Viewing chats
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    Viewing chats

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    Article summary

    It is an API to view chats. For the use flow of B2B PRISM Live Studio, see Chat process.

    • It transfers, views, and deletes chats on Live.
    • Viewing chats views the live until it is finished in approximately 5-second intervals.
    • You cannot use the chat function if the chat transfer/view/delete API is not provided.
    • Only the API for transferring chats can be provided. However, in this case, you cannot see the chats.


    The request format is as follows:

    POST /prism/v1/service/live/{liveId}/chat

    Request headers

    The description of the header is as follows:

    x-prism-access-tokenStringAccess Token issued through OAuth2.0 authorizationY

    Request path parameters

    The description of the parameters is as follows:

    liveIdStringLive IDY

    Request body

    The description of the body is as follows:

  • Maximum number of chat messages to import
  • Maximum value is 100, and only 100 is provided if the value is 0 or more than 100
  • When specifying 0, all messages are forwarded
  • Y
  • Used when bringing the data after the data brought from the previous page
  • For pageToken != null, forwards the chat message list after the specified pageToken
  • For pageToken = null & maxResults != 0, provides the latest messages - maxCount
  • For pageToken = null & maxResults = 0, provides the latest messages - 100
  • Y


    This is a description of the response format.


    For the basic response format, see the Basic format for API responses.

    liveIdStringLive IDY
  • When entering the nextPageToken you acquired by viewing with the previous API in pageToken and viewing, it searches the chat messages that are newly entered first
  • If there is no chat message that is newly entered, nextPageToken provides the same value as the pageToken you requested
  • Y
  • Chat message list
  • If there is no chat message, the corresponding item is provided as empty array
  • Y

    message dto

    The description of the message dto is as follows:

  • Chat message ID
  • If deleting chat function is not provided, messageId does not have to be provided
  • N
  • Time that chat messages are entered
  • Provided in ISO 8601 format
  • N
  • userId that entered the chat message
  • Y
  • Name of user who entered the chat message
  • Chat messages of the user with no name can be ignored
  • Y
  • Thumbnail image of the user who entered the chat message
  • In the case of no authorProfileThumbnail, the thumbnail is not exposed
  • N
  • Whether the corresponding chat user is a streamer of the current live or not
  • The ID within the prism can be shown differently
  • In the case of not applicable, shown the same as a regular chat
  • N
  • In the case of providing a manager function, whether the corresponding chat user is a manager or not
  • The ID within the prism can be shown differently
  • In the case of not applicable, shown the same as a regular chat
  • N

    How to provide page token

    To provide a page token, follow these steps:



    Introduces examples of syntax.

    Request examples

    An example of the syntax is as follows:

    curl -X POST /prism/v1/service/live/{liveId}/chat
        -H "x-prism-access-token: {access-token}"

    Response examples

    An example of the syntax is as follows:

        "success": true,
        "errorCode": 0,
        "errorName": null,
        "message": null,
        "data": {
            "liveId": 6,
            "nextPageToken": 8239,
            "messages": [
                    "messageId": 12,
                    "message": "Create chat test 2023-09-05 11:10:27",
                    "messageAt": "2023-09-05T11:10:27+09:00",
                    "authorId": "admin",
                    "authorName": "admin",
                    "authorProfileThumbnail": null,
                    "isLiveOwner": true,
                    "isLiveManager": false
                    "messageId": 13,
                    "message": "Create chat test 2023-09-05 11:25:11",
                    "messageAt": "2023-09-05T11:25:11+09:00",
                    "authorId": "admin",
                    "authorName": "admin",
                    "authorProfileThumbnail": null,
                    "isLiveOwner": true,
                    "isLiveManager": false

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    Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
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