Create cluster

        Create cluster

        Article summary

        Available in VPC

        Create a new cluster based on the entered information.


        The following describes the request format for the endpoint. The request format is as follows:


        Request headers

        For headers common to all Ncloud Kubernetes Service APIs, see Ncloud Kubernetes Service common request headers.

        Request syntax

        The request syntax is as follows.

          "name": "String",
          "clusterType": "String",
          "k8sVersion": "String",
          "loginKeyName": "String",
          "hypervisorCode": "String",
          "regionCode": "String",
          "zoneCode": "String",
          "zoneNo": "Integer",
          "publicNetwork": "Boolean",
          "kubeNetworkPlugin": "String",
          "vpcNo": "Integer",
          "subnetNoList": [
          "subnetLbNo": "Integer",
          "lbPrivateSubnetNo": "Integer",
          "lbPublicSubnetNo": "Integer",
          "log": {
            "audit": "Boolean"
          "kmsKeyTag": "String",
          "nodePool": [
              "name": "String",
              "nodeCount": "Integer",
              "subnetNo": "Integer",
              "subnetNoList": [
              "softwareCode": "String",
              "productCode": "String",
              "labels": [
                  "key": "String",
                  "value": "String"
              "taints": [
                  "key": "String",
                  "value": "String",
                  "effect": "String"
              "serverSpecCode": "String",
              "storageSize": "Integer",
              "serverRoleId": "String"

        Request body

        The following describes the request body.

        nameStringRequiredCluster name
        • 3 to 30 characters, including letters, numbers, and the special character "-", and must begin with an English letter and end with an English letter or number
        clusterTypeStringRequiredCluster type
        k8sVersionStringOptionalKubernetes version
        loginKeyNameStringRequiredAuthentication key name
        • Enter the name of the authentication key you have
        hypervisorCodeStringOptionalHypervisor type
        • XEN (default) | KVM
        regionCodeStringRequiredRegion code
        zoneCodeStringConditionalZone code
        • Required if zoneNo is not entered
        • Check through the getZoneList action
        zoneNoStringConditionalZone number
        • Required if zoneCode is not entered
        • Check through the getZoneList action
        publicNetworkBooleanOptionalSubnet network type
        • true | false(default)
      • true: public
      • false: private
      • vpcNoIntegerRequiredNumber of VPC where the cluster will be placed in
        • Check through the console or the getVpcList action
        subnetNoList[]ArrayRequiredSubnet number list
        • Check through the getSubnetList action
        • If publicNetwork is false, enter the subnet ID of the general purpose private subnet
        • If publicNetwork if true, enter the subnet ID of the general purpose public subnet
        subnetLbNoIntegerConditional@deprecated Private subnet number dedicated to load balancer
        lbPrivateSubnetNoIntegerConditionalNumber of load balancer-only private subnet to apply to the cluster
        lbPublicSubnetNoIntegerRequiredNumber of load balancer-only public subnet to apply to the cluster
        log.auditBooleanOptionalSet audit log
        • true | false (default)
        kmsKeyTagStringOptionalKey Management Service's key tag
        nodePool[]ArrayOptionalList of NodePools to add
        nodePool[].nameStringOptionalNodePool name
        nodePool[].nodeCountIntegerOptionalNumber of nodes
        nodePool[].subnetNoIntegerOptional@deprecated Subnet number
        nodePool[].subnetNoList[]ArrayOptionalSubnet number
        • Valid range: cluster subnetNoList
        nodePool[].softwareCodeStringOptionalServer image code
        nodePool[].productCodeStringOptionalService code
        nodePool[].labels[]ArrayOptionalNode label list
        nodePool[].labels[].keyStringConditionalLabel key
        • Required when entering nodePool[].labels
        • English letters, numbers, and special characters "-", "_", "." are allowed, and the string must start and end with a English letter or number
        nodePool[].labels[].valueStringConditionalLabel value
        • Required when entering nodePool[].labels
        • English letters, numbers, and special characters "-", "_", "." are allowed, and the string must start and end with a English letter or number
        nodePool[].taints[]ArrayOptionalList of taints
        nodePool[].taints[].keyStringConditionalTaint key
        • Required when entering nodePool[].taints
        • English letters, numbers, and special characters "-", "_", "." are allowed, and the string must start and end with a English letter or number
        nodePool[].taints[].valueStringOptionalTaint value
        • English letters, numbers, special characters "-", "_", "." are allowed, and the string must start and end with a English letter or number
        nodePool[].taints[].effectStringConditionaltaint effect
        • Required when entering nodePool[].taints
        • NoSchedule | PreferNoSchedule | NoExecute
        nodePool[].serverSpecCodeStringOptionalServer type
        nodePool[].storageSizeIntegerOptionalStorage size
        • Use only for hypervisorCode KVM
        • Valid range: 100 (default) - 2000 GB
        nodePool[].serverRoleIdStringOptionalID to assign roles to NodePool servers

        Request example

        The following is a sample request.

        curl --location --request POST '' \
        --header 'x-ncp-apigw-timestamp: {Timestamp}' \
        --header 'x-ncp-iam-access-key: {Sub Account Access Key}' \
        --header 'x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2: {API Gateway Signature}' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
        --data '{
            "name": "String",
            "clusterType": "String",
            "k8sVersion": "String",
            "loginKeyName": "String",
            "hypervisorCode": "String",
            "regionCode": "String",
            "zoneCode": "String",
            "zoneNo": "Integer",
            "publicNetwork": "Boolean",
            "kubeNetworkPlugin": "String",
            "vpcNo": "Integer",
            "subnetNoList": [
            "subnetLbNo": "Integer",
            "lbPrivateSubnetNo": "Integer",
            "lbPublicSubnetNo": "Integer",
            "log": {
              "audit": "Boolean"
            "nodePool": [
                "name": "String",
                "nodeCount": "Integer",
                "subnetNo": "Integer",
                "subnetNoList": [
                "softwareCode": "String",
                "productCode": "String",
                "labels": [
                    "key": "String",
                    "value": "String"
                "taints": [
                    "key": "String",
                    "value": "String",
                    "effect": "String"
                "serverSpecCode": "String",
                "storageSize": "Integer",
                "serverRoleId": "String"


        The following describes the response format.

        Response syntax

        The response syntax is as follows.

            "uuid": "String"

        Response body

        The following describes the response body.

        uuidString-UUID of the cluster

        Response status codes

        For response status codes common to all Ncloud Kubernetes Service APIs, see Ncloud Kubernetes Service response status codes.

        Response example

        The following is a sample example.

            "uuid": "****a20e-e0fb-4dc9-af1b-97fd3f8d****"

        Was this article helpful?

        Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
        First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
        Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
        Enter a valid email
        Enter a valid password
        Your profile has been successfully updated.