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        Article summary

        Available in Classic and VPC

        This document introduces the Papago Translation API examples.

        Create glossary

        This section describes an example of creating a glossary.


        The following is a Python-based sample code for the API.

        import hashlib
        import hmac
        import base64
        import time
        import requests
        def make_signature(access_key, secret_key, timestamp, url, method):
            timestamp = str(timestamp)
            secret_key = bytes(secret_key, 'UTF-8')
            message = method + " " + url + "\n" + timestamp + "\n" + access_key
            message = bytes(message, 'UTF-8')
            signingKey = base64.b64encode(, message, digestmod=hashlib.sha256).digest())
            return signingKey.decode('UTF-8')
        def create():
            baseurl = "" #{OpenAPI endpoint}
            url = "/glossary/v1/create"
            access_key = "DonNfVLUKOMNnmXXXXXX" #{Main / Sub Account Access Key}
            secret_key = "W5RyNUbIzOuUsEM8v8eqreMdSQZHMm9nfgXXXXXX" #{Main / Sub Account Secret Key}
            timestamp = int(time.time() * 1000)
            method = "POST"
            signature = make_signature(access_key, secret_key, timestamp, url, method)
            url = baseurl + url
            headers = {
                "x-ncp-apigw-timestamp": str(timestamp),
                "x-ncp-iam-access-key": access_key,
                "x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2": str(signature)
            params = {
                "glossaryName": "Glossary1",
                "description": "This is a description of the Glossary1 glossary."
            response =, verify=True, headers=headers, json=params)

        Upload glossary file

        This section describes an example of uploading a term list file to a glossary.


        The following is a Python-based sample code for the API.

        import hashlib
        import hmac
        import base64
        import time
        import requests
        def make_signature(access_key, secret_key, timestamp, url, method):
            timestamp = str(timestamp)
            secret_key = bytes(secret_key, 'UTF-8')
            message = method + " " + url + "\n" + timestamp + "\n" + access_key
            message = bytes(message, 'UTF-8')
            signingKey = base64.b64encode(, message, digestmod=hashlib.sha256).digest())
            return signingKey.decode('UTF-8')
        def uploadFile():
            baseurl = "" #{OpenAPI endpoint}
            url = "/glossary/v1/{}/upload"
            access_key = "DonNfVLUKOMNnmXXXXXX" #{Main / Sub Account Access Key}
            secret_key = "W5RyNUbIzOuUsEM8v8eqreMdSQZHMm9nfgXXXXXX" #{Main / Sub Account Secret Key}
            timestamp = int(time.time() * 1000)
            method = "POST"
            glossary_key = "c399cf78-781e-4353-89a6-cca8aaxxxxxx"
            url = url.format(glossary_key) #{Change {} in URL to glossary key.}
            signature = make_signature(access_key, secret_key, timestamp, url, method)
            url = baseurl + url
            headers = {
                "x-ncp-apigw-timestamp": str(timestamp),
                "x-ncp-iam-access-key": access_key,
                "x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2": str(signature)
            file = {
                "file": ("glossary_file.csv", open('glossary_file.csv', 'rb'), "text/csv")
            response =, verify=True, headers=headers, files=file)

        Download glossary file

        The following describes an example of downloading a registered glossary.


        The following is a Python-based sample code for the API.

        import hashlib
        import hmac
        import base64
        import time
        import requests
        def make_signature(access_key, secret_key, timestamp, url, method):
            timestamp = str(timestamp)
            secret_key = bytes(secret_key, 'UTF-8')
            message = method + " " + url + "\n" + timestamp + "\n" + access_key
            message = bytes(message, 'UTF-8')
            signingKey = base64.b64encode(, message, digestmod=hashlib.sha256).digest())
            return signingKey.decode('UTF-8')
        def download():
            baseurl = "" #{OpenAPI endpoint}
            url = "/glossary/v1/{}/download"
            access_key = "DonNfVLUKOMNnmXXXXXX" #{Main / Sub Account Access Key}
            secret_key = "W5RyNUbIzOuUsEM8v8eqreMdSQZHMm9nfgXXXXXX" #{Main / Sub Account Secret Key}
            timestamp = int(time.time() * 1000)
            method = "POST"
            glossary_key = "c399cf78-781e-4353-89a6-cca8aaxxxxxx"
            url = url.format(glossary_key) #{change {} in url to glossary-key.}
            signature = make_signature(access_key, secret_key, timestamp, url, method)
            url = baseurl + url
            headers = {
                "x-ncp-apigw-timestamp": str(timestamp),
                "x-ncp-iam-access-key": access_key,
                "x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2": str(signature)
            response =, verify=True, headers=headers)

        Get glossary list

        The following describes an example of getting a glossary list.


        The following is a Python-based sample code for the API.

        import hashlib
        import hmac
        import base64
        import time
        import requests
        def make_signature(access_key, secret_key, timestamp, url, method):
            timestamp = str(timestamp)
            secret_key = bytes(secret_key, 'UTF-8')
            message = method + " " + url + "\n" + timestamp + "\n" + access_key
            message = bytes(message, 'UTF-8')
            signingKey = base64.b64encode(, message, digestmod=hashlib.sha256).digest())
            return signingKey.decode('UTF-8')
        def get_user_glossary():
            baseurl = "" #{OpenAPI endpoint}
            url = "/glossary/v1/?currentPage={}&pageSize={}"
            access_key = "DonNfVLUKOMNnmXXXXXX" #{Main / Sub Account Access Key}
            secret_key = "W5RyNUbIzOuUsEM8v8eqreMdSQZHMm9nfgXXXXXX" #{Main / Sub Account Secret Key}
            timestamp = int(time.time() * 1000)
            method = "GET"
            url = url.format(1, 10)  # {change {} in url to page number and page size.}{Set {} in URL to page number and page size.}
            signature = make_signature(access_key, secret_key, timestamp, url, method)
            url = baseurl + url
            headers = {
                "x-ncp-apigw-timestamp": str(timestamp),
                "x-ncp-iam-access-key": access_key,
                "x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2": str(signature)
            response = requests.get(url=url, verify=True, headers=headers)

        Delete glossary

        The following describes an example of deleting a glossary list.


        The following is a Python-based sample code for the API.

        import hashlib
        import hmac
        import base64
        import time
        import requests
        def make_signature(access_key, secret_key, timestamp, url, method):
            timestamp = str(timestamp)
            secret_key = bytes(secret_key, 'UTF-8')
            message = method + " " + url + "\n" + timestamp + "\n" + access_key
            message = bytes(message, 'UTF-8')
            signingKey = base64.b64encode(, message, digestmod=hashlib.sha256).digest())
            return signingKey.decode('UTF-8')
        def delete():
            baseurl = ""  # {OpenAPI endpoint}
            url = "/glossary/v1/{}"
            access_key = "DonNfVLUKOMNnmXXXXXX"  # {Main / Sub Account Access Key}
            secret_key = "W5RyNUbIzOuUsEM8v8eqreMdSQZHMm9nfgXXXXXX"  # {Main / Sub Account Secret Key}
            timestamp = int(time.time() * 1000)
            method = "DELETE"
            glossary_key = "c399cf78-781e-4353-89a6-cca8aaxxxxxx"
            url = url.format(glossary_key) #{Change {} in URL to glossary key.}
            signature = make_signature(access_key, secret_key, timestamp, url, method)
            url = baseurl + url
            headers = {
                "x-ncp-apigw-timestamp": str(timestamp),
                "x-ncp-iam-access-key": access_key,
                "x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2": str(signature)
            response = requests.delete(url=url, verify=True, headers=headers)

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