FriendTalk APIs
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    FriendTalk APIs

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    Article summary

    Basic information


    Go to SENS FriendTalk API Swagger

    API Header

    Content-TypeMandatorySpecifies the request Body Content Type as application/json (POST)
    x-ncp-apigw-timestampMandatoryTime elapsed in milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC
    The request is considered invalid if the time difference compared to the API Gateway server is more than 5 minutes
    x-ncp-iam-access-keyMandatoryAccess Key ID issued by the portal or Sub Account
    x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2MandatorySignature of the body in the above example encrypted with a SecretKey mapped to Access Key ID
    HmacSHA256 is used as the HMAC encryption algorithm.

    Go to NAVER Cloud Platform authentication key and signature creation guide


    Send messages

    Sends a message.

    Request URL

    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    x-ncp-apigw-timestamp: {Timestamp}
    x-ncp-iam-access-key: {Sub Account Access Key}
    x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2: {API Gateway Signature}

    Path Variables

    serviceIdMandatoryStringService IDService ID issued when registering the project


    Go to API Header

    Request Body

                "useSmsFailover": "boolean",
                "failoverConfig": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "from": "string",
                    "subject": "string",
                    "content": "string"
        "reserveTime": "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm",
        "reserveTimeZone": "string"
    plusFriendIdMandatoryStringName of KakaoTalk Channel ((formerly) Plus Friend ID)
    messagesMandatoryObjectMessage informationSee items below (messages.XXX):
    Up to 100
    messages.isAdOptionalBooleanAd message statusdefault: true
    If sending as an ad message (isAd: true),
    When operating SMS Failover, you must comply with the obligation to mark the transmission of advertisement messages.
    messages.countryCodeOptionalStringRecipient's country codedefault: 82
    messages.toMandatoryStringRecipient's number
    messages.contentMandatoryStringFriendTalk message content
    messages.buttonsOptionalArray of ObjectFriendTalk message buttonSee Button information
    messages.buttons.typeMandatoryStringButton typeSee the following template button information.
    messages.buttons.nameMandatoryStringButton nameSee the following template button information.
    messages.imageOptionalObjectImage informationSee Upload image
    messages.image.imageIdMandatoryStringID of uploaded image
    messages.image.imageLinkMandatoryStringImage link
    messages.useSmsFailoverOptionalBooleanSMS Failover use statusAvailable only on KakaoTalk Channels where Failover is set.
    Default: follows the Failover settings of KakaoTalk Channel.
    messages.failoverConfigOptionalObjectFailover settingsSee the following items:
    messages.failoverConfig.typeOptionalStringFailover SMS message typeSMS or LMS
    Default: automatically applied according to the content length (SMS if 90 bytes or less, LMS if it exceeds 90 bytes)
    messages.failoverConfig.fromOptionalStringFailover SMS caller IDDefault: caller ID selected when setting up Failover
    Failover does not work when using an unauthorized caller ID.
    messages.failoverConfig.subjectOptionalStringFailover SMS titleUsed when operating in LMS type
    Default: KakaoTalk Channel name
    messages.failoverConfig.contentOptionalStringFailover SMS contentDefault: FriendTalk message content (excluding button)
    reserveTimeOptionalStringReserved date and timeReserved date and time for message delivery (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm)
    reserveTimeZoneOptionalStringTime zone of reserved date and timeTime zone of reserved date and time (default: Asia/Seoul)
    * List of supported time zones
    * Use the TZ database name value
    • If you are using the Mandatory field in the request Body, blanks are not allowed. (Only in the case of addition)
    • SMS Failover operates when the Biz Message reception result code shows not successful. For codes with the prefix "B," SMS replacement cannot be sent through the Failover function.
    StatusError textDesc
    0000-Normal delivery
    3022NoSendAvailableTimeExceptionOutside the time for sending messages (FriendTalk/marketing messages can be sent from 08:00 to 20:50.)
    BxxxSee the Biz Message reception result code belowSee the Biz Message reception result code below
    • When sending advertising messages, you can use the 080 call block service of the configured SMS service in SMS Failover.
      • SMS Failover will fail if the 080 call block service is not available for the configured SMS service.
      • If you use failoverConfig.content without specifying it separately, the advertisement marking is automatically inserted during SMS Failover.
        [Advertisement]{message content}
        Free call block number 08012345678
      • If you specify failoverConfig.content separately, you do not need to insert advertisement marking. When sending an ad message, you must add it yourself.
      • If sending SMS messages that do not comply with the advertisement marking obligation, an explanation may be required later.
    • When sending a wide image, you can send text + link button (1 pc) + image.
      • If adding more than 2 buttons, message delivery fails. (Invalid parameter request)
      • Texts are limited to 76 characters.

    Button information

    TypeNameMandatory item
    WLWeb linklinkMobile, linkPc (URL starting with http:// or https://)
    ALApp linkschemeIos, schemeAndroid
    BKBot keyword
    MDSend message
    ACAdd Channel

    Response bodies

    requestIdMandatoryStringDelivery request ID
    requestTimeMandatoryDateTimeDelivery request timeyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS
    statusCodeMandatoryStringRequest status code202 - Success
    Others - Failed
    * Follows the HTTP Status specifications.
    statusNameMandatoryStringRequest status namesuccess - Success
    processing - Being processed
    reserved - Being reserved
    fail - Failed
    messages.messageIdMandatoryStringMessage ID
    messages.countryCodeOptionalStringRecipient's country codedefault: 82
    messages.toMandatoryStringRecipient's number
    messages.contentMandatoryStringFriendTalk message content
    messages.requestStatusCodeMandatoryStringDelivery request status codeA000 - Success
    Other codes - Failed (reason for failure specified in the Desc category)
    messages.requestStatusNameMandatoryStringDelivery request status namesuccess - Success
    fail - Failed
    messages.requestStatusDescMandatoryStringDelivery request status content
    messages.useSmsFailoverMandatoryBooleanSMS Failover use status

    Response status

    HTTP StatusDesc
    202Accepted (delivery request completed)
    400Bad Request
    404Not Found
    500Internal Server Error

    Search for message delivery request

    Search for the message delivery request.

    Request URL

    x-ncp-apigw-timestamp: {Timestamp}
    x-ncp-iam-access-key: {Sub Account Access Key}
    x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2: {API Gateway Signature}

    Path Variables

    serviceIdMandatoryStringService IDService ID issued when registering the project


    requestIdMandatoryStringRequest IDDelivery request ID
    plusFriendIdMandatoryStringKakao ChannelRegistered Channel name
    requestStartTimeMandatoryStringStart time of searchyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
    requestEndTimeMandatoryStringEnd time of searchyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
    completeStartTimeMandatoryStringStart time to complete deliveryyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
    completeEndTimeMandatoryStringEnd time to complete deliveryyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
    messageIdOptionalStringMessage ID
    requestStatusNameOptionalStringRequest statussuccess, fail
    messageStatusNameOptionalStringRequest statussuccess, processing, fail
    toOptionalStringMessage received numberNumbers without hyphens (-)
    pageIndexOptionalIntegerPage numberdefault: 0
    pageSizeOptionalIntegerPage sizedefault: 20, max: 100
    When viewing including requestId, default: 100
    • History of delivering messages can only be viewed within the last 30 days.
    • Either requestId or requestStartTime + requestEndTime or completeStartTime + completeEndTime is required.
    • requestStartTime + requestEndTime and completeStartTime + completeEndTime cannot be used simultaneously.
    • The query range from requestStartTime to requestEndTime is limited to a maximum of 31 days.
    • The query range from completeStartTime to completeEndTime is limited to a maximum of 24 hours.
    • If requestId is not included in the query conditions, plusFriendId is required.


    Go to API Header

    Request Body


    Response bodies

        "requestId": "string", 
        "statusCode": "string",
        "statusName": "string",
        "messages": [
                "requestTime": "string",
                "messageId": "string",
                "countryCode": "string",
                "to": "string",
                "content": "string",
                "plusFriendId": "string",
                "completeTime": "string",
                "requestStatusCode": "string",
                "requestStatusName": "string",
                "requestStatusDesc": "string",
                "messageStatusCode": "string",
                "messageStatusName": "string",
                "messageStatusDesc": "string",
                "isWide": "boolean",
                "isAd": "boolean",
                "useSmsFailover": "boolean",
                "failover": {
                    "smsServiceId": "string",
                    "requestId": "string",
                    "messageId": "string",
                    "requestStatusCode": "string",
                    "requestStatusName": "string",
                    "requestStatusDesc": "string",
                    "messageStatus": "string",
                    "messageStatusCode": "string",
                    "messageStatusName": "string",
                    "messageStatusDesc": "string"
        "pageSize": "integer",
        "pageIndex": "integer",
        "itemCount": "integer",
        "hasMore": "boolean"
    requestIdOptionalStringDelivery request IDOnly exposed when you query with requestId
    statusCodeMandatoryStringRequest status code202 - Success
    Others - Failed
    * Follows the HTTP Status specifications.
    statusNameMandatoryStringRequest status namesuccess - Success
    processing - Being delivered
    reserved - Being reserved
    fail - Failed
    messages.requestTimeMandatoryDateTimeDelivery request timeyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS
    messages.messageIdMandatoryStringMessage ID
    messages.countryCodeOptionalStringRecipient's country codedefault: 82
    messages.toMandatoryStringRecipient's number
    messages.contentMandatoryStringFriendTalk message content
    messages.plusFriendIdMandatoryStringName of KakaoTalk Channel ((formerly) Plus Friend ID)
    messages.completeTimeOptionalDateTimeDelivery reporting (processing completion) timeyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
    messages.requestStatusCodeMandatoryStringDelivery request status codeA000 - Success
    Other codes - Failed (reason for failure specified in the Desc category)
    messages.requestStatusNameMandatoryStringDelivery request status namesuccess - Success
    fail - Failed
    messages.requestStatusDescMandatoryStringDelivery request status content
    messages.messageStatusCodeMandatoryStringDelivery result status code0000 - Success
    Other codes - Failed (reason for failure specified in the Desc category)
    messages.messageStatusNameMandatoryStringDelivery result status namesuccess - Success
    processing - Being processed
        * Being processed in the message delivery server after successful sending request
        * Fail to search messageCode, messageDesc
    fail - Failed
    messages.messageStatusDescMandatoryStringDelivery result status description
    messages.isWideMandatoryBooleanWide status
    messages.isAdMandatoryBooleanAd message status
    messages.useSmsFailoverMandatoryBooleanSMS Failover use status
    messages.failoverOptionalObjectSMS Failover
    messages.failover.smsServiceIdOptionalStringSMS Failover service ID
    messages.failover.requestIdOptionalStringSMS Failover delivery request ID
    messages.failover.messageIdOptionalStringSMS Failover delivery message ID
    messages.failover.requestStatusCodeOptionalStringSMS Failover delivery request status codeSee the Errors table.
    messages.failover.requestStatusNameOptionalStringSMS Failover delivery request status namesuccess - Success
    fail - Failed
    messages.failover.requestStatusDescOptionalStringSMS Failover delivery request status content
    messages.failover.messageStatusOptionalStringSMS Failover delivery request statusREADY: ready
    PROCESSING: being processed
    COMPLETED: processing completed
    messages.failover.messageStatusCodeOptionalStringSMS Failover delivery device received status result codeSee the Errors table.
    messages.failover.messageStatusNameOptionalStringSMS Failover delivery device received result name
    messages.failover.messageStatusDescOptionalStringSMS Failover delivery device received content
    pageSizeMandatoryIntegerPage size
    pageIndexMandatoryIntegerPage index (starting from 0)
    itemCountMandatoryIntegerThe number of messages within the viewed page
    hasMoreMandatoryBooleanIndicates whether there is a next page

    Response status

    HTTP StatusDesc
    200OK (successfully searched)
    400Bad Request
    404Not Found
    500Internal Server Error

    Search for message delivery result

    Search for the message delivery result.

    Request URL

    x-ncp-apigw-timestamp: {Timestamp}
    x-ncp-iam-access-key: {Sub Account Access Key}
    x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2: {API Gateway Signature}

    Path Variables

    serviceIdMandatoryStringService IDService ID issued when registering the project
    messageIdMandatoryStringMessage IDMessage identifier that is returned when the message is sent


    Go to API Header

    Request Body


    Response bodies

        "failover": {
    messageIdMandatoryStringMessage ID
    requestIdMandatoryStringDelivery request ID
    requestTimeMandatoryDateTimeDelivery request timeyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS
    completeTimeOptionalDateTimeDelivery reporting (processing completion) timeyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
    plusFriendIdMandatoryStringName of KakaoTalk Channel ((formerly) Plus Friend ID)
    templateCodeMandatoryStringTemplate code
    countryCodeOptionalStringRecipient's country codedefault: 82
    toMandatoryStringRecipient's number
    contentMandatoryStringFriendTalk message content
    requestStatusCodeMandatoryStringDelivery request status codeA000 - Success
    Other codes - Failed (reason for failure specified in the Desc category)
    requestStatusNameMandatoryStringDelivery request status namesuccess - Success
    fail - Failed
    requestStatusDescMandatoryStringDelivery request status content
    messageStatusCodeMandatoryStringDelivery result status code0000 - Success
    Other codes - Failed (reason for failure specified in the Desc category)
    messageStatusNameMandatoryStringDelivery result status namesuccess - Success
    processing - Being processed
        * Being processed in the message delivery server after successful sending request
        * Fail to search messageCode, messageDesc
    fail - Failed
    messageStatusDescMandatoryStringDelivery result status description
    isWideMandatoryBooleanWide status
    isAdMandatoryBooleanAd message status
    imageIdOptionalStringImage ID
    imageNameOptionalStringImage name
    imageUrlOptionalStringImage URL
    imageLinkOptionalStringImage link
    useSmsFailoverMandatoryBooleanSMS Failover use status
    failoverOptionalObjectSMS Failover use status
    failover.smsServiceIdOptionalStringSMS Failover service ID
    failover.requestIdOptionalStringSMS Failover delivery request ID
    failover.requestStatusCodeOptionalStringSMS Failover delivery request status codeSee the Errors table.
    failover.requestStatusNameOptionalStringSMS Failover delivery request status namesuccess - Success
    fail - Failed
    failover.requestStatusDescOptionalStringSMS Failover delivery request status content
    failover.messageIdOptionalStringSMS Failover delivery message ID
    failover.messageStatusOptionalStringSMS Failover delivery request statusREADY: ready
    PROCESSING: being processed
    COMPLETED: processing completed
    failover.messageStatusCodeOptionalStringSMS Failover delivery device received status result codeSee the Errors table.
    failover.messageStatusNameOptionalStringSMS Failover delivery device received result name
    failover.messageStatusDescOptionalStringSMS Failover delivery device received content

    Failover request status code

    E4000Failover setting is not valid.
    E4001Failover settings information is omitted.
    E4002Failover SMS service is not configured.
    E4003Failover SMS type (SMS, LMS) is not configured.
    E4004Failover SMS caller ID is not configured.
    E4005Failover SMS title is not configured.
    E4006Failover SMS content is not set.
    E4007Failover SMS recipient number is not set.
    E4008Failover SMS service is not available.
    E4009Failover SMS caller ID is not authenticated.
    E4010Failover SMS free 080 unsubscribing service is not available.
    E4999Failover settings parsing error (need to contact Customer Support)
    E5000Internal error (need to contact Customer Support)

    Response status

    HTTP StatusDesc
    200OK (successfully searched)
    400Bad Request
    404Not Found
    500Internal Server Error

    Reserved message

    Search for reserved message status

    Search for the reservation status of message delivery.

    x-ncp-apigw-timestamp: {Timestamp}
    x-ncp-iam-access-key: {Sub Account Access Key}
    x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2: {API Gateway Signature}

    Path Variables

    serviceIdMandatoryStringService IDService ID issued when registering the project
    reserveIdMandatoryStringReserved message IDMessage identifier that is returned when searching for the reserved delivery requests (requestId)


    Go to API Header

    Request Body


    Response bodies

      "reserveId": "string",
      "reserveTimeZone": "string",
      "reserveTime": "string",
      "reserveStatus": "string"
    reserveIdMandatoryStringReserved message IDMessage identifier that is returned when searching for the reserved delivery requests (requestId)
    reserveTimeMandatoryStringReserved date and timeReserved date and time for message delivery (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm)
    reserveTimeZoneMandatoryStringTime zone of reserved date and timeTime zone of reserved date and time (default: Asia/Seoul)
    * List of supported time zones
    * Use the TZ database name value
    reserveStatusMandatoryStringReserved statusREADY - Waiting to be sent
    PROCESSING - Requesting to send
    CANCELED - Delivery canceled
    FAIL - Delivery request failed
    DONE - Successful delivery request
    STALE - Delivery request failed (timeout)

    Response status

    HTTP StatusDesc
    200OK (successfully searched)
    400Bad Request
    404Not Found
    500Internal Server Error

    Cancel reserved message

    Cancel the reserved message delivery.

    x-ncp-apigw-timestamp: {Timestamp}
    x-ncp-iam-access-key: {Sub Account Access Key}
    x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2: {API Gateway Signature}

    Path Variables

    serviceIdMandatoryStringService IDService ID issued when registering the project
    reserveIdMandatoryStringReserved message IDMessage identifier that is returned when searching for the reserved delivery requests (requestId)


    Go to API Header

    Request Body


    Response bodies


    Response status

    HTTP StatusDesc
    204No Content (successfully deleted)
    400Bad Request
    404Not Found
    500Internal Server Error

    KakaoTalk Channel

    Search Channel

    Search KakaoTalk Channels.

    x-ncp-apigw-timestamp: {Timestamp}
    x-ncp-iam-access-key: {Sub Account Access Key}
    x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2: {API Gateway Signature}

    Path Variables

    serviceIdMandatoryStringService IDService ID issued when registering the project


    pageSizeOptionalIntegerPage sizeDefault: 100 (Only numbers between 1 and 100 can be entered.)
    pageIndexOptionalIntegerPage indexdefault: 0


    Go to API Header

    Request Body


    Response bodies

            "createTime": "string",
            "updateTime": "string",
            "serviceId": "string",
            "channelId": "string",
            "channelName": "string",
            "channelStatus": "string",
            "useSmsFailover": "boolean"
    createTimeMandatoryStringCreated timeformat: LocalDateTime
    updateTimeOptionalStringEdited timeformat: LocalDateTime
    serviceIdMandatoryStringService IDService ID issued when registering the project
    channelIdMandatoryStringKakaoTalk Channel ID
    channelNameMandatoryStringKakaoTalk Channel name
    channelStatusMandatoryStringKakaoTalk Channel status- Normal: ACTIVE
    - Deleted: DELETED
    - Being deleted permanently: DELETING_PERMANENTLY
    - Deleted permanently: PERMANENTLY_DELETED
    - Blocked: BLOCKED
    - Deletion pending: PENDING_DELETE
    useSmsFailoverMandatoryBooleanUse status of alternative SMS delivery

    Response status

    HTTP StatusDesc
    400Bad Request
    404Not Found
    429Too Many Requests
    500Internal Server Error


    Upload image

    This uploads the image to be used for sending FriendTalk.
    Images are stored for 1 year, after which they are automatically deleted and cannot be used.

    Request URL

    Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=a29b1180-70f5-42f7-afbe-0d68a15f2370
    x-ncp-apigw-timestamp: {Timestamp}
    x-ncp-iam-access-key: {Sub Account Access Key}
    x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2: {API Gateway Signature}

    Path Variables

    serviceIdMandatoryStringService IDService ID issued when registering the project


    Go to API Header

    Request Parameter

    plusFriendIdMandatoryStringName of KakaoTalk Channel ((formerly) Plus Friend ID)
    imageFileMandatoryFileImage files- Common
    * jpg and png only
    * Under 500 KB
    - General
    * Recommended size: 720 px x 720 px
    * Only JPG and PNG files with a width of 500 px or more and a widthheight ratio of at least 2:1 not exceeding 3:4 can be uploaded.
    - Wide
    Size limit: 800 px x 600 px
    * Only width * height ratio of 4:3 can be uploaded
    isWideOptionalBooleanWide image statusWhen uploading a wide image, it is sent as a wide FriendTalk message
    * defealt: false

    Response bodies

    imageIdMandatoryStrngImage ID
    imageNameMandatoryStringImage file name
    imageUrlMandatoryStringImage URL
    isWideMandatoryBooleanWide status
    createTimeMandatoryDateTimeImage uploading time

    Response status

    HTTP StatusDesc
    200OK (successfully uploaded)
    400Bad Request
    404Not Found
    500Internal Server Error

    View image list

    This searches the list of uploaded images.

    Request URL

    x-ncp-apigw-timestamp: {Timestamp}
    x-ncp-iam-access-key: {Sub Account Access Key}
    x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2: {API Gateway Signature}

    Path Variables

    serviceIdMandatoryStringService IDService ID issued when registering the project


    Go to API Header


    pageIndexOptionalIntegerPage indexdefault: 0
    pageSizeOptionalIntegerPage sizeDefault: 20 (Only numbers between 1 and 100 can be entered.)

    Request Body


    Response bodies

      "items": [
          "imageId": "string",
          "imageName": "string",
          "imageUrl": "string",
          "isWide": "boolean",
          "createTime": "string"
      "pageIndex": "integer",
      "pageSize": "integer",
      "itemCount": "integer",
      "totalCount": "integer"
    itemsMandatoryArray of ObjectList of image dataSee Image data
    pageIndexMandatoryIntegerPage index
    pageSizeMandatoryIntegerPage size
    itemCountMandatoryIntegerNumber of searched items
    totalCountMandatoryIntegerTotal count

    Response status

    HTTP StatusDesc
    200OK (successfully searched)
    400Bad Request
    404Not Found
    500Internal Server Error

    View single image

    This searches single uploaded image.

    Request URL

    x-ncp-apigw-timestamp: {Timestamp}
    x-ncp-iam-access-key: {Sub Account Access Key}
    x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2: {API Gateway Signature}

    Path Variables

    serviceIdMandatoryStringService IDService ID issued when registering the project
    imageIdMandatoryStringImage IDID of uploaded image


    Go to API Header

    Request Body


    Response bodies


    Image data

    imageIdMandatoryStrngImage ID
    imageNameMandatoryStringImage file name
    imageUrlMandatoryStringImage URL
    isWideMandatoryBooleanWide status
    createTimeMandatoryDateTimeImage uploading time

    Response status

    HTTP StatusDesc
    200OK (successfully searched)
    400Bad Request
    404Not Found
    500Internal Server Error

    Delete image

    This deletes uploaded images.

    Request URL

    x-ncp-apigw-timestamp: {Timestamp}
    x-ncp-iam-access-key: {Sub Account Access Key}
    x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2: {API Gateway Signature}

    Path Variables

    serviceIdMandatoryStringService IDService ID issued when registering the project
    imageIdMandatoryStringImage IDID of uploaded image


    Go to API Header

    Request Body


    Response bodies


    Response status

    HTTP StatusDesc
    204No Content (successfully deleted)
    400Bad Request
    404Not Found
    500Internal Server Error


    Biz Message reception result code

    StatusError textDesc
    0000-Normal delivery
    1001NoJsonBodyRequest Body is not in JSON format.
    1002InvalidHubPartnerKeyInvalid partner key
    1003InvalidSenderKeyOutgoing profile key is invalid.
    1004NoValueJsonElementName not found in Request Body (JSON)
    1005SenderNotFoundOutgoing profile not found
    1006DeletedSenderDeleted outgoing profile
    1007StoppedSenderBlocked outgoing profile
    1011ContractNotFoundContract information not found
    1012InvalidUserKeyExceptionInvalid formatted user key request
    1013InvalidAppLinkInvalid app connection
    1014InvalidBizNumInvalid business registration number
    1015TalkUserIdNotFonudInvalid app user id request
    1016BizNumNotEqualMismatched business registration number
    1020InvalidReceiveUserExceptionNo valid user identifier value
    1021BlockedProfileBlocked KakaoTalk Channel (check in KakaoTalk Channel operation tool.)
    1022DeactivatedProfileClosed KakaoTalk Channel (check in KakaoTalk Channel operation tool.)
    1023DeletedProfileDeleted KakaoTalk Channel (check in KakaoTalk Channel operation tool.)
    1024DeletingProfileDeletion-pending KakaoTalk Channel (check from the KakaoTalk Channel operation tool)
    1025SpammedProfileMessage-blocked KakaoTalk Channel (check from the KakaoTalk Channel operation tool)
    1030InvalidParameterExceptionInvalid parameter request
    1033-Template type and message type mismatch
    2003FailedToSendMessageByNoFriendshipExceptionMessage transmission failed (if KakaoTalk Channel is not added in the test server)
    2004FailedToMatchTemplateExceptionError when checking template match (Kakao internal error)
    2006FailedToMatchSerialNumberPrefixPatternSerial number format mismatch
    3000UnexceptedExcetpionAn unexpected error occurred.
    3005AckTimeoutExceptionA message was sent, but the read receipt was not confirmed (success uncertain).
    3006FailedToSendMessageExceptionMessage transmission failed due to Kakao's internal system error.
    3008InvalidPhoneNumberExceptionPhone number error
    3010JsonParsseExcetpionJSON parsing error
    3011MessageNotFoundExceptionMessage does not exist.
    3012SerialNumberDuplicatedExceptionMessage serial number is duplicated. (A unique value must be assigned for the message serial number.)
    3013MessageEmptyExceptionBlank message
    3014MessageLengthOverLimitExceptionMessage length limit error (text type exceeds 1000 characters, image type exceeds 400 characters.)
    3015TemplateNotFoundExceptionTemplate not found
    3016NoMatchedTemplateExceptionMessage content does not match the template.
    3018NoSendAvailableExceptionMessage could not be sent.
    3020SeenInfoNotFoundExceptionMessage verification information not found
    3022NoSendAvailableTimeExceptionOutside the time for sending messages (FriendTalk/marketing messages can be sent from 08:00 to 20:50)
    3024MessageInvaildImageExceptionThe image contained in the message cannot be sent.
    3025ExceedMaxVariableLengthExceptionVariable character limit exceeded
    3026Button chat_extra(event)-InvalidExtra(EventName)Exception '([A-Za-z0-9_]{1,50})'Consultation/bot conversion button extra, event character limit exceeded
    3027NoMatchedTemplateButtonExceptionButton content does not match the template.
    3028NoMatchedTemplateTitleExceptionMessage highlighting title does not match the template.
    3029ExceedMaxTitleLengthExceptionMessage highlighting title length limit exceeded (50 characters)
    3031-Text type mismatch
    4000ResponseHistoryNotFoundExceptionMessage delivery result not found
    4001UnKnownMessageStatusErrorUnknown message status
    7011-Serial number pattern error
    7014-Message valid timeout error
    8512-Recipient type not found
    8514-request_id not found
    8520-Product type not supported error
    8521-Message type not supported error
    8522-Test type not supported error
    8523-Response method not supported error
    8530-Recipient list size error
    8999-Internal server error
    9998The service is not currently provided.The admin is checking a problem that occurred in the system.
    9999Admin is checking an unknown problem that occurred in the system.Admin is checking a problem in the system
    B000Prepare to relay failedPreparation for transmission to relay company failed
    B001Request to relay failedTransmission to relay company failed
    B002Filtering for request to relay failedFiltered due to invalid request
    B003Invalid phone number formatInvalid calling number format
    B004Quota ExceedOver quota
    B005Message processing timeout exceedDifference between message request time and processing time exceeds acceptable range
    B400Invalid RequestMessage format error
    B999Unexpected server errorUnexpected error

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    Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
    First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Enter a valid email
    Enter a valid password
    Your profile has been successfully updated.