Get orderer information

        Get orderer information

        Article summary

        Available in VPC

        Get the orderer details of a blockchain network.


        The following describes the request format for the endpoint. The request format is as follows:


        Request headers

        For headers common to all Blockchain Service APIs, see Common Blockchain Service headers.

        Request path parameters

        The following describes the parameters.

        networkIdLongRequiredNetwork ID
        ordererIdStringRequiredOrderer ID

        Request example

        The following is a sample request.

        curl --location --request GET '{networkId}/orderers/{ordererId}' \
        --header 'x-ncp-apigw-timestamp: {Timestamp}' \
        --header 'x-ncp-iam-access-key: {Access Key}' \
        --header 'x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2: {API Gateway Signature}' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/json'


        The following describes the response format.

        Response body

        The following describes the response body.

        contentObject-Orderer details
        content.networkIdLong-Network ID
        content.ordererIdString-Orderer ID
        content.ordererNameString-Orderer name
        content.mspIdString-Orderer MSP ID
        content.ordererTypeString-Orderer configuration type
        • Raft 1 | Raft 5
          • Raft 1: single node
          • Raft 5: multiple nodes
        content.endpointAddrArray<String>-Orderer URL address
        content.adminIdentityNameString-Admin orderer CA name
        content.exportNetworkIdLong-Network ID imported from another network
        • It is displayed when importYn is Y
        content.exportOrdererIdString-Orderer ID imported from another network
        • It is displayed when importYn is Y
        content.ordererResourceCpuFloat-CPU capacity allocated to orderer pod (unit: core)
        content.ordererResourceMemInteger-Memory capacity allocated to orderer pod (unit: MB)
        content.ordererResourceStorageInteger-Storage capacity allocated to orderer pod (unit: MiB)
        content.batchConfigTimeoutInteger-Interval between gathering transactions to create a block (unit: second)
        • 0 (default)
        content.batchConfigMaxMessageCountInteger-Maximum number of transactions to include when creating a block (unit: count)
        • 0 (default)
        content.batchConfigPreferredMaxBytesInteger-Maximum size when creating a block (unit: MB)
        • 0 (default)
        content.batchConfigAbsoluteMaxBytesInteger-Maximum size that blocks are based on when created (unit: MB)
        • 0 (default)
        content.nodeAffinityLabelString-Label name of the Ncloud Kubernetes Service cluster nodepool where the orderer node is deployed
        content.importYnBoolean-Orderer MSP import status
        • Y | N (default)
          • Y: orderer MSP imported from another network
          • N: orderer MSP in the current network
        content.statusString-Orderer status
          • ACTIVE: running
          • DEPLOY: deploying
          • DELETE: deleting
        content.consortiumListArray-consortiumList details
        content.channelListArray-channelList details
        content.podStatusArray-podStatus details
        content.createDateLocalDateTime-Orderer creation date and time (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+0000)


        The following describes content.consortiumList.

        networkIdLong-Network ID where the consortium is configured
        networkNameString-Network name where the consortium is configured
        mspIdString-MSP ID where the consortium is configured
        mspNameString-MSP name where the consortium is configured
        importYnBoolean-Orderer MSP import status
        • Y | N (default)
          • Y: orderer MSP imported from another network
          • N: orderer MSP in the current network


        The following describes content.channelList.

        networkIdLong-Network ID where the channel is created
        ordererIdString-Orderer ID where the channel is created
        channelNameString-Channel name
        operatorString-Channel operator name


        The following describes content.podStatus.

        podStatusString-Lifecycle stages of orderer pods
        • Running | Pending | Failed | Unknown
          • Running: running
          • Pending: pending
          • Failed: operation failure
          • Unknown: unable to check status
        ordererResourceStorageInteger-Storage capacity allocated to orderer pod (unit: MiB)
        nameString-Orderer pod name
        ordererResourceMemInteger-Memory capacity allocated to orderer pod (unit: MB)
        ordererResourceCpuInteger-CPU capacity allocated to orderer pod (unit: core)

        Response status codes

        For response status codes common to all Blockchain Service APIs, see Common Blockchain Service response status codes.

        Response example

        The following is a sample example.

        When querying with network ID of single node (Raft 1) type

        The following is a sample response when querying with a network ID of the single-node (Raft 1) type.

            "content": {
                "networkId": 1630,
                "ordererId": "25728701",
                "ordererName": "test-orderer",
                "mspId": "test-msp",
                "ordererType": "Raft 1",
                "endpointAddr": "[test-orderer1-******-***]",
                "adminIdentityName": "******-orderer",
                "ordererResourceCpu": 0.35,
                "ordererResourceMem": 700,
                "ordererResourceStorage": 200,
                "batchConfigTimeout": 0,
                "batchConfigMaxMessageCount": 0,
                "batchConfigPreferredMaxBytes": 0,
                "batchConfigAbsoluteMaxBytes": 0,
                "nodeAffinityLabel": "",
                "importYn": "N",
                "status": "ACTIVE",
                "consortiumList": [
                        "networkId": 1630,
                        "networkName": "******-blockchain-test1",
                        "mspId": "test-msp3",
                        "mspName": "test-msp3",
                        "importYn": "N"
                        "networkId": 1630,
                        "networkName": "******-blockchain-test1",
                        "mspId": "test-msp2",
                        "mspName": "test-msp2",
                        "importYn": "N"
                        "networkId": 1630,
                        "networkName": "******-blockchain-test1",
                        "mspId": "test-msp",
                        "mspName": "test-msp",
                        "importYn": "N"
                "channelList": [
                        "networkId": 1630,
                        "ordererId": "25728701",
                        "channelName": "test-channel",
                        "operator": "test-msp"
                "podStatus": [
                        "podStatus": "Running",
                        "ordererResourceStorage": 200,
                        "name": "test-orderer1",
                        "ordererResourceMem": 700,
                        "ordererResourceCpu": 0.35
                "createDate": "2024-07-29T07:30:59+0000"

        When querying with network ID of multiple node (Raft 5) type

        The following is a sample response when querying with a network ID of the multi-node (Raft 5) type.

            "content": {
                "networkId": 1630,
                "ordererId": "24739528",
                "ordererName": "test-orderer2",
                "mspId": "test-msp",
                "ordererType": "Raft 5",
                "endpointAddr": "[test-orderer25-******-***,    test-orderer23-******-***,   test-orderer21-******-***,  test-orderer24-******-***, test-orderer22-******-***]",
                "adminIdentityName": "******-orderer",
                "ordererResourceCpu": 0.35,
                "ordererResourceMem": 700,
                "ordererResourceStorage": 100,
                "batchConfigTimeout": 0,
                "batchConfigMaxMessageCount": 0,
                "batchConfigPreferredMaxBytes": 0,
                "batchConfigAbsoluteMaxBytes": 0,
                "nodeAffinityLabel": "",
                "importYn": "N",
                "status": "ACTIVE",
                "consortiumList": [],
                "channelList": [],
                "podStatus": [
                        "podStatus": "Running",
                        "ordererResourceStorage": 100,
                        "name": "test-orderer21",
                        "ordererResourceMem": 700,
                        "ordererResourceCpu": 0.35
                        "podStatus": "Running",
                        "ordererResourceStorage": 100,
                        "name": "test-orderer22",
                        "ordererResourceMem": 700,
                        "ordererResourceCpu": 0.35
                        "podStatus": "Running",
                        "ordererResourceStorage": 100,
                        "name": "test-orderer23",
                        "ordererResourceMem": 700,
                        "ordererResourceCpu": 0.35
                        "podStatus": "Running",
                        "ordererResourceStorage": 100,
                        "name": "test-orderer24",
                        "ordererResourceMem": 700,
                        "ordererResourceCpu": 0.35
                        "podStatus": "Running",
                        "ordererResourceStorage": 100,
                        "name": "test-orderer25",
                        "ordererResourceMem": 700,
                        "ordererResourceCpu": 0.35
                "createDate": "2024-07-31T02:11:51+0000"

        When querying with imported network ID

        The following is a sample response when querying with an imported network ID.

            "content": {
                "networkId": 1633,
                "ordererId": "1633orderer25utfaj",
                "ordererName": "orderer2",
                "ordererType": "Raft 1",
                "endpointAddr": "[]",
                "exportNetworkId": 1634,
                "exportOrdererId": "25869834",
                "ordererResourceCpu": 0.0,
                "ordererResourceMem": 0,
                "ordererResourceStorage": 0,
                "batchConfigTimeout": 0,
                "batchConfigMaxMessageCount": 0,
                "batchConfigPreferredMaxBytes": 0,
                "batchConfigAbsoluteMaxBytes": 0,
                "importYn": "Y",
                "status": "ACTIVE"

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