nameString-Profile name
    feature_idString-Feature ID to profile
    feature_nameString-Feature name to profile
    keyword_setString-Attribute keyword list
    • Each keyword is separated by a comma
    created_atString-Profile creation request date and time (ISO 8601 format)
    result_bucketString-Name of the Object Storage bucket where the profiling result will be stored
    result_file_pathString-File path in result_bucket where the profiling result will be stored

    Response status codes

    For response status codes common to NCLUE, see NCLUE response status codes.

    Response example

    The response example is as follows:

        "profile_id": "a7f4f996-****-****-****-b0531230e17e",
        "profile_name": "YOUR_PROFILE_NAME",
        "feature_id": "1be871f6-****-****-****-827671fa8fdb",
        "feature_name": "YOUR_FEATURE_NAME",
        "keyword_set": "Running, run, marathon, jogging, running shoes, running socks, running app",
        "created_at": "2024-11-26T17:25:42+09:00",
        "result_bucket": "YOUR_BUCKET_NAME",
        "result_file_path": "path/filename"

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    Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
    First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Enter a valid email
    Enter a valid password
    Your profile has been successfully updated.