Server (VPC) overview

        Server (VPC) overview

        Article summary

        Available in VPC


        NAVER Cloud Platform is a cloud service built on the latest in NAVER’s computing technologies and operational know-how.
        The application program interfaces (APIs) that enable you to fully utilize the services and solutions provided by NAVER Cloud Platform are collectively referred to as NAVER Cloud Platform APIs.
        NAVER Cloud Platform APIs are provided in RESTful form, and calls are made via HTTP request methods such as GET and POST.

        Common settings

        API URL

        GET or POST

        Request headers

        Header nameDescription
        x-ncp-apigw-timestampIt indicates the time elapsed in milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC.
        Request is considered invalid if the time difference with the API Gateway server is greater than 5 minutes.
        x-ncp-iam-access-keyAPI Key issued from NAVER Cloud Platform or AccessKey issued from IAM
        x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2A signature that encrypts the Body of the example above with the SecretKey mapped to AccessKey
        HmacSHA256 is used as the HMAC encryption algorithm.



        API nameDescription
        getRegionListSearches for the Region list
        getZoneListSearches for the zone list
        getServerImageProductListSearches for the list of server image products provided by NAVER Cloud Platform
        getServerProductListSearches for the list of server spec products provided by NAVER Cloud Platform using server image product codes
        getRaidListSearches for the list of available RAID

        Login Key

        API nameDescription
        getLoginKeyListQueries key for encrypting/decrypting passwords using the login key when connecting to a server instance (VM)
        createLoginKeyCreates key for encrypting/decrypting passwords using the login key when connecting to a server instance (VM)
        deleteLoginKeysDeletes key for encrypting/decrypting passwords using the login key when connecting to a server instance (VM)
        importLoginKeyCreates key for encrypting/decrypting passwords using the login key when connecting to a server instance (VM)
        Imports public key created by the user via ssh-keygen

        Placement Group

        API nameDescription
        getPlacementGroupListQueries list of physical placement groups to which a server instance (VM) belongs
        getPlacementGroupDetailQueries physical placement group details using physical placement group number
        createPlacementGroupCreates physical placement group to which a server instance (VM) is assigned
        deletePlacementGroupDeletes physical placement group
        addPlacementGroupServerInstanceAdds server instance to physical placement group
        removePlacementGroupServerInstanceRemoves server instance from physical placement group


        API nameDescription
        getServerInstanceListQueries list of server instances (VM)
        getServerInstanceDetailQueries server instance details using server instance number
        createServerInstancesCreates server instance (VM)
        startServerInstancesStarts server instance (VM) currently in stopped state
        stopServerInstancesStops server instance (VM) currently in running state
        rebootServerInstancesReboots server instance (VM) currently in running state
        terminateServerInstancesTerminates server instance (VM) currently in stopped state
        changeServerInstanceSpecChanges specifications of server instance (VM) currently in stopped state
        getRootPasswordQueries password of root account using the login key of a server instance (VM)
        An encrypted password of the server instance is retrieved unless privateKey is entered.
        getRootPasswordServerInstanceListQueries password of root account in the form of a list using the login key of a server instance (VM)
        An encrypted password of the server instance is retrieved unless privateKey is entered
        setProtectServerTerminationSets server termination protection status

        Server Image

        API nameDescription
        getMemberServerImageInstanceListQueries the list of a member’s server image instances
        getMemberServerImageInstanceDetailQueries a member’s server image instance details using the member’s server image instance number
        createMemberServerImageInstanceCreates a member server image instance from a server instance in stopped or running state
        deleteMemberServerImageInstancesDeletes the list of a member’s server image instances
        setMemberServerImageSharingPermissionSets sharing permission for a member’s server image
        addMemberServerImageSharingPermissionAdds sharing permission for a member’s server image
        removeMemberServerImageSharingPermissionRemoves sharing permission for a member’s server image


        API nameDescription
        getBlockStorageInstanceListQueries list of block storage instances
        getBlockStorageInstanceDetailQueries block storage instance details using block storage instance number
        createBlockStorageInstanceCreates block storage instance
        deleteBlockStorageInstancesDeletes list of block storage instances
        attachBlockStorageInstanceAttaches block storage instance to server instance
        detachBlockStorageInstancesDetaches list of block storage instances from server instance
        changeBlockStorageVolumeSizeResizes block storage volume
        setBlockStorageReturnProtectionSets block storage termination protection status


        API nameDescription
        getBlockStorageSnapshotInstanceListQueries list of block storage snapshot instances
        getBlockStorageSnapshotInstanceDetailQueries block storage snapshot instance details using block storage snapshot instance number
        createBlockStorageSnapshotInstanceCreates block storage snapshot instance
        deleteBlockStorageSnapshotInstancesDeletes list of block storage snapshot instances

        Public IP

        API nameDescription
        getPublicIpInstanceListQueries list of public IP instances
        getPublicIpInstanceDetailQueries public IP instance details using public IP instance number
        createPublicIpInstanceCreates public IP instance
        deletePublicIpInstanceDeletes public IP instance
        getPublicIpTargetServerInstanceListQueries list of server instances to which public IP instances can be assigned
        associatePublicIpWithServerInstanceAssociates public IP instance to server instance
        disassociatePublicIpFromServerInstanceDisassociates public IP instance from server instance

        Init Script

        API nameDescription
        getInitScriptListQueries list of user-created initialization scripts
        getInitScriptDetailQueries initialization script details using initialization script number
        createInitScriptCreates initialization script
        deleteInitScriptsDeletes list of initialization scripts

        Network Interface

        API nameDescription
        getNetworkInterfaceListQueries list of network interfaces
        getNetworkInterfaceDetailQueries network interface details using network interface number
        createNetworkInterfaceCreates network interface
        deleteNetworkInterfaceDeletes network interface
        attachNetworkInterfaceAttaches network interface to server instance
        Up to 3 network interfaces can be attached, including the server instance's primary network interface.
        detachNetworkInterfaceDetaches network interface attached to server instance
        The primary network interface of a server instance cannot be detached.
        addNetworkInterfaceAccessControlGroup- Adds list of ACGs to be applied to a network interface
        - Up to 3 ACGs can be applied per network interface
        removeNetworkInterfaceAccessControlGroup- Removes list of ACGs applied to network interface
        - At least 1 ACG must be applied per network interface
        assignSecondaryIpsAssigns secondary IP to network interface
        unassignSecondaryIpsUnassigns secondary IP assigned to network interface
        enableFlowLogEnable FlowLog
        disableFlowLogDisable FlowLog
        getFlowLogConfigurationListQueries FlowLog setting information


        API nameDescription
        getAccessControlGroupListQueries ACG list
        An ACG can be set on a network interface to control access
        getAccessControlGroupDetailQueries ACG details using ACG number
        createAccessControlGroupCreates ACG
        deleteAccessControlGroupDeletes ACG
        getAccessControlGroupRuleListQueries ACG rule list using ACG number
        addAccessControlGroupInboundRuleAdds inbound rule list to ACG
        addAccessControlGroupOutboundRuleAdds outbound rule list to ACG
        removeAccessControlGroupInboundRuleRemoves inbound rule list from ACG
        removeAccessControlGroupOutboundRuleRemoves outbound rule list from ACG

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        Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
        First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
        Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
        Enter a valid email
        Enter a valid password
        Your profile has been successfully updated.