Create search engine cluster

        Create search engine cluster

        Article summary

        Available in VPC

        Create a search engine cluster.


        Request URL

        POST [KR]
        POST [SGN]
        POST [JPN]

        Request headers

        Header nameDescription
        x-ncp-apigw-timestamp- It indicates the elapsed time in milliseconds since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC
        - Request is considered invalid if the timestamp differs from the current time by more than 5 minutes
        x-ncp-iam-access-keyValue of access key ID issued in the NAVER Cloud Platform portal
        x-ncp-iam-access-key:{Account Access Key}
        x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2Signature encrypted with the access key ID value and secret key
        x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2:{API Gateway Signature}
        Content-TypeSpecify the request body content type as application/json
        Content-Type: application/json

        Request parameter

        clusterNameStringY- Cluster name
        Can only be composed of lowercase English letters, numbers, and non-consecutive hyphens (-)
        It must start with an English letter and end with an English letter or a number
        searchEngineVersionCodeStringY- Search engine version to use
        Can be obtained through the getSearchEngineVersionList action
        searchEngineDashboardPortStringY- HTTP port of search engine dashboard (Kibana or OpenSearch dashboard)
        Ports 9090, 9200, and 9300 are unavailable
        Only ports between 1025 and 65534 can be used
        searchEngineUserNameStringY- Search engine dashboard access ID
        Can only be composed of lowercase English letters, numbers, and non-consecutive hyphens (-)
        It must start with an English letter and end with an English letter or a number
        searchEngineUserPasswordStringY- Search engine access password
        It must be at least 8 characters in length and contain at least one lowercase/uppercase English letter, one special character, and one number
        softwareProductCodeStringY- OS type to be used
        It can be acquired through the getOsProductList action.
        vpcNoIntegerY- VPC number to be used
        It can be acquired through the getVpcList action.
        isDualManagerBooleanYManager node redundancy status
        managerNodeSubnetNoIntegerY- Subnet number where the manager node will be located
        managerNodeProductCodeStringY- HW specifications of the manager node
        isMasterOnlyNodeActivatedBooleanYDedicated master node activation status
        masterNodeSubnetNoIntegerN- Number of the subnet where the master node will be located
        masterNodeProductCodeStringN- HW specifications of the master node
        masterNodeCountIntegerN- Number of master nodes
        3 or 5
        dataNodeSubnetNoIntegerY- Subnet number where the data node will be located
        dataNodeProductCodeStringY- HW specifications of the data node
        dataNodeCountIntegerY- Number of data nodes
        Minimum of 3 and maximum of 10 can be created
        dataNodeStorageSizeIntegerY- Data node storage capacity
        You can select a capacity from 100 GB to 2000 GB in 10 GB increments
        loginKeyNameStringY- Authentication key name to be used when connecting to the manager node using SSH

        Request example

        Content-Type: application/json
        x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2: zq0FrtlU8JZJi9esTK31bCQUNG3H+jo4CMjMkJDoWSc=
        x-ncp-apigw-timestamp: 1593848345548
        x-ncp-iam-access-key: 7fIvgFY428mtY6sY8maw
          "clusterName": "testcluster",
          "searchEngineVersionCode": "133",
          "searchEngineDashboardPort" : "5601",
          "searchEngineUserName": "test,
          "searchEngineUserPassword": "qwe123!@#",
          "softwareProductCode": "SW.VELST.OS.LNX64.CNTOS.0703.B050",
          "vpcNo": 1236,
          "managerNodeProductCode": "SVR.VELST.STAND.C002.M004.NET.SSD.B050.G001",
          "managerNodeSubnetNo": 1300,
          "dataNodeProductCode": "SVR.VELST.STAND.C002.M004.NET.SSD.B050.G001",
          "dataNodeCount": 3,
          "dataNodeSubnetNo": 1301,
          "dataNodeStorageSize": 100,
          "loginKeyName": "testkey",
          "isDualManager": true,
          "isMasterOnlyNodeActivated" : false
        curl -X POST "" \
        -H "accept: application/json" \
        -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        -H "x-ncp-iam-access-key: 7fIvgFY428mtY6sY8maw" \
        -H "x-ncp-apigw-timestamp: 1601971222179" \
        -H "x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2: zrCelnR48AADdK/uh6Xe3yy468i8KpQoewYHUmeqYh4=" \
        -d \
          "clusterName": "testcluster",
          "searchEngineVersionCode": "133",
          "searchEngineDashboardPort" : "5601",
          "searchEngineUserName": "test,
          "searchEngineUserPassword": "qwe123!@#",
          "softwareProductCode": "SW.VELST.OS.LNX64.CNTOS.0703.B050",
          "vpcNo": 1236,
          "managerNodeProductCode": "SVR.VELST.STAND.C002.M004.NET.SSD.B050.G001",
          "managerNodeSubnetNo": 1300,
          "dataNodeProductCode": "SVR.VELST.STAND.C002.M004.NET.SSD.B050.G001",
          "dataNodeCount": 3,
          "dataNodeSubnetNo": 1301,
          "dataNodeStorageSize": 100,
          "loginKeyName": "testkey",
          "isDualManager": true,
          "isMasterOnlyNodeActivated" : false

        Response parameter

        public class CreateClusterResponseVo {
                private Integer serviceGroupInstanceNo;


        Parameter nameTypeDescription
        serviceGroupInstanceNoIntegerserviceGroupInstanceNo of the cluster created

        Response example

            "code": 0,
            "message": "SUCCESS",
            "result": {
                "serviceGroupInstanceNo": 1484582
            "requestId": "2ade3f23-4ef1-48da-9385-f6740a4ad078"

        Was this article helpful?

        Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
        First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
        Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
        Enter a valid email
        Enter a valid password
        Your profile has been successfully updated.