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    Article Summary

    Available in VPC

    Edit Cloud DB for PostgreSQL DB User information.


    Request Parameters

    ParameterTypeRequirement StatusDescriptionRestrictions
    regionCodeStringNRegion code
    - regionCode can be obtained via the getRegionList action
    - default: Selects the first region of the getRegionList query results
    cloudPostgresqlInstanceNoStringYCloud DB for PostgreSQL instance number
    - You can obtain cloudPostgresqlServerInstanceNo through the getCloudPostgresqlInstanceList action
    cloudPostgresqlUserList.N.nameList<String>YCloud DB for PostgreSQL DB User ID to be edited
    - Up to 10 user tasks can be performed at a time
    - Only English lowercase letters, numbers, and underscore characters ( _ ) are allowed, and must start with an English letter
    - Predefined roles and reserved words cannot be used
    - Min: 4
    - Max: 16
    cloudPostgresqlUserList.N.clientCidrList<String>NClient CIDR of Cloud DB for PostgreSQL DB User
    - Enter only when changing client CIDR
    - One among the Client CIDR, password or replication role status must be entered
    - Allow full access:
    - Allow access to specific IPs:
    - Allow access to an IP range:
    cloudPostgresqlUserList.N.passwordList<String>NCloud DB for PostgreSQL DB User password
    - Enter only when changing password
    - One among the Client CIDR, password or replication role status must be entered
    - Must contain at least 1 each of English letter, number, and special character
    - The following characters cannot be used in the password: ` & + \ " ' / and space
    - Cannot include user ID
    - Min: 8
    - Max: 20
    cloudPostgresqlUserList.N.isReplicationRoleList<Boolean>NReplication role status
    - Enter only when changing replication role
    - One among the Client CIDR, password or replication role status must be entered
    responseFormatTypeStringNFormat type of the response result
    - options: xml | json
    - default: xml


    Request Examples

    The following is an example of a request body.

    GET {API_URL}/changeCloudPostgresqlUserList

    Response examples

    The following are examples of responses.

    If the response shows that format type (responseFormatType) is json

      "changeCloudPostgresqlUserListResponse": {
        "requestId": "08bc2188-6a20-4129-9176-f85be77073dc",
        "returnCode": 0,
        "returnMessage": "success"

    If the response shows that format type (responseFormatType) is xml


    Was this article helpful?

    Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
    First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Enter a valid email
    Enter a valid password
    Your profile has been successfully updated.