Auto Scaling Overview
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        Auto Scaling Overview

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        Article summary

        Can be used in a VPC environment.


        NAVER Cloud Platform provides RESTful APIs for Auto Scaling.
        Auto Scaling is a service that automatically adjusts the number of server instances depending on your service load.
        In other words, when the service load becomes too high, Auto Scaling scales up the capacity of your service to maintain performance.

        Common settings

        API URL

        Request header

        x-ncp-apigw-timestampThe number of milliseconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC.
        If the time difference compared to the API Gateway server is more than 5 minutes, then the request is considered invalid.
        x-ncp-iam-access-keyAPI key issued by NAVER Cloud Platform or access key issued by IAM
        x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2Signature used to encrypt the body with the secret key that maps with the access key.
        The HMAC encryption algorithm is HmacSHA256.


        Launch Configuration

        API nameDescription
        getLaunchConfigurationListSearch list of Launch Configurations.
        getLaunchConfigurationDetailSearch Launch Configuration details by using the Launch Configuration number.
        createLaunchConfigurationCreate Launch Configurations.
        deleteLaunchConfigurationDelete Launch Configuration. You can't delete the Launch Configuration in use set in the Auto Scaling Group.

        Auto Scaling Group

        API nameDescription
        getAutoScalingGroupListSearch list of Auto Scaling Groups.
        getAutoScalingGroupDetailSearch Auto Scaling Group details by using the Auto Scaling Group number.
        createAutoScalingGroupCreate Auto Scaling Groups.
        updateAutoScalingGroupEdit details of Auto Scaling Group and Launch Configuration set.
        deleteAutoScalingGroupDelete Auto Scaling Groups. You can't delete the Auto Scaling Group if there are remaining servers in the group.
        setDesiredCapacityEdit expected capacity settings among the details of Auto Scaling Group.
        getScheduledActionListSearch list of scaling action schedules not executed yet.
        putScheduledUpdateGroupActionCreate or edit scaling action schedules.
        deleteScheduledActionDelete scaling action schedules.
        getScalingProcessTypeListSearch list of process types for using in the process management of Auto Scaling Group.
        suspendProcessesSuspend the process of the specified Auto Scaling Group.
        resumeProcessesRestart the process of the specified Auto Scaling Group.
        getAutoScalingActivityLogListSearch list of scaling action execution logs.
        getAutoScalingPolicyListSearch list of scaling policies.
        getAdjustmentTypeListSearch list of adjustment types for scaling settings in Auto Scaling Group's policy.
        putScalingPolicyCreate or edit scaling policies.
        deleteScalingPolicyDelete scaling policies.
        executePolicyExecute specified scaling policies.

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