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    Views the container (bucket) list.


    GET https://{endpoint}/swift/v1


    Request header

    Header nameDescription
    x-ncp-apigw-timestamp- Time elapsed in milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC
    - If the time difference compared to the APIGW server is more than 5 minutes, then the request is considered invalid
    x-ncp-iam-access-keyAPI Key issued from NAVER Cloud Platform or AccessKey issued from Sub Account
    x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2- A signature that encrypts the Body of the example above with the SecretKey mapped to AccessKey
    - HmacSHA256 is used as the HMAC encryption algorithm
    x-ncp-region_codeThe region code of where the bucket of the data to be migrated from another cloud to NAVER Cloud is located

    Request parameters

    Parameter nameRequirement statusTypeRestrictionsDescription
    limit (Optional)-integer-Maximum limit for the number of call results
    marker (Optional)-string-Gets the list after a specific container
    end_marker (Optional)-string-Gets the list before a specific container
    prefix (Optional)-string-Calls the container list starting with the string
    reverse (Optional)-string-Displays the list of container names in descending order
    default : false (descending)


    Response header

    X-Container-Meta-nameheaderstring- Metadata information of the container (bucket)
    - The name part of the header name serves as the metadata's key
    Content-LengthheaderstringLength of the response result (bytes)
    X-Container-Object-CountheaderintegerNumber of objects in the container (bucket)
    X-Container-Bytes-UsedheaderintegerTotal capacity size (bytes) used by the container (bucket)
    X-Container-Meta-Temp-URL-Key (Optional)headerstringSecret key value for the temporary URL
    X-Container-Meta-Temp-URL-Key-2 (Optional)headerstringSecond secret key value for the temporary URL
    X-Container-Meta-Quota-Count (Optional)headerstringLimit for number of objects in the container (bucket)
    X-Container-Meta-Quota-Bytes (Optional)headerstringCapacity limit of the container (bucket)
    X-Storage-Policy (Optional)headerintegerStorage policy value of the container (bucket)
    X-Container-Read (Optional)headerintegerREAD ACL of the container (bucket)
    X-Container-Write (Optional)headerintegerWRITE ACL of the container (bucket)
    X-TimestampheaderintegerCreated time (Unix time) of the container (bucket)
    X-Trans-IdheaderstringTransaction ID of the request
    X-Openstack-Request-IdheaderstringTransaction ID of the request (same as X-Trans-Id)
    Content-TypeheaderstringFormat of the response result
    DateheaderstringResponse time of the request (UTC)
    hashheaderstringMD5 checksum value of the object
    content_typeheaderstringType of the object

    Response bodies

    namebodystringName of the object
    countbodyintegerNumber of the object
    bytesbodyintegerSize of the object (bytes)
    last_modifiedbodystringTime the object was last changed (UTC)


    Request examples (JSON)

    curl -X GET "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "x-ncp-region-code: {regionCode}"
    -H "x-ncp-iam-access-key: {AccessKey} " 
    -H "x-ncp-apigw-timestamp: {current timestamp}" 
    -H "x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2: {generated signature}"

    Response examples

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Accept: application/json
    connection: keep-alive
    Content-Length: 2577
    Keep-alive: timeout=60
    X-Account-Bytes-Used: 786133
    X-Account-Container-Count: 6
    X-Account-Object-Count: 1
    X-Timestamp: 1634538594.09393
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    X-Trans-Id: tx274a77a8975c4a66aeb24-0052d95365
    X-Openstack-Request-Id: tx274a77a8975c4a66aeb24-0052d95365
    Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2022 11:07:18 GMT
    	"name": "test",
    	"count": 0,
    	"bytes": 0,
    	"last_modified": "2022-04-20T01:10:10.123456"

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