

        Article summary

        Available in VPC

        This is a network interface.


        The syntax is as follows.

        private String networkInterfaceNo;
        private String networkInterfaceName;
        private String subnetNo;
        private Boolean deleteOnTermination;
        private Boolean isDefault;
        private String deviceName;
        private CommonCode networkInterfaceStatus;
        private CommonCode instanceType;
        private String instanceNo;
        private String ip;
        private String macAddress;
        private AccessControlGroupNoList accessControlGroupNoList;
        private String networkInterfaceDescription;
        private SecondaryIpList secondaryIpList;


        The following describes the fields.

        networkInterfaceNoStringRequiredNetwork interface number
        • NAVER Cloud Platform's identifier to identify network interfaces
        networkInterfaceNameStringRequiredNetwork interface name
        subnetNoStringRequiredSubnet number
        deleteOnTerminationBooleanRequiredWhether it is automatically terminated when a device with an assigned network interface is terminated
        • true | false
        • This is determined automatically at creation time and is true if the default NIC is new at device creation
        isDefaultBooleanRequiredWhether it's the device's default network interface
        • true | false
        deviceNameStringOptionalEthernet name on the device to which the network interface is assigned
        • eth0 | eth1 | eth2
        networkInterfaceStatusCommonCodeRequiredNetwork interface status
        • SET: set
        • UNSET: unset
        • USED: used
        • NOTUSED: not used
        instanceTypeCommonCodeOptionalInstance type of the device to which the network interface is assigned
        • VSVR
          • VSVR: VPC server instance
          instanceNoStringOptionalInstance number of a device to which the network device is assigned
          ipStringRequiredIP address assigned to the network interface
          macAddressStringRequiredMAC address
          accessControlGroupNoListAccessControlGroupNoListOptionalList of ACG numbers applied to the network interface
          • Up to 3 can be applied
          networkInterfaceDescriptionStringOptionalNetwork interface description
          secondaryIpListSecondaryIpListOptionalList of secondary IPs

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