Get Search Engine Cluster Dashboard

        Get Search Engine Cluster Dashboard

        Article summary

        Can be used in a VPC environment.


        Search a cluster's information (cluster status and index information).


        Request URL

        GET{service-group-instance-no}?pageNo={pageNo}&pageSize={pageSize} [KR]
        GET{service-group-instance-no}?pageNo={pageNo}&pageSize={pageSize} [SGN]
        GET{service-group-instance-no}?pageNo={pageNo}&pageSize={pageSize} [JPN]

        Request headers

        x-ncp-apigw-timestampThis is the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC.
        If the time difference compared to the API Gateway server is more than 5 minutes, then the request is considered invalid
        x-ncp-iam-access-keyThis is the Access Key ID value issued by the Naver Cloud Platform portal.
        x-ncp-iam-access-key:{Account Access Key}
        x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2This is the signature encrypted Access Key ID value and Secret Key.
        x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2:{API Gateway Signature}
        Content-TypeSpecifies the request body content type as application/json
        Content-Type: application/json

        Request parameters

        ParameterTypeRequired statusDescription
        serviceGroupInstanceNoStringYThis is the cluster no. to search.
        pageNoIntegerNThis is the page no. Default : 1
        ex) 1, 2
        pageSizeIntegerNThis is the page size. Default : 10
        ex) 10, 20

        Request example

        Content-Type: application/json
        x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2: zq0FrtlU8JZJi9esTK31bCQUNG3H+jo4CMjMkJDoWSc=
        x-ncp-apigw-timestamp: 1593848345548
        x-ncp-iam-access-key: 7fIvgFY428mtY6sY8maw
        curl -X POST " \
        -H "accept: application/json" \
        -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        -H "x-ncp-iam-access-key: 7fIvgFY428mtY6sY8maw" \
        -H "x-ncp-apigw-timestamp: 1601971222179" \
        -H "x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2: zrCelnR48AADdK/uh6Xe3yy468i8KpQoewYHUmeqYh4="

        Response parameters

        public class GetDashboardInformationResponseVo {
            GetClusterIndicesStatusResponseVo clusterIndicesStatus;
            GetClusterStatusResponseVo clusterStatus;
        public class GetClusterIndicesStatusResponseVo {
        	private Integer pageSize;
            private Integer currentPage;
            private Integer totalPage;
            private Integer totalCount;
            private Boolean isPaged = true;
            private List<CatIndice> indiceInfoList;
        public class CatIndice {
        	String health;
        	String status;
        	String indexName;
        	String uuid;
        	String primaryCount;
        	String replicaCount;
        	String docsCount;
        	String docsDeleted;
        	String storeSize;
        	String priStoreSize;
        public class GetClusterStatusResponseVo {
        	String status;
        	String indicesCount;
        	String shardCount;
        	String docsCount;
        	String storeSizeInUsed;
        	String segmentsCount;


        Parameter NameTypeDescription
        clusterIndicesStatusGetClusterIndicesStatusResponseVoIndex information
        clusterStatusGetClusterStatusResponseVoCluster status
        pageSizeIntegerPage size
        currentPageIntegerCurrent page
        totalCountLongTotal number of indices
        totalPageIntegerTotal page no.
        isPagedBooleanPaging status (true)
        indiceInfoListList<CatIndice>List of indices
        healthStringIndex health
        statusStringIndex status
        indexNameStringIndex name
        primaryCountStringNumber of primary shards
        replicaCountStringNumber of replica shards
        docsCountStringNumber of documents
        docsDeletedStringNumber of documents deleted
        storeSizeStringStorage in use
        indicesCountStringNumber of indices
        shardCountStringNumber of shards
        storeSizeInUsedStringTotal storage in use
        segmentsCountStringNumber of segments

        Response example

          "code": 0,
          "message": "SUCCESS",
          "result": {
            "clusterIndicesStatus": {
              "pageSize": 10,
              "currentPage": 1,
              "totalPage": 1,
              "totalCount": 1,
              "isPaged": true,
              "indiceInfoList": [
                  "health": "green",
                  "status": "open",
                  "indexName": ".kibana_1",
                  "uuid": "VW8OLgiuS56aeErYoXpEig",
                  "primaryCount": "1",
                  "replicaCount": "1",
                  "docsCount": "1",
                  "docsDeleted": "0",
                  "storeSize": "7.6kb"
            "clusterStatus": {
              "status": "green",
              "indicesCount": "1",
              "shardCount": "2",
              "docsCount": "1",
              "storeSizeInUsed": "7.6kb",
              "segmentsCount": "2"
          "requestId": "9f97d84e-b662-46e2-a82e-58d995c6f4fc"

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