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    Article summary

    Available in Classic and VPC

    View the metadata of a stored object.


    The following describes the request format for the endpoint. The request format is as follows.


    Request headers

    The following describes the headers.

    X-Auth-TokenStringOptionalValue of the issued token
    X-NewestBooleanOptionalSet whether to respond with information from the most recent replica
    • true | false
      • true: Query all replicas and respond with information from the most recent replica
    • If the header is omitted, respond with the fastest information available
    If-MatchStringOptionalETag condition header
    If-None-MatchStringOptionalETag condition header
    If-Modified-SinceStringOptionalLast-Modified condition header
    If-Unmodified-SinceStringOptionalLast-Modified condition header

    Request path parameters

    The following describes the parameters.

    project_idStringRequiredProject ID
    containerStringRequiredName of the container where the target object will be stored
    objectStringRequiredTarget object name

    Request example

    The following is a sample request.

    curl -L -I 'https://kr.archive.ncloudstorage.com/v1/AUTH_{project_id}/{container}/{object}' \
    -H 'X-Auth-Token: {token}' \
    -H 'X-Newest: true'


    The following describes the response format.

    Response headers

    The following describes the headers.

    Content-TypeString-MIME type of the response result
    Content-LengthString-Length of the response result (bytes)
    X-Object-Meta-{name}String-Object metadata
    • {name} part is the metadata's key
    • Header value is the metadata value
    Cache-ControlString-Caching rules for requests and responses
    ETagString-ETag header value
    Last-ModifiedString-Most recent modification time of the object (UTC)
    X-TimestampString-Response time for the request (Unix timestamp)
    Content-DispositionString-Browser's response handling method
    Content-EncodingString-Object's encoding method
    X-Delete-AtInteger-Scheduled deletion time when automatic deletion of objects is enabled (Unix timestamp)
    X-Object-ManifestString-Response for large objects (SLOs)
    • It displays the part's storage path
    X-Static-Large-ObjectBoolean-Whether it's a large object (SLO)
    • true | false
      • true: The object is the manifest of a large object
    Accept-RangesString-Whether the server honors a partial scope request from a client
    X-Trans-IdString-Transaction ID of the request
    X-Openstack-Request-IdString-Transaction ID of the request
    • Identical to X-Trans-Id
    DateString-Response time for the request (UTC)

    Response status codes

    The following describes the response status codes.

    HTTP status codeCodeMessageDescription
    200-OKRequest succeeded

    Response example

    The following is a sample response.

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Length: 10485760
    Accept-Ranges: bytes
    Last-Modified: Mon, 17 Sep 2018 07:43:40 GMT
    Etag: f1c9645dbc14efddc7d8a322685f26eb
    X-Timestamp: 1537170219.48936
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    X-Trans-Id: tx9cdb2e24ab934e55aebd6-005b9f6a91
    X-Openstack-Request-Id: tx9cdb2e24ab934e55aebd6-005b9f6a91
    Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2018 08:49:21 GMT

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