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Upgrade NodePool
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Available in VPC
Upgrade the version of the NodePool registered in the cluster. You can also set values in case nodes are added or become unavailable during the upgrade.
Before upgrading your NodePool, check for factors that may impact the service. For a detailed description of the check factors, see the Ncloud Kubernetes Service User Guide.
The following describes the request format for the endpoint. The request format is as follows.
Method | URI |
PATCH | /clusters/{uuid}/node-pool/{instanceNo}/upgrade |
Request headers
For headers common to all Ncloud Kubernetes Service APIs, see Ncloud Kubernetes Service common headers.
Request path parameters
The following describes the parameters.
Field | Type | Required | Description |
uuid | String | Required | Cluster's UUID
instanceNo | Integer | Required | NodePool instance number |
Request query parameters
The following describes the parameters.
Field | Type | Required | Description |
k8sVersion | String | Required | Kubernetes version to upgrade
maxSurge | Integer | Optional | Number of nodes that can be added during an upgrade
maxUnavailable | Integer | Optional | Number of nodes you can afford to take out of service during an upgrade
Request example
The following is a sample request.
The following describes the response format.
Response syntax
The response syntax is as follows.
Response body
The following describes the response body.
Field | Type | Required | Description |
uuid | String | - | UUID of the cluster |
instanceNo | Integer | - | NodePool instance number |
Response status codes
For response status codes common to all Ncloud Kubernetes Service APIs, see Ncloud Kubernetes Service response status codes.
Response example
The following is a sample response.