Activate Sub CA

        Activate Sub CA

        Article summary

        Available in Classic and VPC

        Activate an intermediate certificate authority (CA) with a direct signing method using a signed certificate and the CA's certificate.


        Be careful when using the issuing CA's certificate because it is not the CA's private key.


        The following describes the request format for the endpoint. The request format is as follows:


        Request headers

        For headers common to all Private CA APIs, see Common Private CA headers.

        Request path parameters

        The following describes the parameters.

        caTagStringRequiredCA tag value

        Request body

        The following describes the request body.

        certPemStringRequiredCA certificate (PEM)
        • Enter a newline character (\n) after -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and in front of -----END CERTIFICATE-----
        caChainPemStringRequiredSigner certificate chain (PEM)
        • Enter a newline character (\n) after -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and in front of -----END CERTIFICATE-----

        Request example

        The following is a sample request.

        curl --location --request POST '*********-*********/activate' \
        --header 'x-ncp-apigw-timestamp: {Timestamp}' \
        --header 'x-ncp-iam-access-key: {Access Key}' \
        --header 'x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2: {API Gateway Signature}' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --data '{
            "certPem": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n{Certificate}\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----",
            "caChainPem": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n{CA Chain}\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----"


        The following describes the response format.

        Response body

        The following describes the response body.

        codeString-Response code
        msgString-Response message
        dataObject-Response result
        data.caInfoObject-CA information
        data.caInfo.signingCountNumber-No. of certificates signed by CA
        data.caInfo.caTypeString-CA type
        data.caInfo.caIdNumber-CA identifier
        data.caInfo.statusUpdateDateString-Latest status change date and time (timestamp)
        data.destroyDateString-Deletion date and time (timestamp)
        data.caInfo.aliasString-CA name
        data.caInfo.memoString-CA memo
        data.caInfo.urlInfoObject-URL information
        data.caInfo.urlInfo.ocspArray-Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) URL
        data.caInfo.urlInfo.crlArray-Certificate revocation list (CRL) URL
        data.caInfo.urlInfo.caArray-CA URL
        data.caTagString-CA's tag value
        data.rgstDateNumber-Registration date and time (timestamp)
        data.statusString-CA status
          • ACTIVE: enabled
          • DEACTIVATED: disabled
          • DESTROYING: scheduled for deletion
        data.caCertInfoObject-CA certificate information
        data.caCertInfo.commonNameString-Common name
        data.caCertInfo.contryString-Standard country code
        data.caCertInfo.issueNameString-Issued CA name
        data.caCertInfo.notAfterDateLong-Certification expiration date and time (timestamp)
        data.caCertInfo.publicKeyAlgorithmString-Encryption algorithm
        data.caCertInfo.notBeforeDateLong-Certification validity start date and time (timestamp)
        data.caCertInfo.localityString-City name
        data.caCertInfo.stateProvinceString-State/province or region name
        data.caCertInfo.organicationUnitString-Department name
        data.caCertInfo.certPemString-CA certificate (PEM)
        data.caCertInfo.chainPemString-Certificate chain (PEM)
        data.caCertInfo.signatureAlgorithmString-Signature algorithm
        data.caCertInfo.serialNoString-Certificate serial number
        data.caCertInfo.caCertIdLong-Certification identifier
        data.caCertInfo.organizationString-Organization name

        Response status codes

        For response status codes common to all Private CA APIs, see Private CA response status codes.

        Response example

        The following is a sample example.

            "code": "SUCCESS",
            "msg": "Success",
            "data": {
                "caInfo": {
                    "signingCount": 0,
                    "caType": "PRIVATE_SUB",
                    "caId": 18***,
                    "statusUpdateDate": null,
                    "destroyDate": null,
                    "alias": "caca002",
                    "memo": "",
                    "urlInfo": {
                        "ocsp": [],
                        "crl": [
                        "ca": [
                    "caTag": "*********-*********",
                    "rgstDate": 1723101003000,
                    "status": "PENDING"
                "caCertInfo": {
                    "commonName": "name000",
                    "country": "KR",
                    "issuerName": "RootCA",
                    "notAfterDate": 1754637093000,
                    "publicKeyAlgorithm": "RSA",
                    "notBeforeDate": 1723101093000,
                    "locality": "Pangyo",
                    "stateProvince": "Seongnam-si",
                    "organizationUnit": "unit000",
                    "certPem": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n{Certificate}\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----",
                    "chainPem": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n{CA Chain}\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----",
                    "signatureAlgorithm": "SHA256withRSA",
                    "serialNo": "**:**:**:**:**:**:**:**:**:**:**:**:**:**:**:**:**:**:**:**",
                    "caCertId": 18173,
                    "organization": "org000"

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