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        Article summary

        Request file export to Cloud Data Box.

        POST https://{endpoint}/export/apply-file-export


        Request parameters

        Parameter nameRequiredTypeRestrictionsDescription
        dataBoxNoYesIntegerData box number
        nasInstanceNoYesIntegerExport source NAS instance number
        bucketNameYesStringExport destination bucket name
        fileList.nameYesStringExport source file name
        fileList.descriptionYesStringExport source file description
        fileList.typeYesStringExport source file type

        1. TABLE: text file separated by separators
        2. IMAGE: image file
        3. MODEL: analytic model file
        4. LICENCE: license file
        fileList.tableDetailConditionalStringDetails of separators in TABLE type file

        1. TAB: tab separator
        2. SPACE: space separator
        3. COMMA: comma separator
        4. CUSTOM: custom separator
        fileList.delimiterConditionalStringTABLE type CUSTOM separator details
        fileList.imageDetailConditionalStringIMAGE file type extension

        1. BMP: .bmp file
        2. GIF: .gif file
        3. JPEG: .jpeg file
        4. TIFF: .tiff file
        fileList.modelDetailConditionalStringMODEL analytic model type

        1. TENSORFLOW: TensorFlow analytic file
        2. PYTORCH: PyTorch analytic file
        3. SCIKIT_LEARN: scikit-learn analytic file
        4. R: R analytic file
        fileList.modelVersionConditionalStringMODEL analytic model version


        HTTP status codeDescription
        400Request information error
        401Authentication failed
        403No permission for request information
        404Resource does not exist
        500Server error


        Request example

          "dataBoxNo": 1,
          "bucketName": "export-bucket",
          "fileList": [
              "name": "test.csv",
              "description": "CSV file for testing",
              "type": "TABLE",
              "tableDetail": "COMMA"
          "nasInstanceNo": 12345

        Response example

          "totalCount": 1,
          "content": [
              "exportNo": 1,
              "nasInstanceNo": 12345,
              "bucketName": "export-bucket",
              "nasName": "nasw1",
              "fileName": "test.csv",
              "status": "Approved (bucket transfer completed)"
        totalCountYesIntegerTotal number of export requests
        exportNoYesStringExport request number
        nasInstanceNoYesStringExport source NAS instance number
        nasNameYesStringExport source NAS name
        bucketNameYesStringExport destination bucket name
        fileNameYesStringExport file name
        statusYesStringExport status

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