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    Article summary


    Reverse Geocoding is a service that converts geographic coordinates on a NAVER map into an address (coordsToAddr). The Reverse Geocoding API returns information including dong designated by law, dong assigned for administrative purposes, Land-Lot Based Address and Road Name Address, for specific coordinates.
    The Reverse Geocoding service supports some coordinate systems specified by European Petroleum Survey Group (EPSG) and those commonly used in Korea.


    curl "https://naveropenapi.apigw.ntruss.com/map-reversegeocode/v2/gc?coords={input_coordinates}&sourcecrs={coordinate system}&orders={conversion_name}&output={output_format}" \
    	-H "X-NCP-APIGW-API-KEY-ID: {Client ID issued when registering an application}" \
    	-H "X-NCP-APIGW-API-KEY: {Client Secret issued when registering an application}" -v

    Request Parameters

    • For sourcecrs, targetcrs, orders, and output, a default value is used when the parameter is omitted. Default values for each parameter are described in the table below.
    • You can explicitly call those parameters if you need to specify a value other than the default.
    • If you do not specify the orders parameter: legal and administrative results are returned.
    • If you need to get a detailed address: specify orders=legalcode,admcode,addr,roadaddr.
    • (The reason why you need to add legalcode or admcode to the orders parameter to request a detailed address: For areas that have no detailed addresses, such as areas near a coastline and new housing sites, at least you can get a legal code or administrative code rather than “no results.”)
    requeststringNRequest service name.
    Use “coordsToaddr” for Reverse Geocoding.
    The default is coordToaddr.
    Example) request=coordsToaddr
    coordsstringYSource coordinates.
    Example) coords=128.12345,37.98776
    sourcecrsstringNSource coordinate system code.
    The default is the latitude-longitude coordinate system (epsg:4326).
    Refer to Coordinate systems for available coordinate system codes.
    Example) sourcecrs=epsg:4326 (lat-lng coordinate system)
    sourcecrs=nhn:2048 (utm-k coordinate system)
    sourcecrs=nhn:128 (katech coordinate system)
    sourcecrs=epsg:3857 (Google coordinate system)
    targetcrsstringNTarget coordinate system code.
    The default is the lat-lng coordinate system (epsg:4326).
    Refer to Coordinate systems for available coordinate system codes.
    Example) targetcrs=epsg:4326 (lat-lng coordinate system)
    targetcrs=nhn:2048 (utm-k coordinate system)
    targetcrs=nhn:128 (katech coordinate system)
    targetcrs=epsg:3857 (Google coordinate system)
    ordersstringNConversion name.
    The default is legalcode,admcode.
    Available values are as follows:
    - legalcode: Coordinates to legal codes
    - admcode: Coordinates to administrative codes
    - addr: Coordinates to land-lot addresses
    - roadaddr: Coordinates to road name addresses (new addresses)
    Multiple values can be added, and the results are shown in the order of values added.
    Example) orders=legalcode
    outputstringNOutput format.
    Available values are json and xml.
    The default is xml.
    Example) output=json
    callbackstringNCallback name to pass when callback is required for jsonp communications.
    It is available only for output=json.
    The json data is wrapped by the specified callback name and returned.
    Example) callback=abc

    Coordinate systems

    NameCodeConnected serviceTypeGCS infoPCS infoNote
    Google MapsEPSG:3857PCSWGS_1984WGS_19846378137 (Semi_Minor)298.2572236GreenwichDegreeM0000Meter1
    WGS84 longitude and latitudeEPSG:4326GCSWGS_1984WGS_19846378137298.2572236GreenwichDegreeNot applicableNot applicableNot applicableNot applicableNot applicableNot applicableNot applicable
    KATECH(TM128)NHN:128Mashup Map, Encyclopedia, Web OpenAPIPCSD_Korean_Datum_1985Bessel 18416377397.155299.1528128GreenwichDegreeTM12838600,000400,000Meter0.999910 ellipsoidal conversion factors: TRANSFORM"BADEKAS","-145.907,505.034,685.756,-1.162,2.347,1.592,6.342,-3159521.31,4068151.32,3748113.85"

    Request Header

    X-NCP-APIGW-API-KEY-IDClient ID issued when registering an app
    X-NCP-APIGW-API-KEYClient Secret issued when registering an app
    X-NCP-APIGW-API-KEY:{Client Secret}

    Request Body

    • No request body required.


    Response Body

    namestringConversion name
    codenumberCode information
    code.idstringCode value
    code.typestringCode type
    Example) L: Legal dong, A: Administrative dong, S: Administrative dong where the legal dong with the same name exists.
    code.mappingIdstringID related mapping code.
    Example) NAVER dong code mapped with the legal code or NAVER dong code mapped with the administrative code
    regionRegion name information.
    region.area0.namestringTwo letters of the country code top level domain.
    Refer to Country code top-level domain for more information.
    region.area0.coords.centerCenter coordinates of the administrative district.
    region.area0.coords.center.crsstringCoordinate system code.
    Refer to Coordinate systems for available coordinate system codes.
    Example) Longitude for the lat-lng coordinate system (epsg:4326).
    Example) Latitude for the lat-lng coordinate system (epsg:4326).
    region.area1.namestringAdministrative district unit name 1.
    Example) City (Si) and Province (Do) names officially announced by the Ministry of Public Administration and Security in Korea
    region.area1.coordsCoordinates related to the administrative district
    region.area1.coords.centerCenter coordinates of the administrative district.
    region.area1.coords.center.crsstringCoordinate system code.
    Refer to Coordinate systems for available coordinate system codes.
    Example) Longitude for the lat-lng coordinate system (epsg:4326).
    Example) Latitude for the lat-lng coordinate system (epsg:4326).
    region.area2.namestringAdministrative district unit name 2.
    Example) Si, Gun, and Gu names officially announced by the Ministry of Public Administration and Security in Korea
    region.area2.coordsCoordinates related to the administrative district
    region.area2.coords.centerCenter coordinates of the administrative district.
    region.area2.coords.center.crsstringCoordinate system code.
    Refer to Coordinate systems for available coordinate system codes.
    Example) Longitude for the lat-lng coordinate system (epsg:4326).
    Example) Latitude for the lat-lng coordinate system (epsg:4326).
    region.area3.namestringAdministrative district unit name 3.
    Example) Eup, Myeon, and Dong names officially announced by the Ministry of Public Administration and Security in Korea
    region.area3.coordsCoordinates related to the administrative district
    region.area3.coords.centerCenter coordinates of the administrative district.
    region.area3.coords.center.crsstringCoordinate system code.
    Refer to Coordinate systems for available coordinate system codes.
    Example) Longitude for the lat-lng coordinate system (epsg:4326).
    Example) Latitude for the lat-lng coordinate system (epsg:4326).
    region.area4.namestringAdministrative district unit name 4.
    Example) Li names officially announced by the Ministry of Public Administration and Security in Korea
    region.area4.coordsCoordinates related to the administrative district
    region.area4.coords.centerCenter coordinates of the administrative district.
    region.area4.coords.center.crsstringCoordinate system code.
    Refer to Coordinate systems for available coordinate system codes.
    Example) Longitude for the lat-lng coordinate system (epsg:4326).
    Example) Latitude for the lat-lng coordinate system (epsg:4326).
    landDetailed address information
    land.typestringLand type for land-lot based addresses
    Example) For land-lot based addresses in Korea, 1: General land, 2: Mountain
    For road name addresses, it is reserved.
    land.namestringDetailed name.
    Example) For land-lot based addresses in Korea, it is reserved.
    For road name addresses in Korea, it is a road name.
    land.number1stringDetailed number 1.
    Example) For land-lot based addresses in Korea, it is a main number.
    For road name addresses in Korea, it is a detailed address.
    land.number2stringDetailed number 2.
    Example) For land-lot based addresses in Korea, it is a sub number.
    For road name addresses in Korea, it is reserved.
    land.coordsCoordinates related to cadastral areas (reserved)
    addition0Additional information.
    For land-lot based addresses, it is reserved.
    For road name addresses, it is building information.
    addition0.typestringFor road name addresses with building information, it is building.
    addition0.valuestringFor road name addresses with building information, it is a building name.
    addition1Additional information.
    For land-lot based addresses, it is reserved.
    For road name addresses, it is a zip code.
    addition1.typestringFor road name addresses with zip code information, it is zipcode.
    addition1.valuestringFor road name addresses with zip code information, it is a zip code.
    addition2Additional information.
    For land-lot based addresses, it is reserved.
    For road name addresses, it is a road code.
    addition2.typestringFor road name addresses, it is 'roadGroupCode'.
    addition2.valuestringFor road name addresses, it is a road code (12-digit road group code).

    The API request returns different response data depending on the source coordinates. See the following cases.

    • Eup/Myeon/Dong

    • Li: As “Li” is a unit under “Eup/Myeon” designated by law, the code type for admcode is also set to “L.”

    • Bundang-gu Jeongja-dong: There are administrative dongs with the same name as the legal dong (in different areas).

    • Coordinates of Sejong-si: No si/gun/gu area2 data exists, and all administrative dongs under Sejong-si have the same legal dong (in different areas).

      • Dodam-dong (the same name in legal/administrative dong): https://naveropenapi.apigw.ntruss.com/map-reversegeocode/v2/gc?request=coordsToaddr&coords=127.2654387,36.5008113&sourcecrs=epsg:4326&orders=admcode,legalcode,addr,roadaddr&output=xml

      • Jochiwon-eup (legal): https://naveropenapi.apigw.ntruss.com/map-reversegeocode/v2/gc?request=coordsToaddr&coords=127.2923750,36.5929071&sourcecrs=epsg:4326&orders=admcode,legalcode,addr,roadaddr&output=xml

    • On the sea (no data): https://naveropenapi.apigw.ntruss.com/map-reversegeocode/v2/gc?request=coordsToaddr&coords=125.9913201,37.5666936&sourcecrs=epsg:4326&orders=admcode,legalcode,addr,roadaddr&output=xml


    Request Example

    curl "https://naveropenapi.apigw.ntruss.com/map-reversegeocode/v2/gc?request=coordsToaddr&coords=129.1133567,35.2982640&sourcecrs=epsg:4326&output=json&orders=legalcode,admcode" \
    	-H "X-NCP-APIGW-API-KEY-ID: {Client ID issued when registering an application}" \
    	-H "X-NCP-APIGW-API-KEY: {Client Secret issued when registering an application}" -v
    • Convert coordinates into a legal code
    • Convert coordinates into a land-lot based address and administrative code
    • Convert coordinates into a land-lot based address, administrative code and road name address

    Request Example

                        "name":"Busan Metropolitan City",

    Error Codes

    The API returns HTTP status 200 if the request was successful, with the following codes.

    0okThe API request is successfully made and returns a result.
    3no resultsThe API request is successfully made but returns no result.

    If the API request was not successful, it returns the following.

    HTTP status codeError codeError messageDescription
    400100invalid requestInvalid request parameters
    500900unknown error / io errorUnknown error

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