Live Station 오류 코드
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Live Station 오류 코드
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오류 코드
Live Station API 요청이 잘못되었거나, 처리 도중 오류가 발생하면 HTTP 상태코드로 성공 또는 실패를 반환하고 JSON 형식으로 상세 메시지를 반환합니다.
오류 코드는 Live Station API의 공통 오류 코드와 API Gateway 오류 코드 두 가지입니다.
오류 코드 | 오류명 | 응답 메시지 | 설명 |
250000 | EXCEPTION | Unexpected error occurred. | 오류 발생 |
250001 | CUSTOM_MESSAGE | {0} | 오류 발생 |
250002 | INVALID_FORMAT | {0}: invalid value. | 요청값의 포맷이 올바르지 않음 |
250003 | REQUIRED_HEADER | Missing required header. | 필수 요청 헤더가 누락됨 |
250004 | NOT_FOUND | {0} not found. | 요청 리소스를 찾을 수 없음 |
250005 | NOT_AVAILABLE | {0} not available. | 요청 리소스 사용 불가 |
250006 | UNAUTHORIZED | Unauthorized {0}. | 요청 리소스에 권한이 없음 |
250007 | CONNECTION_FAILED | {0} connection failed. | 커넥션 연결에 실패 |
250008 | REQUEST_FAILED | Request failed. | 요청 실패 |
250009 | THIRD_SERVER_EXCEPTION | Third-party interface exception: {0}. | 내부 오류 발생 |
250010 | POLICY_CHECK_FAILED | We cannot accomplish the task as permissions are not granted for the sub account. Please modify permissions for the account through the Sub Account service. | Sub Account 권한이 충분하지 못함 |
250011 | NEED_VALUE | {0} must has a valid value | 유효한 값이 아님 |
250012 | JSON_PARSE_GENERAL_ERROR | Invalid request data,please check | 데이터가 유효하지 않음 |
250013 | OPEN_API_OK | OK | |
250014 | FORMVALIDATION_FAILED | Form validation failed | 데이터가 유효하지 않음 |
250015 | OPEN_API_UNAUTHORIZED | ACCESS_DENIED | Access denied |
250016 | INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR | Server error | 서버 오류 발생 |
250017 | OPEN_API_UNAUTHORIZED | Unauthorized | 요청 리소스에 권한이 없음 |
250018 | OPEN_API_BAD_REQUEST | Bad Request | 잘못된 요청 |
250019 | OPEN_API_UNSUPPORTED_REGION | The Region {0} not support now. | 현재 지원하지 않는 리전 |
250020 | OPEN_API_INVALID_REGION_CODE | Invalid region code {0}. | 유효하지 않은 리전 코드 |
250021 | OPEN_API_PARAM_TYPE_ERROR | Invalid parameter type.{0} can not convert to type {1}. | 유효하지 않은 파라미터 타입 |
250022 | INVALID_HTTP_HTTPS_URL | The url that you specified is not invalid format. | URL 의 형식이 올바르지 않음 |
250023 | OPEN_API_USER_NO_PERMISSIONS | {0} no permissions. | API 의 권한이 없음 |
250024 | INVALID_PAGE_SIZE | WRONG_PAGE_SIZENO_PARAMETER (valid range 1~100) | 지원하지 않는 paze_size_no 요청 |
250100 | CHANNEL_NOT_FOUND | Channel is not found | 채널을 찾을 수 없음 |
250101 | CHANNEL_IS_NOT_PUBLISHING | This channel is not publishing now | 현재 송출중인 채널이 아님 |
250102 | CHANNEL_IS_PUBLISHING | This channel is publishing | 현재 송출중인 채널 |
250103 | CHANNEL_NEVER_BEEN_PUBLISHED | This channel has never been published. | 한번도 송출되지 않은 채널 |
250104 | CHANNEL_NAME_IS_WRONG | Channel names can be entered with a minimum of 3 characters and a maximum of 20 characters. Special character “_” allowed. | 채널명이 Live Station 에서 지원하는 형식이 아님3자 이상 20자 이하, "_" 허용 |
250105 | START_TEST_PUBLISH_FAILED | Start publish failed | |
250106 | STOP_TEST_PUBLISH_FAILED | Stop publish failed | |
250107 | CDN_IS_NOT_RUNNING | This channel's CDN is not running | 이 채널의 CDN 이 동작하지 않음 |
250108 | CDN_NOT_SET_SECURE_TOKEN | CDN secure token cannot set | |
250109 | CNANNEL_CANNOT_DELETE_DUE_TO_CDN_STATUS | If CDN status is creating or changing, channel cannot be deleted. | CDN 상태가 생성 중이거나 변경 중이면 채널을 삭제할 수 없음 |
250110 | CHANNEL_CANNOT_CREATE_INSTANCE | Cannot create channel, reason: {0} | |
250111 | CHANNEL_CANNOT_CONFIGURE_NOTIFICATION_WRONG_NOTITYPE | Wrong notification type | Notification 타입이 올바르지 않음 |
250112 | CHANNEL_CANNOT_CONFIGURE_NOTIFICATION | Cannot configure Notification | |
250113 | UNAVAILABLE_CHANNEL | In order to return channel, CDN must be returned first. | |
250114 | CHANNEL_CAN_DELETE_ONLY_READY | Channel can be deleted only in 'READY' state. | READY 상태의 채널만 반납 가능 |
250115 | CHANNEL_DID_NOT_SET_DVR | The channel didn't set DVR | DVR 이 설정되지 않은 채널 |
250116 | MISSING_QUALITYSET_ID | The request did not include the required "QualitySet" | |
250117 | DUPLICATE_PLATNAME_RTMPPATH | channel.error.250117 | |
250118 | NEED_CDN_TYPE | The request did not include the required "CDN_TYPE" | |
250119 | NEED_CDN_INSTANCE_NO | The cdnInstanceNo is needed when createCdn is false. | |
250120 | WRONG_CDN_TYPE | The cdn type that you specified is not allowed: only "CDN_PLUS", "GCDN" is supported. | - 지원하지 않는 CDN 타입"CDN_PLUS", "GCDN" 만 지원 |
250121 | WRONG_IMMEDIATE_ONA_IR_SET | The request channel did not set useDvr. | |
250122 | WRONG_TIME_MACHINE_MIN_IN_SET | The timemachineMin should be 360. | timemachineMin 은 360분으로만 설정 가능 |
250123 | NOT_FOUND_CHANNELID | The specified channel Id does not exist. | 존재하지 않는 채널ID |
250124 | NOT_FOUND_CDN | The request does not allowed: You can get url only cdn status is "RUNNING" | |
250125 | NOT_FOUND_CHANNEL | The request does not allowed: You can get url only channel status is "READY" | |
250126 | INVALID_TARGET_PLATFORM_PROFESSIONAL | The number of professional type can not exceed 5 : targetPlatform is allowed between 1 and 5 | |
250127 | INVALID_PLAN_TYPE | The plan type that you specified is not allowed. | |
250128 | INVALID_TARGET_PLARFORM_STANDARD | The number of standard plan type can not exceed 3 : targetPlatform is allowed between 1 and 3 | |
250129 | INVALID_TARGET_INVALID_RTMP_URL | The input of rtmp url that you specified is not allowed | |
250130 | INVALID_WRONG_TARGET_NAME | The restream targetName value that you specified is not allowed : [STEAM, MIXER , TWITCH , YOUNOW , USTREAM , AFREECA_TV , NAVER_TV , V_LIVE, LINE_TV , PRISM, LIVESTATION, CUSTOM] ar e supported. | |
250131 | INVALID_RESTREAM_CHANNEL_NAME | The channel value that you specified is not allowed. | |
250132 | CHANNEL_CAN_UPDATE_ONLY_READY | Channel can be updated only in 'READY' state. | |
250133 | WRONG_RECORD_START_REQUEST | The request channel did not set useDvr | |
250134 | INVALID_RECORD_START_REQUEST | The request channel status is no "PUBLISHING" | |
250135 | DUPICATE_RECORD_START | The request does not allowed : the recording has been start already | |
250136 | INVALID_RECORD_START | The request does not allowed : the recording has been start already | |
250137 | WRONG_RECORD_STOP_REQUEST | The request does not allowed : the recording status is not "TRUE" | |
250138 | NEED_TIME_MACHINE_MIN | The param timemacineMin is needed when useDvr is true. | |
250139 | IMMEDIATE_ONAIR_SHOULD_FALSE | The param immediateOnair should be false when NO_RECORD set | |
250140 | CREATE_CHANNEL_CDN_RUNNING | Cdn status should be running when create channel. | |
250141 | NOT_ONAIR_STATUS | You can get time machine url only recording status is TRUE. | |
250142 | CHANNEL_NAME_NOT_NULL | ChannelName should not be null. | |
250143 | MISSING_STREAM_KEY | The request did not include the required "stream key". | |
250144 | CHANNEL_REACH_LIMIT | The creation limit is set. You can no longer create {0}. Please contact customer support or your administrator to modify the limit. Generation limit: {1} / Number of generations: {2} | 채널 생성 제약 |
250145 | CHANNEL_REACH_LIMIT_GB | The creation limit is set. You can no longer create {0}. Please contact customer support or your administrator to modify the limit. Generation limit: {1} / Number of generations: {2} | 채널 생성 제약 |
250146 | DETAIL_REACH_LIMIT | The creation limit is set. You can no longer create {0}. Please contact customer support or your administrator to modify the limit. Product Type : {1} / Generation limit: {2} / Number of generations: {3} | 채널 생성 제약 |
250147 | DETAIL_REACH_LIMIT_GB | The creation limit is set. You can no longer create {0}. Please contact customer support or your administrator to modify the limit. Product Type : {1} / Generation limit: {2} / Number of generations: {3} | 채널 생성 제약 |
250148 | LIMIT_SET | There is a restriction set on how many can be created. No more {0} can be created. | |
250149 | DUPLICATE_CHANNEL_ON | There is a restriction set on how many can be created. No more {0} can be created. | |
250150 | CHANNEL_CAN_NOT_OFF | It may be set as OFF only when the channel status is READY or PUBLISHING. | |
250151 | RECORD_FILE_DETAIL_PATH_ERROR | The detail path can be at least 1 character, up to 20 characters and must start with '/'. (include English, /, -, _, numbers) | |
250152 | VOD_CHANNEL_CAN_NOT_OFF | It may be set as OFF only when the channel status is RESERVED or PUBLISHING. | |
250153 | QUALITYSET_NOT_ALLOWED | The request qualitySet not allowed. | |
250154 | VOD_CHANNEL_BAD_STATUS_FOR_SERVICE_URL | Quality is not found. | |
250155 | VOD_CHANNEL_UPDATE_IN_INVALID_STATUS | Quality is not found. | Channel setting can be update available only in READY, RESERVED. |
250200 | SCHEDULE_MAX_FILE_SIZE | The schedule vod files size limit is 50. | |
250201 | SCHEDULE_INVALID_START_TIME | The valid start time is bigger than now+10 minutes and less than now+14 days. | |
250202 | VOD_FORMAT_NOT_VALID | The request does not allowed : it allowed only MP4 format. | |
250203 | SCHEDULE_VOD_DOWNLOAD_FAILED | Download vod files failed. | |
250204 | SCHEDULE_VOD_INVALID_FORMAT | Un-support vod file type. | |
250205 | SCHEDULE_VOD_OVER_MAX_DURATION | The total video duration over 24hours. | |
250206 | SCHEDULE_NOT_FOUND | Schedule not found. | |
250207 | SCHEDULE_EVENT_PROCESSING | schedule processing | |
250208 | SCHEDULE_EVENT_PROCESSING_FAIL | schedule processing failed | |
250209 | SCHEDULE_EVENT_CREATING | schedule creating | |
250210 | SCHEDULE_INVALID_START_TIME_FORMAT | Invalid start time format, the valid format is yyyyMMddHHmmss. | |
250211 | SCHEDULE_UPDATE_WITH_INVALID_CHANNEL_STATUS | You can update schedule when channel status is RESERVED. | |
250212 | SCHEDULE_ALREADY_BIND_CHANNEL | You can't create schedule for this channel, because a schedule has bind to the channel. | |
250213 | SCHEDULE_CREATE_INVALID_CHANNEL_STATUS | You can create schedule when channel status is READY | |
250214 | SCHEDULE_VOD_PATH_NOT_EXISTS | Invalid vod file paths : {0}. | |
250215 | SCHEDULE_UPDATE_NEED_ONE_OR_MORE_FIELD | You should request update one or more fields. | |
250300 | QUALITY_NOT_FOUND | Quality is not found. | |
250301 | QUALITYSET_ID_NOT_FOUND | The qualitySetId that you specified not found. | |
250302 | QUALITYSET_MUST_HAVE_ONLY_ONE_1080P | Quality set must have only one 1080p quality. | |
250303 | OPEN_API_SYSTEM_QUALITY_PROFILE_CANNOT_DELETE | Delete system quality profile is not allowed. | |
250304 | QUALITY_INVALID_USER_INFO | Invalid user info. | |
250305 | QUALITY_SET_FORBIDDEN_UPDATE | System resource cannot update | System 리소스는 업데이트 불가 |
250306 | RESOURCE_IN_USE | Resource is in use | 현재 사용중인 리소스 |
250307 | INVALID_SEGMENT_DURATION | The segment duration value that you specified is not allowd (exceeds valid limit or wrong type) : valid value is allowed integer value between 1000 and 10000 in 500 units is supported. (unit : milliseconds ) | |
250309 | OPEN_API_INVALID_SEGMENT_COUNT | The segment count value that you specified is not allowed (exceeds valid limit or wrong type): valid value is allowed integer between 2 and 10 | |
250311 | OPEN_API_SYSTEM_QUALITYSET_CANNOT_DELETE | Delete system quality set is not allowed. | System 리소스 삭제 불가 |
250312 | QS_NAME_RULE | Only Alphabets, Numbers and Hypen are allowed. The length must be between 3 and 20 characters. | 영문, 숫자, "-" 허용, 3자 이상 20자 |
250313 | QUALITY_SIZE_RANGE | quality size error (min:1, max:4) | Quality 는 최소 1개, 최대 4개까지 설정 가능 |
250314 | QUALITY_VIDEO_NEED_CODEC | Video codec must have a value | |
250315 | QUALITY_VIDEO_NEED_CODEC_PROFILE | Video codec profile must have a value | |
250316 | QUALITY_VIDEO_NEED_CODEC_PROFILE_LEVEL | Video codec profile level must have a value | |
250321 | Video bitrate must be greater than or equal to 1 | ||
250322 | QUALITY_VIDEO_BITRATE_SMALLER | Video bitrate must be less than or equal to 20000000 | |
250323 | QUALITY_VIDEO_BFRAME_BIGGER | Video B frames must be greater than or equal to 0 | |
250324 | QUALITY_VIDEO_BFRAME_SMALLER | Video B frames must be less than or equal to 4 | |
250325 | QUALITY_AUDIO_NEED_CODEC | Audio codec must have a value | |
250327 | QUALITY_AUDIO_NEED_SAMPLERATE | Audio sampling rate must have a value | |
250328 | QUALITY_AUDIO_NEED_CHANNEL | Audio channels must have a value | |
250333 | QUALITY_AUDIO_PROFILE_AAC_ONLY | {0} Profile only when AAC | |
250334 | QUALITY_VIDEO_BFRAME_480P | bFrames only 0 is available if resolution less than 409920(854*480) | |
250335 | QUALITY_VIDEO_BFRAME_720P | bFrames only 0,1,2 are available if resolution less than 921600 (1280*720) | |
250336 | QUALITY_VIDEO_FRAMERATE_BIGGER | Video frame rate must be greater than or equal to 1 | Video frame rate 는 1 이상으로 설정해야 함 |
250337 | QUALITY_VIDEO_FRAMERATE_SMALLER | Video frame rate be less than or equal to 60 | Video frame rate 은 60 이하로 설정해야 함 |
250341 | QUALITY_VIDEO_ONLY_BASELINE_PROFILE | Only profile 'BASELINE' available for resolution less than 921600 (1280*720) | |
250342 | QUALITY_VIDEO_SIZE_EVEN_INTEGER | Only even integer are available for video width and height | |
250343 | QUALITY_TICKTOK_INTERVAL | Interval must bigger than 0 | Interval 은 무조건 0 보다 커야 함 |
250344 | QUALITY_TICKTOK_KEY | Must input key | |
250345 | QUALITY_TICKTOK_HEADER | Must input header | |
250348 | INVALID_CONTENT_TYPE | The request did not set content-type to "application/json" | |
250351 | OPEN_API_INVALID_TIMEDMETA_INTERVAL | The timedmeta that you specified is not allowed: only integer "1000" is supported. | |
250353 | WRONG_AUDIO_CODEC | The audio codec that you specified is not allowed: only "AAC", "MP3" audio codec is supported. | |
250354 | WRONG_AUDIO_CODEC_PROFILE | The profile value of audio codec that you specified is not allowed: only profile LC is supported. | |
250355 | WRONG_AAC_AUDIO_CHANNEL | The audio channel value that you specified is not allowed: only audio channel value [0, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] are supported | |
250356 | WRONG_MP3_AUDIO_CHANNEL | The audio channel value that you specified is not allowed: only audio channel value [0, 1, 2] are supported. | |
250357 | WRONG_AUDIO_BITRATE | The audio bitrate value that you specified is not allowed(exceed valid limit or wrong type): valid value is allowed integer between 16 and 320. | |
250358 | WRONG_AAC_AUDIO_SAMPLINGRATE | The audio sampling rate that you specified is not allowed: only audio sampling rate value AAC: [8000, 11025, 12000, 16000, 22050, 24000,32000, 44100, 48000, 64000,88200,96000] are supported. | |
250359 | WRONG_MP3_AUDIO_SAMPLINGRATE | The audio sampling rate that you specified is not allowed: only audio sampling rate value MP3:[8000,11025, 12000,16000,22050,24000,32000,44100,48000] are supported. | |
250360 | WRONG_VIDEO_CODEC | The video codec that you specified is not allowed: only "H264" format is supported. | |
250361 | WRONG_VIDEO_CODEC_PROFILE | The profile of video codec that you specified is not allowed: only profile value [BASELINE, MAIN, HIGH] are supported. | |
250362 | WRONG_VIDEO_ORIENTATION | The orientation of video that you specified is not allowed: only [FIX] is supported. | |
250363 | WRONG_VIDEO_PROFILE_LEVEL | The profile level of video that you specified is not allowed. only [0] is supported | |
250364 | WRONG_PRESET_VIDEO_CODEC_REFERENCE_FRAMES | The reference frames of video that you specified is not allowed, only [1] is supported. | |
250365 | WRONG_PRESET_VIDEO_BITRATE | The video bitrate value that you specified is not allowed: video bitrate value is an integer greater than 0 | |
250366 | WRONG_PRESET_VIDEO_WIDTH | The width of video that you specified is not allowed: only width [integer between 128 and 1920] are supported. | |
250367 | WRONG_PRESET_VIDEO_HEIGHT | The height of video that you specified is not allowed: only height [integer between 96 and 1920] are supported. | |
250368 | WRONG_PRESET_VIDEO_FRAMERATE | The frame rate of video that you specified is not allowed : only frame rate value [10, 15, 23.97, 24, 29.97, 30, 50, 60] are supported. | |
250370 | WRONG_PRESET_VIDEO_RATE_CONTROL | The rate control of video that you specified is not allowed : only width [VBR, CBR] are supported. | |
250372 | MISSING_OBJECT_VIDEO | The request did not include the required "video" object | |
250373 | MISSING_OBJECT_AUDIO | The request did not include the required "audio " object | |
250374 | SYSTEM_QUALITY_PROFILE_CANNOT_DELETE | Delete system quality profile is not allowed. | System quality profile 은 삭제 불가 |
250375 | MISSING_TIMED_METADATA | The request did not include the required "timedMetadata" object.(if "enableHlsTimedMetadata": true, timedMetadata object should be included.) | |
250376 | TIMEDMETADATA_KEY_INVALID | The timedmeta that you specified of key is not allowed: only "utc" is supported. | |
250377 | MISSING_ENABLE_HLS_TIMED_META | The request did not include the required "enableHlsTimedMeta" | |
250378 | MISSING_AUDIO_BITRATE | The request do not include the required "audio bitrate" | |
250502 | RECORD_FILE_UPLOAD_ERROR | Record file upload error | 레코딩 파일을 업로드하는 중에 오류 발생 |
250504 | RECORD_FILE_CANNOT_DELETE | Can not delete Record file: {0} | 레코딩 파일 삭제 불가 |
250505 | COULD_NOT_GET_OBJS_OAUTH | Can't get objectStorage's access oAuth | Object Storage 에 접근할 수 있는 권한 획득 실패 |
250506 | RECORD_LIST_NEED_CHANNEL_ID | ChannelId param should not be null when get record list. | 레코딩 목록을 조회할 때 채널ID 파라미터 필요 |
250507 | RECORD_UPLOAD_WRONG_STATUS | Record status should be TRANSFER_READY or TRANSFER_FAIL when upload. | 레코딩 파일이 업로드를 할 수 있는 상태가 아님 TRANSFER_READY, TRANSFER_FAIL 상태일때만 가능 |
250508 | NOT_APPLY_OBJECT_STORAGE | Object storage do not apply. | Object Storage 미구독 |
250701 | INVALID_RECORDID_UPLOAD | The record id that you request upload does not exist. | |
250702 | NOT_FOUND_RECORDID | The record id does not exist. | |
250703 | INPUT_BUCKETNAME | The input bucket name that you specified is not allowed. | |
250704 | OUTPUT_BUCKETNAME | The output bucket name that you specified is not allowed. | |
250705 | BUCKET_NOT_FOUND | The input bucket name doesn't exist. | |
250706 | RECORD_FILE_NOT_FOUND | The record file not found | |
250707 | BUCKET_LOAD_ERROR | Could not find object bucket. | |
250156 | SNAPSHOT_CREATE_INVALID_CHANNEL_STATUS | Snapshot can create only in RECORDING | |
250157 | SNOASHOT_CREATE_NOT_ALLOWED | Snapshot can create since publishing minimum 1 second | |
250158 | SNAPSHOT_CANNOT_CREATE_IN_DVR_FALSE | Snapshot can not create in dvr false. | |
250159 | SNAPSHOT_NOT_FOUND | Requested snapshot not found. | |
250160 | SHORT_CLIP_FILE_PATH_ERROR | The file path should be between 1 and 800 characters. It must begin with "/" and can include English letters, /, -, _, and numbers. | |
250161 | SHORT_CLIP_INVALID_START | Invalid start time, the minimum start is 0 | |
250162 | SHORT_CLIP_INVALID_END | Invalid end time , the end time minus start time must bigger or equal to 100. | |
250163 | SHORT_CLIP_UNSUPPORTED | The request not allowed, you can create short clip when channel status READY or PUBLIHSING | |
250164 | SHORT_CLIP_CREATING | The short clip file {0} is being created. (Snapshot ID: {1}) | |
250165 | SHORT_CLIP_COMPLETED | The short clip {0} file has been created. (Snapshot ID: {1}) | |
250166 | SHORT_CLIP_PROCESSING_FAIL | Failed to create short clip file {0}. (Snapshot ID: {1}) | |
250167 | SHORT_CLIP_UPLOAD_FAIL | Failed to upload short clip {0} file. (Snapshot ID: {1}) | |
250168 | SHORT_CLIP_NOT_FOUND | Short clip not found. | |
250169 | SNAPSHOT_CREATED | Snapshot ID: {0} created. | |
250170 | SNAPSHOT_CREATE_FAILED | Snapshot ID: {0} create failed. | |
250171 | CHANNEL_SNAPSHOT_MISMATCH | The request not allowed,channel and snapshot info mismatch. | |
250172 | SHORT_CLIP_START_TIME_TOO_BIG | The request start time too big. | |
250173 | SHORT_CLIP_END_TIME_TOO_BIG | The request end time too big. | |
250174 | SNAPSHOT_EXPIRED | Short clip create not allowed: Snapshot expired. | |
250400 | CONTENT_NOT_FOUND | Content not found. | |
250401 | CURTAIN_INSERT_FAILED | Live curtain insert failed. | |
250402 | CURTAIN_REMOVE_FAILED | Live curtain remove failed. | |
250403 | HAS_INVALID_CONTENT_ID | Your request not allowed: invalid content id. | |
250404 | CURTAIN_INSERT_INVALID_STATUS | Your request not allowed: invalid status. | |
250405 | CURTAIN_CONTENT_HAS_DIFFERENT_RESOLUTION | Your request not allowed: the content you requested has different resolution. | |
250406 | CURTAIN_REMOVE_WITH_INVALID_STATUS | Your request not allowed: remove live curtain with invalid status. | |
250407 | LIVE_CURTAIN_CONTENT_CREATING | Creating curtain content. | |
250408 | LIVE_CURTAIN_CONTENT_READY | Ready curtain content. | |
250409 | LIVE_CURTAIN_CONTENT_PROCESSING_FAIL | Curtain content process fail. | |
250410 | LIVE_CURTAIN_CONTENT_DELETED | Curtain content deleted. | |
250411 | CURTAIN_CONTENT_DOWNLOAD_FAILED | Curtain content download failed. | |
250412 | CONTENT_FILE_NOT_FOUND | The input content file not found: {0}. | |
250413 | CONTENT_FILE_SIZE_TOO_BIG | The input content file size is too big,The supported max size is 100MB. | |
250414 | CONTENT_FILE_UNSUPPORTED | The input content file type unsupported. | |
250415 | CONTENT_FILE_LIMIT_TO_ONE_IMG_AND_AUDIO | Only one image,one audio supported if contains both image and audio. | |
250416 | CONTENT_CREATE_INVALID_FORMAT | The request not allowed: valid format is img or img + audio or video1,video2...videoN. | |
250417 | CONTENT_VIDEO_FILE_LENGTH_LIMIT | Your request not allowed: the video input count limit is 10. | |
250418 | CONTENT_IMAGE_FILE_LENGTH_LIMIT | Your request not allowed: the image input count limit is 1. | |
250419 | CURTAIN_INSERT_TIME_OUT_OF_RANGE | The insert time unsupported, allowed value is 1-10. | |
250420 | LIVE_CURTAIN_REQUEST_NOT_ALLOWED | Live curtain feature only support general channel and quality setting that doesn’t include bypass, audio only quality profile. | |
250421 | CONTENT_DELETE_NOT_ALLOWED | The content can't be deleted during CREATING. | |
250422 | LIVE_CURTAIN_STARTED_ALREADY | Live curtain has started already. | |
250423 | CONTENT_IN_USING | Your request not allowed, content is in using. |
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