Retrieving training list
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    Retrieving training list

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    Article Summary

    Available in Classic and VPC

    Retrieves a list of generated trainings.


    Describes the request format. The request format is as follows:



    The following describes the header.

    FieldRequirement statusDescription
    X-NCP-APIGW-TIMESTAMPYTime elapsed in milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC
    If the time differs from that of the API Gateway server by 5 minutes or more, then the request is considered invalid
    X-NCP-IAM-ACCESS-KEYYAccess key ID issued from NAVER Cloud Platform portal
    x-ncp-iam-access-key:{Main Account Access Key}
    X-NCP-APIGW-SIGNATURE-V2YSignature encrypted with the access key ID value and secret key
    x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2:{API Gateway Signature}
    X-NCP-CLOVASTUDIO-REQUEST-IDNRequest ID for each request

    Query parameters

    The following describes the parameters.

    FieldTypeRequirement statusDescription
    sizeintNPage size
  • 1-100 (default value: 20)
  • pageintNPage size
  • 0-N (default value: 0)
  • Syntax

    The following is an example of syntax.

    curl --location --request GET '' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --header 'X-NCP-APIGW-TIMESTAMP: <api_gw_time>' \
    --header 'X-NCP-IAM-ACCESS-KEY: <iam_access_key>' \
    --header 'X-NCP-APIGW-SIGNATURE-V2: <api_gw_sig>' \
    --header 'X-NCP-CLOVASTUDIO-REQUEST-ID: <request_id>'


    Describes the responses format.


    The following describes the header.

    HeaderRequirement statusDescription


    The following describes the body.

    FieldTypeRequirement statusDescription
    resultobject-Response result
    result.totalPagesint-Total number of pages
    result.totalElementsint-Total number of data
    result.sizeint-Number of data per page
    result.numberint-Page number
    result.contentobjectTraining information
    result.content.idstring-Training ID
    result.content.namestring-Training name
    result.content.modelstring-Tuning model name
    result.content.methodenum-Tuning method
  • LoRA
  • result.content.taksTypestring-Training type
  • GENERATION: generation
  • CLASSIFICATION: classification
  • result.content.trainEpochsinterger-Number of epochs to train the model
    result.content.learningRatedouble-Training rate: the level or degree to which model parameters are re-trained when tuning
    result.content.statusenum-Training progress status
  • WAIT
  • result.content.status.statusInfoarray-Training progress details
    result.content.status.statusInfo.labelarray-User data label, if training type is classification (null, if training type is GENERATION)
    result.content.status.statusInfo.dataRowsint-Number of data
    result.content.status.statusInfo.numOfTokensint-Number of data tokens
    result.content.status.statusInfo.currStepint-Current number of training steps
    result.content.status.statusInfo.totalTrainStepsint-Total number of training steps
    result.content.status.statusInfo.currEpochint-Current epochs
    result.content.status.statusInfo.totalTrainEpochsint-Total training epochs
    result.content.status.statusInfo.estimatedTimeint-Estimated duration (average 1 epoch time * total training epochs)
    result.content.status.statusInfo.trainLossdouble-Amount of training loss
    result.content.status.statusInfo.sendWeightSuccessboolean-Whether to save the training results
    result.content.status.statusInfo.endDatetimestring-End date of the training
    result.content.status.statusInfo.failureReasonstring-Reason for training failure
    • file recognition failed
    • file.privacy: private information exists in the file
    • file.harmful: harmful information exists in the file
    • resource.timeout: response timeout due to GPU acquisition failure. Retry required
    • failed to store training results
    • db.timeout: response timeout due to DB connection failure. Retry required
    result.content.status.createdClientTypeenum-Client type that requested the training
  • API: API client
  • WEB: web client
  • result.content.status.createdDatestring-Training generation date (ISO 8601 format)
    result.content.status.updatedDatestring-Training editing date (ISO 8601 format)


    The following is an example of syntax.

        "status": {
            "code": "20000",
            "message": "OK"
        "result": {
            "totalPages": "7,",
            "totalElements": "122,",
            "size": "20,",
            "number": "0,",
            "content": [
                "id": "oi55o2ej",
                "name": "230709-202307",
                "model": "HCX-002",
                "method": "LoRA",
                "taskType": "GENERATION",
                "trainEpochs": 4,
                "learningRate": 1.0E-4,
                "status": "FAILED",
                "statusInfo": {
                "label": null,
                "dataRows": null,
                "numOfTokens": null,
                "currStep": null,
                "totalTrainSteps": null,
                "currEpoch": null,
                "totalTrainEpochs": null,
                "estimatedTime": null,
                "trainLoss": null,
                "sendWeightSuccess": null,
                "failureReason": "resource.timeout"
                "createdClientType": "WEB",
                "createdDate": "2023-08-20T20:23:08+0900",
                "updatedDate": "2023-08-21T10:31:40+0900"
                    "id": "oi55o2ej",
                    "name": "230709-202307",
                    "model": "HCX-002",
                    "method": "LoRA",
                    "taskType": "GENERATION",
                    "trainEpochs": 4,
                    "learningRate": 1.0E-4,
                    "status": "FAILED",
                    "statusInfo": {
                    "label": null,
                    "dataRows": null,
                    "numOfTokens": null,
                    "currStep": null,
                    "totalTrainSteps": null,
                    "currEpoch": null,
                    "totalTrainEpochs": null,
                    "estimatedTime": null,
                    "trainLoss": null,
                    "sendWeightSuccess": null,
                    "failureReason": "resource.timeout"
                    "createdClientType": "WEB",
                    "createdDate": "2023-08-21T20:23:08+0900",
                    "updatedDate": "2023-08-22T10:31:40+0900"

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