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    Article Summary

    Can be used in a VPC environment.


    Edit details of Auto Scaling Group and Launch Configuration set.
    Only the properties associated with the specified parameters are edited, and the rest stays the same.
    If you do not enter all the optional parameters, the results that have not been edited are searched. (No error occurs.)
    Even if the minSize, desiredCapacity, or maxSize is changed, the relationship must be maintained. (minSize <= desiredCapacity <= maxSize)
    If a new Launch Configuration is specified, it takes effect when a new server instance is created.
    An error occurs when it is called while the Auto Scaling Group is currently executing the scaling action.


    Request Parameters

    Parameter nameRequirement statusTypeRestrictionsDescription
    regionCodeNoStringRegion code
    You can decide the region of Auto Scaling Group to edit.
    You can obtain the regionCode through the getRegionList action.
    Default: Select the first region of the getRegionList search results
    autoScalingGroupNoYesStringThe Auto Scaling Group number to edit
    autoScalingGroupNo can be obtained through the getAutoScalingGroupList action.
    launchConfigurationNoNoStringLaunch Configuration number
    You can change the Launch Configuration containing the information regarding the server that will be created with scale-out.
    You can obtain the launchConfigurationNo through the getLaunchConfigurationList action.
    serverNamePrefixNoStringMin : 3, Max : 7
    Only lower case English letters, numbers, and "-" are allowed, and it has to start with an English letter.
    It must end with an English letter or number.
    You can change the prefix of a server name created by scale-out.
    The rule for a server name is [Prefix]-[English letters|number], and the remaining English letters and numbers are automatically created except for the prefix set.
    minSizeYesIntegerMin : 0, Max : 30Minimum capacity
    You can change the minimum number of Auto Scaling Group's servers. The number of servers that are larger or equal to this value is always maintained. Set it to 0 if you want no server.
    It must be less than or equal to the maxSize.
    maxSizeYesIntegerMin : 0, Max : 30Maximum capacity
    You can change the allowed maximum number of servers in the Auto Scaling Group.
    It must be more than or equal to the minSize.
    desiredCapacityNoIntegerMin : 0, Max : 30Desired capacity
    The number of servers is adjusted depending on the expected capacity value.
    The expected capacity to edit must be more than or equal to the minSize, and less than or equal to the maxSize.
    defaultCoolDownNoIntegerMin : 0, Max : 2147483647Default cooldown
    Even after a server is created, it may take some time to prepare the actual implementation of the service for various reasons, such as initialization script executions or update installations. Cooldown refers to the set time period which any monitoring event notifications occurring during or after scaling are ignored with no response to them.
    healthCheckGracePeriodConditionalIntegerMin : 0, Max : 2147483647Health check grace period
    Even though the server instance has been created and is in the "Running" status, it might not respond to the health check due to other tasks, such as server update installations. In this case, you can specify the health check grace period during so that the server is not considered to have an issue even if the health check fails.
    You must enter if you change the healthCheckTypeCode to LOADB.
    healthCheckTypeCodeNoStringHealth check type code
    You can change the health check type.
    You must enter the healthCheckGracePeriod value when the it is LOADB.
    Options : SVR (Server) | LOADB (Load Balancer)
    responseFormatTypeNoStringFormat type of the response results
    Options : xml | json
    Default : xml


    Response body


    Request example

    GET {API_URL}/updateAutoScalingGroup

    Response example


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