Cloud DB for Redis (on VPC) Overview

        Cloud DB for Redis (on VPC) Overview

        Article summary

        Available in VPC


        NAVER Cloud Platform is a cloud service built with NAVER's latest computing technology and operational know-how.
        The application program interface (API) that supports the use of services and solutions provided by NAVER Cloud Platform is called NAVER Cloud Platform API.

        Common attributes

        API URL

        GET or POST

        Request headers

        Header nameDescription
        x-ncp-apigw-timestampThis is the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC
        Request is considered invalid if the timestamp differs from the current time by more than 5 minutes
        x-ncp-iam-access-keyAPI key issued by NAVER Cloud Platform or access key issued by IAM
        x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2Signature signed by the secret key that matches the access key in the sample body above
        Use the HMAC-SHA256 encryption algorithm


        Cloud DB for Redis

        API nameDescription
        createCloudRedisConfigGroupCreate Cloud DB for Redis config group
        createCloudRedisManualBackupCreate manual Cloud DB for Redis backup
        createCloudRedisInstanceCreate Cloud DB for Redis instance
        deleteCloudRedisConfigGroupDelete Cloud DB for Redis config group
        deleteCloudRedisInstanceDelete Cloud DB for Redis instance
        deleteCloudRedisManualBackupDelete manual Cloud DB for Redis backup
        exportBackupToObjectStorageSend Cloud DB for Redis backup files to Object Storage
        flushAllCloudRedisServerInstanceDelete all data on the selected Redis server using the Cloud DB for Redis flushall command
        getCloudRedisInstanceListGet the list of Cloud DB for Redis instances
        getCloudRedisInstanceDetailGet Cloud DB for Redis instance details
        getCloudRedisImageProductListGet the list of Cloud DB for Redis product codes
        getCloudRedisProductListGet the list of Cloud DB for Redis server specification codes available for use
        getCloudRedisBackupListGet the list of Cloud DB for Redis backups
        getCloudRedisBackupDetailListGet Cloud DB for Redis backup details
        getCloudRedisConfigGroupListGet the list of Cloud DB for Redis config groups
        getCloudRedisManualBackupListGet the manual backup list of Cloud DB for Redis
        getCloudRedisManualBackupDetailListGet the list of Cloud DB for Redis manual backup details available for use
        getCloudRedisConfigGroupVersionListGet the version list of Cloud DB for Redis config groups
        getCloudRedisBucketListGet the list of Object Storage buckets available to use in Cloud DB for Redis
        getCloudRedisTargetVpcListGet a list of available VPCs
        getCloudRedisTargetSubnetListGet a list of available subnets
        rebootCloudRedisServerInstanceRestart Cloud DB for Redis server instance

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