

        Article summary


        Launch configuration is a template that Auto Scaling uses to create a cloud server instance for services. The template contains all information Auto Scaling needs to create a server instance. Launch configuration properties cannot be changed once created.


        Request parameters

        launchConfigurationNameNStringMin: 1
        Max: 255
        Launch configuration name to identify launch configurations
        Default: Automatically specified by Ncloud
        serverImageProductCodeConditionalStringMin: 1
        Max: 20
        Product code of the software (including OS) installed in the server image.
        serverImageProductCode (Software product code)
        memberServerImageNo (Member server image number)
        Only one of the two values can be specified.
        serverProductCodeNStringMin: 1
        Max: 20
        Server product code associated with the server hardware specifications
        Default: created with the minimum specifications.
        memberServerImageNoConditionalString-Member server image number
        serverImageProductCode (Software product code)
        memberServerImageNo (Member server image number)
        Only one of the two values can be specified.
        accessControlGroupConfigurationNoListNListDuplicates not allowedIf an access control group (ACG) configuration number is not specified, the default ACG is used.
        loginKeyNameNStringMin: 3
        Max: 30
        Login key name
        If it is not specified, the most recent login key name is used.
        Default: the most recent login key name
        userDataNStringMin: 1
        Max: 21847
        Only the BASE64-encoded character strings are allowed.
        When a server instance is booted for the first time, it decodes the BASE64-encoded character strings to run the script file that only contains plaintext character strings.
        When you pass in both userData and InitializationScriptNo parameters together, the generation error will be processed.
        initScriptNoNoStringThe server runs the initialization script that you set at first boot.
        Passes the initialization script number of the initialization script as a parameter.
        When you pass in both userData and initScriptNo parameters together, the generation error will be processed.
        The getInitScriptList action will help you get the initScriptNo.
        regionNoNStringGet available values by using the getRegionList action.


        Response body


        Request example


        Response example

                 <memberServerImageNo />
                 <userData />
                 <initScriptNo />

        Was this article helpful?

        Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
        First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
        Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
        Enter a valid email
        Enter a valid password
        Your profile has been successfully updated.