- 印刷する
- 印刷する
Live Stationで使用する画質を生成するAPIです。 生成した画質照会のために、画質リスト照会APIと画質情報照会APIを提供します。
ヘッダ名 | 必須可否 | 説明 |
x-ncp-apigw-timestamp | YES | 1970年1月1日 00:00:00 協定世界時(UTC)からの経過時間をミリセカンド(Millisecond)で表し、API Gatewayサーバとの時間差が5分以上の場合は無効なリクエストとしてみなす。x-ncp-apigw-timestamp:{Timestamp} |
x-ncp-iam-access-key | YES | Naverクラウドプラットフォームポータルで発行されたAccess Key IDの値x-ncp-iam-access-key:{Sub Account Access Key} |
x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2 | YES | Access Key ID値とSecret Keyで暗号化した署名x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2:{API Gateway Signature} |
Content-Type | YES | Request body content typeをapplication/jsonに指定Content-Type: application/json |
x-ncp-region_code | YES | リージョン·コード (KR) |
フィールド名 | 必須 | タイプ | 制約事項 | 説明 |
name | Yes | String | 画質名は、数字、英語で最小3文字以上、最大20文字まで入力可能です。特殊文字"-" 許容 | |
type | Yes | String | NORMAL, AUDIO | |
video | Yes | Object | ||
video.codec | Yes | String | H264 | |
video.profile | Yes | String | BASELINE, MAIN, HIGH if user’s frame size (width x height) is bigger than 921600, All options are available if user’s frame size (width x height) smaller than 921600 (1280*720), High, Main Profile option should be disabled. | |
video.level | Yes | Integer | -1 でのみ設定可能 | AUTO: -1 |
video.width | Yes | Integer | 16 ~ 4096 Even integer value between 128 and 1920 | |
video.height | Yes | Integer | 16 ~ 4096 Even integer value between 96 and 1920 | |
video.fps | Yes | Decimal | 1 ~ 60 fps | |
video.bitrate | Yes | Integer | 1 ~ 204800000 bps | Unit: bps |
video.videoH264ParamRefFrames | No | Integer | 1 | |
video.rateControl | No | String | VBR, CBR | defaut : VBR |
video.bframes | No | Integer | 0 ~ 4 の間整数 validation check by resolution if user’s frame size (width x height) is 921600 ~ 2073600 (19201080), all options are available (0,1,2,3,4) if user’s frame size (width x height) smaller than 921600 (1280720), 3,4 option should be disabled if user’s frame size (width x height) smaller than 409920 (854*480), 1 ,2,3,4 option should be disabled. | default : 0 |
video.bypass | No | Boolean | true, false | default : false |
audio | Yes | Object | ||
audio.codec | Yes | String | AAC , MP3 | |
audio.profile | Yes | String | LC | AAC-LC (Profile only when AAC) |
audio.samplerate | Yes | Integer | オーディオsamplerate値 (in Hz.) AAC : [8000, 11025, 12000, 16000, 22050, 24000, 32000, 44100, 48000, 64000, 88200, 96000] MP3 : [8000, 11025, 12000, 16000, 22050, 24000, 32000, 44100, 48000] | 44100 |
audio.channels | Yes | Integer | AAC : 0 ~ 8 MP3 : 0 ~ 2 | 0 |
audio.bitrate | Yes | Integer | 16 ~ 320 kbps | Unit: kbps |
audio.bypass | Yes | Boolean | true, false | Bypass 設定, audio stream を Bypass mode で動作するかどうか default: false |
フィールド名 | タイプ | 説明 | 備考 |
id | Integer | Quality ID | |
status | String | CREATED | |
createdTime | Integer | ||
genType | String | CUSTOM | |
name | String | ||
type | String | NORMAL, AUDIO | |
video | Object | ||
video.fps | Float | ||
video.bitrate | Integer | ||
video.bframes | Integer | ||
video.level | Integer | ||
video.width | Integer | ||
video.height | Integer | ||
video.codec | String | H264 | |
video.profile | String | BASELINE, MAIN, HIGH | |
video.rateControl | String | CBR, VBR | |
audio | Object | ||
audio.codec | String | AAC, MP3 | |
audio.profile | String | LC | |
audio.samplerate | Integer | ||
audio.channels | Integer | ||
audio.bitrate | Integer | ||
audio.bypass | Boolean |
Live Station APIリクエストが誤っているか、処理中にエラーが発生するとHTTPステータスコードで成功/失敗を返却し、JSON形式で詳細メッセージを返却します。
エラーコードはLive Station APIの'共通エラーコード'と'API Gatewayエラーコード'の2つです。
エラーコード | レスポンスメッセージ | 説明 |
250000 | Unexpected error occurred. | エラーが発生しました。 |
250001 | {0} | エラーが発生しました。 |
250002 | {0}: invalid value. | リクエスト値のフォーマットが正しくありません。 |
250003 | Missing required header. | 必須要請ヘッダーが抜けました。 |
250004 | {0} not found. | リクエストリソースが見つかりません。 |
250005 | {0} not available. | リクエストリソースを使用できません。 |
250006 | Unauthorized {0}. | リクエストリソースに権限がありません。 |
250007 | {0} connection failed. | コネクション接続に失敗しました。 |
250008 | Request failed. | リクエストに失敗しました。 |
250009 | Third-party interface exception: {0}. | 内部エラーが発生しました。 |
250010 | We cannot accomplish the task as permissions are not granted for the sub account. Please modify permissions for the account through the Sub Account service. | Sub Account権限が十分ではありません。 |
250011 | {0} must has a valid value | 有効な値ではありません。 |
250012 | Invalid request data,please check | データが有効ではありません。 |
250013 | OK | |
250014 | Form validation failed | データが有効ではありません。 |
250015 | Access denied | 接近できません。 |
250016 | Server error | サーバエラーが発生しました。 |
250017 | Unauthorized | リクエストリソースに権限がありません。 |
250018 | Bad Request | 誤った要請です。 |
250019 | The Region {0} not support now. | 現在サポートしていないリージョンです。 |
250020 | Invalid region code {0}. | 無効なリージョンコードです。 |
250021 | Invalid parameter type.{0} can not convert to type {1}. | 無効なパラメ一夕タイプです。 |
250022 | The url that you specified is not invalid format. | URL の形式が正しくありません。 |
250100 | Channel is not found | チャンネルが見つかりません。 |
250101 | This channel is not publishing now | 現在送出中のチャンネルではありません。 |
250102 | This channel is publishing | 現在送出中のチャンネルです。 |
250103 | This channel has never been published. | 一度も送出されたことのないチャンネルです。 |
250104 | Channel names can be entered with a minimum of 3 characters and a maximum of 20 characters. Special character “_” allowed. | チャンネル名がLive Stationでサポートする形式ではありません。3文字以上20文字以下、"_"許容 |
250105 | Start publish failed | |
250106 | Stop publish failed | |
250107 | This channel's CDN is not running | このチャンネルのCDNが動作しません。 |
250108 | CDN secure token cannot set | |
250109 | If CDN status is creating or changing, channel cannot be deleted. | CDN状態が生成中または変更中であればチャンネルを削除できません。 |
250110 | Cannot create channel, reason: {0} | |
250111 | Wrong notification type | Notification タイプが正しくありません。 |
250112 | Cannot configure Notification | |
250113 | In order to return channel, CDN must be returned first. | |
250114 | Channel can be deleted only in 'READY' state. | READY状態のCHANNELのみ返却できます。 |
250115 | The channel didn't set DVR | DVR が設定されていないチャンネルです。 |
250116 | The request did not include the required "QualitySet" | |
250118 | The request did not include the required "CDN_TYPE" | |
250119 | The cdnInstanceNo is needed when createCdn is false. | |
250120 | The cdn type that you specified is not allowed: only "CDN_PLUS", "GCDN" is supported. | 対応していないCDNタイプです。"CDN_PLUS", "GCDN"のみ支援 |
250121 | The request channel did not set useDvr. | |
250122 | The timemachineMin should be 360. | timemachineMinは360分でのみ設定できます。 |
250123 | The specified channel Id does not exist. | 存在しないチャンネルIDです。 |
250124 | The request does not allowed: You can get url only cdn status is "RUNNING" | |
250125 | The request does not allowed: You can get url only channel status is "READY" | |
250126 | The number of professional type can not exceed 5 : targetPlatform is allowed between 1 and 5 | |
250127 | The plan type that you specified is not allowed. | |
250128 | The number of standard plan type can not exceed 3 : targetPlatform is allowed between 1 and 3 | |
250129 | The input of rtmp url that you specified is not allowed | |
250130 | The restream targetName value that you specified is not allowed : [STEAM, MIXER , TWITCH , YOUNOW , USTREAM , AFREECA_TV , NAVER_TV , V_LIVE, LINE_TV , PRISM, LIVESTATION, CUSTOM] ar e supported. | |
250131 | The channel value that you specified is not allowed. | |
250133 | The request channel did not set useDvr | |
250134 | The request channel status is no "PUBLISHING" | |
250135 | The request does not allowed : the recording has been start already | |
250136 | The request does not allowed : the recording has been start already | |
250137 | The request does not allowed : the recording status is not "TRUE" | |
250138 | The param timemacineMin is needed when useDvr is true. | |
250139 | The param immediateOnair should be false when useDvr is false. | |
250140 | Cdn status should be running when create channel. | |
250141 | You can get time machine url only recording status is TRUE. | |
250142 | ChannelName should not be null. | |
250143 | The request did not include the required "stream key". | |
250300 | Quality is not found. | |
250301 | The qualitySetId that you specified not found. | |
250302 | Quality set must have only one 1080p quality. | |
250303 | Delete system quality profile is not allowed. | |
250304 | Invalid user info. | |
250305 | System resource cannot update | Systemリソースはアップデートできません。 |
250306 | Resource is in use | 現在使用中のリソースです。 |
250307 | The segment duration value that you specified is not allowd (exceeds valid limit or wrong type) : valid value is allowed integer value between 1000 and 10000 in 500 units is supported. (unit : milliseconds ) | |
250309 | The segment count value that you specified is not allowed (exceeds valid limit or wrong type): valid value is allowed integer between 2 and 10 | |
250311 | Delete system quality set is not allowed. | Systemリソースは削除できません。 |
250312 | Only Alphabets, Numbers and Hypen are allowed. The length must be between 3 and 20 characters. | 英文、数字、"-"許容、3者以上20字 |
250313 | quality size error (min:1, max:4) | Qualityは最低1つ、最大4つまで設定することができます。 |
250314 | Video codec must have a value | |
250315 | Video codec profile must have a value | |
250316 | Video codec profile level must have a value | |
250321 | Video bitrate must be greater than or equal to 1 | |
250322 | Video bitrate must be less than or equal to 20000000 | |
250323 | Video B frames must be greater than or equal to 0 | |
250324 | Video B frames must be less than or equal to 4 | |
250325 | Audio codec must have a value | |
250327 | Audio sampling rate must have a value | |
250328 | Audio channels must have a value | |
250333 | {0} Profile only when AAC | |
250334 | bFrames only 0 is available if resolution less than 409920(854*480) | |
250335 | bFrames only 0,1,2 are available if resolution less than 921600 (1280*720) | |
250336 | Video frame rate must be greater than or equal to 1 | Videoframerateは1以上に設定する必要があります。 |
250337 | Video frame rate be less than or equal to 60 | Videoframerateは60以下に設定する必要があります。 |
250338 | Audio channels must be greater than or equal to 0 | オーディオチャンネルは0以上に設定する必要があります。 |
250339 | Audio channels must be less than or equal to 8 | オーディオチャンネルは8以下に設定する必要があります。 |
250341 | Only profile 'BASELINE' available for resolution less than 921600 (1280*720) | |
250342 | Only even integer are available for video width and height | |
250343 | Interval must bigger than 0 | Intervalは無条件で0より大きい必要があります。 |
250344 | Must input key | |
250345 | Must input header | |
250348 | The request did not set content-type to "application/json" | |
250351 | The timedmeta that you specified is not allowed: only integer "1000" is supported. | |
250353 | The audio codec that you specified is not allowed: only "AAC", "MP3" audio codec is supported. | |
250354 | The profile value of audio codec that you specified is not allowed: only profile LC is supported. | |
250355 | The audio channel value that you specified is not allowed: only audio channel value [0, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] are supported | |
250356 | The audio channel value that you specified is not allowed: only audio channel value [0, 1, 2] are supported. | |
250357 | The audio bitrate value that you specified is not allowed(exceed valid limit or wrong type): valid value is allowed integer between 16 and 320. | |
250358 | The audio sampling rate that you specified is not allowed: only audio sampling rate value AAC: [8000, 11025, 12000, 16000, 22050, 24000,32000, 44100, 48000, 64000,88200,96000] are supported. | |
250359 | The audio sampling rate that you specified is not allowed: only audio sampling rate value MP3:[8000,11025, 12000,16000,22050,24000,32000,44100,48000] are supported. | |
250360 | The video codec that you specified is not allowed: only "H264" format is supported. | |
250361 | The profile of video codec that you specified is not allowed: only profile value [BASELINE, MAIN, HIGH] are supported. | |
250362 | The orientation of video that you specified is not allowed: only [FIX] is supported. | |
250363 | The profile level of video that you specified is not allowed. only [0] is supported | |
250364 | The reference frames of video that you specified is not allowed, only [1] is supported. | |
250365 | The video bitrate value that you specified is not allowed: video bitrate value is an integer greater than 0 | |
250366 | The width of video that you specified is not allowed: only width [integer between 128 and 1920] are supported. | |
250367 | The height of video that you specified is not allowed: only height [integer between 96 and 1920] are supported. | |
250368 | The frame rate of video that you specified is not allowed : only frame rate value [10, 15, 23.97, 24, 29.97, 30, 50, 60] are supported. | |
250370 | The rate control of video that you specified is not allowed : only width [VBR, CBR] are supported. | |
250372 | The request did not include the required "video" object | |
250373 | The request did not include the required "audio " object | |
250374 | Delete system quality profile is not allowed. | System quality profile は削除できません。 |
250375 | The request did not include the required "timedMetadata" object.(if "enableHlsTimedMetadata": true, timedMetadata object should be included.) | |
250376 | The timedmeta that you specified of key is not allowed: only "utc" is supported. | |
250377 | The request did not include the required "enableHlsTimedMeta" | |
250378 | The request do not include the required "audio bitrate" | |
250500 | Record filename is not valid : {0} | レコーディング·ファイル名が有効ではありません。 |
250501 | Record filename is not found : {0} | レコーディングファイルが見つかりません。 |
250502 | Record file upload error | レコーディングファイルをアップロード中にエラーが発生しました。 |
250504 | Can not delete Record file: {0} | レコーディングファイルは削除できません。 |
250505 | Can't get objectStorage's access oAuth | Object Storageにアクセスできる権限獲得に失敗しました。 |
250506 | ChannelId param should not be null when get record list. | レコーディングリストを照会するとき、CHANNEL IDパラメータが必要です。 |
250507 | Record status should be TRANSFER_READY or TRANSFER_FAIL when upload. | レコーディング·ファイルがアップロードできる状態ではありません。 TRANSFER_READY, TRANSFER_FAIL 状態の時のみ可能 |
250600 | Number must bigger than or equal to 1 | |
250700 | The record id has been requested already. | |
250701 | The record id that you request upload does not exist. | |
250702 | The record id does not exist. | |
250703 | The input bucket name that you specified is not allowed. | |
250704 | The output bucket name that you specified is not allowed. | |
250705 | The input bucket name doesn't exist. |