Generate skillset answer

        Generate skillset answer

        Article summary

        Available in Classic and VPC

        Call the API for a specific skillset to generate the appropriate response.


        This section describes the request format. The method and URI are as follows:


        Request headers

        The following describes the request headers.

        AuthorizationRequiredAPI key for authentication <e.g.,> Bearer nv-************
        Content-TypeRequiredRequest data format
        • application/json
        AcceptConditionalResponse data format
        • text/event-stream

        Response results are returned in JSON by default, but if you specify Accept as text/event-stream, then the response results are returned as a stream.

        Request path parameters

        You can use the following path parameters with your request:

        skillset-idStringRequiredSkillset ID to generate answers for
        versionInteger/StringRequiredSkillset version to generate answers for
        • Specify a version to enter when using the skillset
        • {Version number} | latest
          • {Version number}: specific version
            • 1 ≤ version
          • latest: currently applied version

        You can request version as either an integer or a string, depending on which version of the skillset you want to enter.

        Request body

        You can include the following data in the body of your request:

        queryStringRequiredQuery details
        tokenStreamBooleanOptionalWhether to use token streaming when generating answers
        • false | true
          • false: Not use
          • true: Use
        chatHistoryArrayOptionalAnswer generation history
        chatHistory.roleEnumRequiredConversation message role
        • user | assistant
          • user: user's utterance or question
          • assistant: model's answer
        chatHistory.contentStringRequiredContent of conversation messages
        requestOverrideObjectOptionalCall options to apply to all APIs
        requestOverride.baseOperationObjectOptionalCall option information to apply to all APIs
        requestOverride.baseOperation.headerObjectOptionalRequest header to apply to all APIs
        requestOverride.baseOperation.queryObjectOptionalRequest query parameter to apply to all APIs
        requestOverride.baseOperation.requestBodyObjectOptionalRequest body to apply to all APIs
        • Not applied to GET method APIs
        requestOverride.operationsArrayOptionalCall options to apply to specific APIs


        The following describes operations.

        operationIdStringConditionalOperation ID of a specific API
        • Required when entering operations
        headerObjectOptionalRequest header to apply to a specific API
        queryObjectOptionalRequest query parameter to apply to a specific API
        requestBodyObjectOptionalRequest body to apply to specific APIs
        • Not applied to GET method APIs

        Request example

        The request example is as follows:

        curl --location --request POST '{skillset-id}/versions/{version}/final-answer' \
        --header 'Authorization: Bearer {API Key}' \
        --header 'X-NCP-CLOVASTUDIO-REQUEST-ID: {Request ID}' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --data '{
            "query": "What will the weather be like tomorrow?",
            "tokenStream": true,
            "chatHistory": [
                    "role": "user",
                    "content": "How is the weather in Seoul today?"
                    "role": "assistant",
                    "content": "It's the calm before the storm."
             "requestOverride": {
                "baseOperation": {
                    "query": {
                        "appid": "appid-11223344"
        Plain text


        This section describes the response format.

        Response headers

        The following describes the response headers.

        Content-Type-Response data format
        • application/json

        Response body

        The response body includes the following data:

        statusObject-Response status
        resultObject-Response result
        result.finalAnswerString-Final execution result of the model
        • If not run to the end, return an empty string
        result.tokenCountInteger-Number of tokens measured when generating answers
        result.useTaskBoolean-Whether the called model is trained
        • false | true
          • false: not trained
          • true: training completed
        result.apiResultArray-Called API result


        The following describes apiResult.

        urlString-API URL called during the answer process
        requestBodyString-API request body called during the answer process
        responseBodyString-API response body called during the answer process
        apiOrderInteger-Sort by to fix the order of responses regardless of the result of the API call
        operationIdString-Operation ID of the API Spec called during the answer process
        nameForHumanString-Name of the skill in which the API called during the answer process is registered

        Response example

        The response example is as follows:


        The following is a sample response upon a successful call.

          "status": {
            "code": "20000",
            "message": "OK"
          "result": {
            "finalAnswer": "The weather in Seoul tomorrow is expected to be sunny, with temperatures around 27 degrees.",
            "tokenCount": 1032,
            "apiResult": [
                "url": "서울&date=20240530",
                "requestBody": "string",
                "responseBody": "string",
                "apiOrder": 1,
                "operationId": "weatherAPI",
                "nameForHuman": "WeatherSkill"


        The following is a sample response upon a failed call.

        Response stream

        You can use token streaming to output the tokens as they are generated, one by one. The following describes the token streaming format.

        Response headers

        The following describes the response headers.

        Accept-Response data format
        • text/event-stream

        Response body

        The response body includes the following data:

        selectedSkillObject-Name of the selected skill
        • Only displayed in planning events
        finalAnswerString-Final execution result of the model
        • If not run to the end, return an empty string
        • Only displayed in FinalAnswer events
        tokenCountInteger-Number of tokens used in the event
        apiResultObject-Results of APIs called during the answer process
        • Only displayed in FinalAnswer events
        apiResult.urlString-API URL called during the answer process
        apiResult.requestBodyString-API request body called during the answer process
        apiResult.responseBodyString-API response body called during the answer process
        apiResult.apiOrderInteger-Sort by to fix the order of responses regardless of the result of the API call
        apiResult.operationIdString-Operation ID of the API Spec called during the answer process
        apiResult.nameForHumanString-Name of the skill in which the API called during the answer process is registered

        Token Event

        The following describes TokenEvent.

        probsArray-List of response candidate tokens and probability values for each token
        stopReasonString-Reason for stopping results generation (generally passed to the last event)
        • length | end_token | stop_before
          • length: length limit
          • end_token: token count limit
          • stop_before: Settings value specified in stopBefore occurred during answer generation
        textString-Complete text pair

        Response example

        The response example is as follows:


        The following is a sample response upon a successful call.

        id: aabdfe-dfgwr-edf-hpqwd-f2asd-g
        event: planning
        data: {"selectedSkill": {["nameForHuman":"Search hotel"]}, "tokenCount": 432}
        id: aabdfe-dfgwr-edf-hpqwd-f1asd-g
        event: cot
        data: {"apiResult": [{"url": " to subway station", "requestBody": "keyword=accessible to subway station", "responseBody": "[{\"review_id\": 5,
        \"review_date\": \"20230809\", \"reviewer\": \"ClaudeCalder\", \"rating\": 4.0, \"content\": \"I was disappointed
        that they didn't have a sauna, pool, or other facilities, but the price was reasonable. There's a subway station and a convenience store
        nearby. It's perfect for a short stay.\", \"hotel_name\": \"Movenpick Hotel\", \"address\": \"120 Walkerhill-ro,
        Gwangjin-gu, Seoul\", \"room_name\": \"City View\", \"good_cnt\": 9, \"bad_cnt\": 0, \"rating_service\":
        3. 0, \"rating_clean\": 4.0, \"rating_room\": 4.0}]", "apiOrder": 1}], "tokenCount": 2401 }
        id: aabdfe-dfgwr-edf-hpqwd-f2asd-g
        event: finalAnswer
        data: {"finalAnswer": "A hotel with good subway access in Seoul is Movenpick Hotel, located at 120 Walkerhill-ro,
        Gwangjin-gu, Seoul.", "apiResult": [{"url": " to subway station", "requestBody": "keyword=accessible to subway station", "responseBody":
        "[{\"review_id\": 5, \"review_date\": \"20230809\", \"reviewer\": \"ClaudeCalder\", \"rating\": 4.0,
        \"content\": \"I was disappointed that they didn't have a sauna, pool, or other facilities, but the price was reasonable. There's a subway station
        and a convenience store nearby. It's perfect for a short stay.\", \"hotel_name\": \"Movenpick Hotel\",
        \"address\": \"120 Walkerhill-ro, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul\", \"room_name\": \"City View\", \"good_cnt\": 9, \"bad_cnt\":
        0, \"rating_service\": 3.0, \"rating_clean\": 4.0, \"rating_room\": 4.0}]", "apiOrder": 1}],
        "tokenCount": 214 }
        Plain text


        The following is a sample response upon a failed call.

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