Edit authorizer
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    Edit authorizer

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    Article summary

    Available in Classic and VPC

    Change the authorizer settings.


    The following describes the request format for the endpoint. The request format is as follows:


    Request headers

    For headers common to API Gateway, see API Gateway common request headers.

    Request path parameters

    The following describes the parameters.

    authorizer-idStringRequiredID of authorizer to edit

    Request syntax

    The request syntax is as follows.

      "authorizerName" : "authorizerName",
      "authorizerConfig" : {
        "functionId" : "functionId",
        "payload" : [ {
          "in" : "HEADER",
          "name" : "name"
        } ],
        "region" : "region"
      "authorizerType" : "CLOUD_FUNCTIONS",
      "authorizerDescription" : "authorizerDescription"

    Request body

    The following describes the request body.

    authorizerNameStringRequiredAuthorizer name
    • 1 to 20 characters, including English letters, numbers, and special characters "_" and "-"
    authorizerConfigObjectRequiredConfiguration information for the authorizer
    authorizerConfig.functionIdStringRequiredFunction name of the service (type) to be supported by the authorizer
    • <E.g.> Action name of the Cloud Functions service
    authorizerConfig.payload[]StringRequiredSelect the request type (header or query string) and enter a variable name for passing to the authorizer for authentication processing
    authorizerConfig.payload[].inStringRequiredType of payload
      • HEADER: header
      • QUERY STRING: query string
    authorizerConfig.payload[].nameStringRequiredPayload variable name
    authorizerConfig.regionStringRequiredRegion code for the Cloud Functions, which is a supported service (type) for the authorizer
    • KR | JPN | SGN
    • Input value can't be null
    authorizerTypeStringRequiredAuthorizer's support service (type)
    authorizerDescriptionStringOptionalDescription of the authorizer to create
    • 0 - 300 characters

    Request example

    The following is a sample request.

    curl -X PUT 'https://apigateway.apigw.ntruss.com/api/v1/authorizers' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --header 'x-ncp-apigw-timestamp: {Timestamp}' \
    --header 'x-ncp-iam-access-key: {Access Key}' \
    --header 'x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2: {API Gateway Signature}'
    --data '{
      "authorizerName" : "authorizer-***",
      "authorizerConfig" : {
        "functionId" : "functionId",
        "payload" : [ {
          "in" : "HEADER",
          "name" : "payload-***"
        } ],
        "region" : "region"
      "authorizerType" : "CLOUD_FUNCTIONS",
      "authorizerDescription" : "authorizer-*** Description"


    The following describes the response format.

    Response status codes

    For response status codes common to API Gateway, see API Gateway response status codes.

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