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    Article summary

    Available in VPC

    View the scanner that corresponds to a specific scanner ID in the user catalog.


    Request URL

    GET {DATA_CATALOG API_URL}/catalogs/{catalog-id}/scanners/{scanner-id}

    Request parameters

    Parameter nameRequiredTypeRestrictionsDescription
    catalogIdYesStringUnique catalog ID
    (See getCatalogs)
    scannerIdYesStringUnique scanner ID

    Request headers

    See the common guide

    Request example

    curl -X GET "{catalog-id}/scanners/{scanner-id}" \
        -H "x-ncp-apigw-timestamp: {x-ncp-apigw-timestamp}" \
        -H "x-ncp-iam-access-key: {x-ncp-iam-access-key}"  \
        -H "x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2: {x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2}"


    Response body

    scannerIdIntegerUnique scanner ID
    nameStringScanner name
    descriptionStringScanner description
    typeStringScanner type
    statusStringScanner status (Pending execution/Execution started/Running/Execution ended)
    locationStringLocation to scan
    scheduleStringcron expression
    scheduleTypeStringExecution cycle (on-demand/daily/weekly/monthly/cron)
    opAddTypeString(When adding schema) Update table definition, add new columns only, ignore
    opDelTypeStringFixed value at DEL_NO
    includePatternStringPatterns to include in scans
    excludePatternStringPatterns to exclude from scans
    tablePrefixNameStringPrefix character of the data that the scanner will run and output
    lastExecStartTimeDateLast execution start time of the scanner
    lastExecElapsedTimeIntegerRun time (seconds) for the scanner's last execution
    lastResultStringResults for the scanner's last execution
    isSchedulePausedIntegerWhether to pause the execution cycle
    catalogIdIntegerUnique user catalog ID
    connectionIdIntegerUnique connection ID
    connectionNameStringConnection name
    classifierResponseListjsonInformation about the list of classifiers applied as run options in the scanner
    databaseNameStringDatabase of data that the scanner will run and output
    createTimeDateConnection creation date and time
    updateTimeDateConnection modification date and time
    lastHistoryUuidStringLast scan history UUID

    Response example


    HTTP statusDescription


      "scannerId": 89,
      "name": "datacatalog-test-scanner",
      "description": "",
      "type": "OBJECT_STORAGE",
      "status": "SCANNER_IDLE",
      "location": "datacatalog-test",
      "schedule": "",
      "scheduleType": "ON_DEMAND",
      "opAddType": "UPDATE_TABLE",
      "opDelType": "DEL_NO",
      "includePattern": "",
      "excludePattern": "",
      "tablePrefixName": "",
      "lastExecStartTime": "2023-06-16T10:45:54+0900",
      "lastExecElapsedTime": 6,
      "lastResult": "SUCCESS",
      "isSchedulePaused": 0,
      "catalogId": 301,
      "connectionId": 87,
      "connectionName": "datacatalog-test-conn",
      "classifierResponseList": [
          "disabled": false,
          "classifierId": 30,
          "catalogId": 301,
          "name": "datacatalog-json-classier",
          "type": "JSON",
          "value": "$[*]",
          "createTime": "2022-12-05T10:07:08+0900"
          "disabled": false,
          "classifierId": 31,
          "catalogId": 301,
          "name": "datacatalog-csv-classier",
          "type": "CSV",
          "value": ",",
          "createTime": "2023-04-17T08:14:45+0900"
      "databaseName": "datacatalog-scan-db",
      "createTime": "2023-05-19T20:12:26+0900",
      "updateTime": "2023-06-16T10:46:15+0900",
      "lastHistoryUuid": do5sxpiAs"

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