Get Elasticsearch Cluster list

        Get Elasticsearch Cluster list

        Article summary

        Can be used in a VPC environment.


        Search a list of Search Engine Clusters.


        Request URL

        &vpcName={vpcName} [KR]
        &vpcName={vpcName} [SGN]
        &vpcName={vpcName} [JPN]

        Request headers

        x-ncp-apigw-timestampThis is the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC.
        If the time difference compared to the API Gateway server is more than 5 minutes, then the request is considered invalid.
        x-ncp-iam-access-keyThis is the Access Key ID value issued by the Naver Cloud Platform portal.
        x-ncp-iam-access-key:{Account Access Key}
        x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2This is the signature encrypted Access Key ID value and Secret Key.
        x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2:{API Gateway Signature}
        Content-TypeSpecifies the request body content type as application/json
        Content-Type: application/json

        Request parameters

        ParameterTypeRequired statusDescription
        inputTextStringNThis is the cluster name to search.
        vpcNameStringNSearch the cluster using the VPC.
        pageNoIntegerNThis is the page no. Default : 1
        ex) 1, 2
        pageSizeIntegerNThis is the page size.Default : 10
        ex) 10, 20

        Request example

        Content-Type: application/json
        x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2: zq0FrtlU8JZJi9esTK31bCQUNG3H+jo4CMjMkJDoWSc=
        x-ncp-apigw-timestamp: 1593848345548
        x-ncp-iam-access-key: 7fIvgFY428mtY6sY8maw
        curl -X GET "
        &vpcName=clean \
        -H "accept: application/json" \
        -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        -H "x-ncp-iam-access-key: 7fIvgFY428mtY6sY8maw" \
        -H "x-ncp-apigw-timestamp: 1601971222179" \
        -H "x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2: zrCelnR48AADdK/uh6Xe3yy468i8KpQoewYHUmeqYh4=" \

        Response parameters

        public class GetClusterInfoListResponseVo {
            private List<AllowedClusterInfo> allowedClusters;
            private List<DisallowedClusterInfo> disallowedClusters;
            private Integer currentPage;
            private Boolean isFirst;
            private Boolean isLast;
            private Integer pageSize;
            private Long totalCount;
            private Integer totalPage;
        public class AllowedClusterInfo {
            private String clusterName;
            private String dataNodeType;
            private String dataNodeProductName;
            private Integer dataNodeCount;
            private String clusterStatus;
            private String elasticSearchStatus;
            private String elasticSearchVersion;
            private String softwareProductName;
            private Date createDate;
            private String managerNodeType;
            private Integer managerNodeCount;
            private Long dataStorageVolumeSize;
            private Integer managerNodeAccessControlGroupSequence;
            private String managerNodeAccessControlGroupName;
            private Integer dataNodeAccessControlGroupSequence;
            private String dataNodeAccessControlGroupName;
            private String elasticSearchHttpPort;
            private String kibanaHttpPort;
            private String loginKeyName;
            private String serviceGroupInstanceNo;
            private String kibanaUserName;
            private String memberNo;
            private String vpcName;
            private Integer vpcNo;
            private String managerNodeSubnetName;
            private Integer managerNodeSubnetNo;
            private String dataNodeSubnetName;
            private Integer dataNodeSubnetNo;
            private Boolean isMasterOnlyNodeActivated;
            private Integer masterNodeAccessControlGroupSequence;
            private String masterNodeAccessControlGroupName;
            private String masterNodeSubnetName;
            private Integer masterNodeSubnetNo;
            private String masterNodeType;
            private String masterNodeProductName;
            private Integer masterNodeCount;
            private Boolean isPluginInstalled;
            private String accessKeyId;
        public class DisallowedClusterInfo {
            private String clusterName;
            private String clusterStatus;
            private String elasticSearchStatus;


        Parameter NameTypeDescription
        serviceGroupInstanceNoStringserviceGroupInstanceNo of the cluster created
        allowedClustersList<AllowedClusterInfo>Cluster list
        disallowedClustersList<DisallowedClusterInfo>List of clusters without getClusterDetail permissions when calling with Subaccount
        currentPageIntegerCurrent page
        isFirstBooleanWhether it's the first page
        isLastBooleanWhether it's the last page
        pageSizeIntegerPage size
        totalCountLongTotal number of the cluster's lists
        totalPageIntegerTotal page no.
        clusterNameStringCluster name
        dataNodeTypeStringData node type
        dataNodeProductNameStringData node type name
        dataNodeCountIntegerNumber of data nodes
        clusterStatusStringCluster status
        elasticSearchStatusStringElasticsearch status
        elasticSearchVersionStringElasticsearch version
        softwareProductNameStringOS product name
        createDateDateCreated date
        managerNodeTypeStringManager node type
        managerNodeCountIntegerNumber of manager nodes
        dataStorageVolumeSizeLongData node storage size
        managerNodeAccessControlGroupSequenceIntegerACG no. of the manager node
        managerNodeAccessControlGroupNameStringACG name of the manager node
        dataNodeAccessControlGroupSequenceIntegerACG no. of the data node
        dataNodeAccessControlGroupNameStringACG name of the data node
        elasticSearchHttpPortStringElasticsearch HTTP Port
        kibanaHttpPortStringKibana HTTP Port
        loginKeyNameStringAuthentication key name
        serviceGroupInstanceNoStringCluster instance no.
        kibanaUserNameStringKibana connection ID
        memberNoStringCustomer no.
        vpcNameStringName of the VPC where the server is located
        vpcNoIntegerNo. of the VPC where the server is located
        managerNodeSubnetNameStringName of the subnet where the manager node is located
        managerNodeSubnetNoIntegerNo. of the subnet where the manager node is located
        dataNodeSubnetNameStringName of the subnet where the data node is located
        dataNodeSubnetNoIntegerName of the subnet where the data node is located
        isDualManagerBooleanManager node duplexing status
        isMasterOnlyNodeActivatedBooleanDedicated master node activation status
        masterNodeAccessControlGroupSequenceIntegerMaster node ACG number
        masterNodeAccessControlGroupNameStringMaster node ACG name
        masterNodeSubnetNameStringName of the subnet where the master node is located
        masterNodeSubnetNoIntegerNumber of the subnet where the master node is located
        masterNodeTypeStringMaster node type
        masterNodeProductNameStringMaster node type name
        masterNodeCountIntegerNumber of master nodes
        isPluginInstalledBooleanObject Storage plugin installation status
        accessKeyIdStringAPI access key for Object Storage access

        Response example

          "code": 0,
          "message": "SUCCESS",
          "result": {
            "currentPage": 1,
            "isFirst": true,
            "isLast": true,
            "pageSize": 10,
            "totalCount": 1,
            "totalPage": 1,
            "allowedClusters": [
                "clusterName": "openapitest11",
                "dataNodeType": "2vCPU, 4GB Mem",
                "dataNodeProductName": "2 vCPUs, 4 GB memory, 50 GB [SSD] disk",
                "dataNodeCount": 3,
                "clusterStatus": "running",
                "elasticSearchStatus": "green",
                "elasticSearchVersion": "ElasticSearch-OSS 7.7.0",
                "softwareProductName": "CentOS 7.3 (64-bit)",
                "createDate": "2020-10-06 18:06:40",
                "managerNodeType": "2vCPU, 4GB Mem",
                "managerNodeCount": 2,
                "dataStorageVolumeSize": 322122547200,
                "managerNodeAccessControlGroupSequence": 62222,
                "managerNodeAccessControlGroupName": "searchengine-m-vtps",
                "dataNodeAccessControlGroupSequence": 62221,
                "dataNodeAccessControlGroupName": "searchengine-d-vtps",
                "elasticSearchHttpPort": "9200",
                "kibanaHttpPort": "5601",
                "loginKeyName": "testkey",
                "serviceGroupInstanceNo": "1484848",
                "kibanaUserName": "test",
                "memberNo": "774",
                "vpcName": "test",
                "vpcNo": 36752,
                "managerNodeSubnetName": "testpri | KR-1 | Private",
                "managerNodeSubnetNo": 22630,
                "dataNodeSubnetName": "testpri | KR-1 | Private",
                "dataNodeSubnetNo": 22630,
                "isPluginInstalled": true,
                "isDualManager": true,
                "accessKeyId": null,
                "isMasterOnlyNodeActivated": false,
                "masterNodeAccessControlGroupSequence": null,
                "masterNodeAccessControlGroupName": null,
                "masterNodeSubnetName": null,
                "masterNodeSubnetNo": null,
                "masterNodeType": null,
                "masterNodeProductName": null,
                "masterNodeCount": null,
            "disallowedClusters": []
          "requestId": "857c253d-a8b7-4795-983a-b50c15f180a2"

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