API overview

        API overview

        Article summary

        Available in Classic and VPC

        NAVER Cloud Platform provides Application Program Interfaces (API) and Software Development Kits (SDK) for effective use of its service and solutions. According to the action, parameter values can be entered, registered, modified, deleted, and searched. They can also be utilized for automation of service and operation tools. In general, they are in the form of API URL that responds in XML and JSON format. They are largely categorized into basic APIs, compatible APIs, and linkage APIs.

        A variety of APIs provided by NAVER Cloud Platform

        The following describes the three types of APIs provided by NAVER Cloud Platform.

        • Basic API: NAVER Cloud Platform APIs (Ncloud APIs) that can manage certain services of NAVER Cloud Platform. Refers to all APIs that are not compatible APIs or linkage APIs.
        • Compatible API: NAVER Cloud Platform's APIs that are compatible with APIs of other companies. Includes Object Storage API, which is compatible with AWS S3, and Archive Storage API, which is compatible with OpenStack Swift.
        • Linkage API: APIs that enables easy utilization of NAVER's AI and application services with simplified calls. Includes CLOVA, Papago, and Maps APIs.

        API guide information

        The API guide consists of the following topics that will help you to effectively use various APIs of NAVER Cloud Platform. The content that users can view in each topic is as follows.

        • API overview: API guide and common information, calling and authentication method by API classification, and request and response data type information
          • API overview: API guide, introduction to NAVER Cloud Platform API, Object Storage API, Archive Storage API, and NAVER linkage API, related resources helpful for the use, and FAQ
          • Calling and authenticating API: introduction of calling and authentication method by API classification and check support information
            • Basic API: introduction of calling and authentication method, check supported API and SDK information, and download SDK
            • Compatible API: introduction of calling and authentication method, check supported API information
            • Linkage API: introduction of calling and authentication method, check supported API information
          • API data type: information of available API request and response data types for each platform
            • VPC: information on commonly used API data types in the VPC environment
            • Classic: information on commonly used API data types in the Classic environment
        • Platform: introduction and usage methods of API references related to NAVER Cloud Platform's service billing and API references related to region information
        • Compute: introduction and usage methods of API references for each service of Compute
        • Containers: introduction and usage methods of API references for each service of Containers
        • Storage: introduction and usage methods of API references for each service of Storage
        • Networking: introduction and usage methods of API references for each service of Networking
        • Database: introduction and usage methods of API references for each service of Database
        • Security: introduction and usage methods of API references for each service of Security
        • AI Service: introduction and usage methods of API references for each service of AI Service
        • Application Service: introduction and usage methods of API references for each service of Application Service
        • AI·NAVER API: introduction and usage methods of API references for each service of AI·NAVER
        • Big Data & Analytics: introduction and usage methods of API references for each service of Big Data & Analytics
        • Blockchain: introduction and usage methods of API references for each service of Blockchain
        • Business Applications: introduction and usage methods of API references for each service of Business Applications
        • Content Delivery: introduction and usage methods of API references for each service of Content Delivery
        • Developer Tools: introduction and usage methods of API references for each service of Developer Tools
        • Gaming: introduction and usage methods of API references for each service of Gaming
        • Internet of Things: introduction and usage methods of API references for each service of Internet of Things
        • Management & Governance: introduction and usage methods of API references for each service of Management & Governance
        • Media: introduction and usage methods of API references for each service of Media
        • Migration: introduction and usage methods of API references for each service of Migration

        NAVER Cloud Platform provides a variety of related resources as well as guides to help users better understand API. The resources related to API are as follows.

        • Utilize NAVER Cloud Platform API: introduction, structure, and utilization methods of NAVER Cloud Platform's Ncloud API and demonstration training videos
        • Dig into AI/Application services: introduction, structure, and utilization methods of NAVER linkage API and demonstration training videos
        • API development and business logic execution through API Gateway: utilization methods of API Gateway, which provides stable API calls, traffic management, and monitoring
        • API Gateway Guide: usage methods of NAVER Cloud Platform's API Gateway, which can create RESTful APIs to perform maintenance, usage control, and monitoring jobs
        • API Workflow Guide: usage methods of NAVER Cloud Platform's API Workflow, which can quickly implement new microservices by combining NAVER Cloud Platform's APIs or HTTP-based APIs.
        • Application Guide: how to register applications from the console to issue the authentication key required for the use of NAVER Cloud Platform's APIs and features provided by applications
        • CLI Guide: CLI guide for each service of NAVER Cloud Platform
        • FAQ: frequently asked questions by CLI users
        • Contact us: direct inquiry in case of unresolved questions that are not answered by the CLI guide

        Please check FAQs first.

        You can get your questions answered quickly with the answers in the FAQ before reading the API guide. If you haven't found the answer to your question in the FAQ below, then search the API guide for what you would like to know.

        Q. How can I use an API?
        A. Check the access key and secret key of the created authentication key, and add them to the header value, which is used for calling an API. Refer to the API guide for more details.

        Q. Where can I check the created API authentication key?
        A. You can check the API authentication key in Manage account > Manage authentication key from the My Page menu, which appears after you log in to the NAVER Cloud Platform portal. For more information on using Manage authentication key, refer to the Portal and console guide.

        Q. How can I check the related operations that use a specific API data type?
        A. Enter the related operation in the search window provided by the API guide, and then check the search result.

        Q. Am I charged for calling an API of another user?
        A. The fees are charged to the user who registered the API, rather than the user who called the API.

        Q. I can't find a service category named AI·NAVER API from the NAVER Cloud Platform portal.
        A. The NAVER Cloud Platform portal simply categorizes NAVER's AI and application services into AI services and Application Services to help users better understand. However, in the console, they are categorized into following three categories for the user convenience: AI services, Application Services, and AI·NAVER API.

        Q. What is the cause of the error that occurs when calling the Open API?
        A. It could be an API Gateway authentication error or an error from the service. If it is an API Gateway authentication error, check if there are any issues in signature creation, request header, and server time synchronization, by referring to the API Guide of API Gateway. If it is not an API Gateway authentication error, refer to the API guide of the applicable service. If Open API errors still occur despite having reviewed all causes, click the Support > Support center > Contact us menus in that order from the NAVER Cloud Platform portal to make an inquiry.

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