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    Article Summary

    Available in VPC


    Cloud DB for Redis instance is generated.


    Request Parameters

    Parameter nameRequirement statusTypeRestrictionsDescription
    regionCodeNoString- Region code
    Sets the region in which a Cloud DB for Redis instance is to be created
    regionCode can be obtained via the getRegionList action
    Default: the first Region of the getRegionList search results is selected.
    vpcNoYesString- VPC number
    Determining the VPC in which the Cloud DB for Redis instance will be created
    vpcNo can be obtained through the getVpcList action
    cloudRedisImageProductCodeNoString- Cloud Redis image product code
    The cloudRedisImageProductCode can be obtained via the productCode of the getCloudRedisImageProductList action.
    Generated in default value if data is not entered.
    cloudRedisProductCodeNoString- Cloud Redis product code
    Sets the server specifications of the Cloud DB for Redis instance to be created.
    The cloudRedisProductCode can be obtained via the productCode of the getCloudRedisProductList action
    Default: the minimum specifications are selected
    The minimum specifications are: 1. memory, 2. CPU.
    shardCountNoIntegerMin:3, Max: 10- Number of shards
    Number of shards to be created.
    3 to 10
    Number of master nodes
    Necessary only if the CloudRedisModeCode is CLUSTER.
    If the CloudRedisModeCode is SIMPLE, even if the shardCount is entered, it is ignored.
    default: 3
    shardCopyCountNoIntegerMin: 0, Max: 4- Replicas per shard
    Redis Cluster consists of the master node and slave node.
    A slave node is necessary for HA.
    When adding a replica, one slave node is assigned to each master node.
    For example, 3 shards, 1 replica per shard -> Master node: 3, Slave node: 3
    You can enter 0 to 4 replica(s) for each shard.
    If the number of replicas per shard is set to 0, then high availability can't be supported.
    Necessary only if the CloudRedisModeCode is CLUSTER.
    If the CloudRedisModeCode is SIMPLE, even if the shardCopyCount is entered, it is ignored.
    default: 0
    isHaNoBoolean- High availability status
    The Cloud DB for Redis product supports automatic failure recovery using the Standby master.
    When high availability is supported, additional charges are incurred and backup is automatically configured.
    Default: false
    configGroupNoYesString- ConfigGroup number
    Config groups are provided, and one cluster group uses the same config.
    A new config group must be created if none exists. It can be changed online after creation.
    isBackupNoBoolean- Backup status
    If the high availability status (isHa) is True, then the backup setting status is fixed as True.
    default : false
    backupFileRetentionPeriodNoIntegerMin: 1, Max: 7- Backup file retention period
    Backups are performed on a daily basis, and backup files are stored in a separate backup storage.
    Charges are based on the storage space used
    Default: 1 (1 day)
    backupTimeConditionalString- Backup time
    Set the time to perform backup
    This field must be entered when the backup status (isBackup) is true and the automatic backup status (isAutomaticBackup) is false.
    isAutomaticBackupNoBoolean- Automatic backup time status
    Select whether to have backup times set automatically.
    When the automatic backup status (isAutomaticBackup) is true, then any backupTime entered is ignored and the backup time is configured automatically.
    cloudRedisServiceNameYesStringOnly alphanumeric characters, numbers, hyphens (-), and Korean characters are allowed.
    Min: 3, Max: 15
    - Cloud Redis service name
    Enter the group name of the Redis server (e.g., NAVER-HOME).
    You can enter 3 to 15 characters.
    You cannot double-use the Redis service name.
    cloudRedisServerNamePrefixYesStringIt must only contain English letters (lowercase), numbers, and hyphens (-).
    It must start with an English letter and end with an English letter or a number.
    Min: 3, Max: 15
    - Cloud Redis server name
    Enter the name prefix of the Redis Server.
    You can enter 3 to 15 characters.
    The Redis server name is created with a 3-digit number, which is automatically created.
    You cannot double-use the Redis Server name.
    Min: 10000, Max: 20000
    - Cloud Redis port
    You need to enter the TCP port number of Redis access.
    Default: 6379
    subnetNoYesString- Subnet number
    Sets the subnet of the Cloud Redis instance to be created.
    The subnetNo can be obtained through the getSubnetList action.
    A public domain can only be used with a DB server created in a public subnet.
    Subnet transfer is not possible after a Cloud DB for Redis instance has been created.
    engineVersionCodeNoString- Engine Version
    - The getCloudRedisImageProductList can be obtained through the getCloudRedisImageProductList action.
    Necessary only if the generationCode of the cloudRedisImageProductCode is G3.
    If an entry is not made, then it is generated in the latest currently available version.
    cloudRedisModeCodeYesString- Configuration of Cloud DB for Redis
    Determines the configuration of Cloud DB for Redis.
    When the CLUSTER setting is used, the isHa setting is ignored.
    Options: CLUSTER, SIMPLE
    responseFormatTypeNoString- Format type of the response result
    Options: xml | json
    Default: xml


    Response bodies


    Request Examples

    GET {API_URL}/createCloudRedisInstance

    Response examples

                    <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Init State</codeName>
                    <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Creat OP</codeName>
                <engineVersion>REDIS 4.0.14</engineVersion>
                    <codeName>Berkeley Software Distribution</codeName>
                    <codeName>CLOUD REDIS(VPC) Cluster Role</codeName>
                            <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Pending State</codeName>
                            <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Create OP</codeName>
                            <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Pending State</codeName>
                            <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Create OP</codeName>
                            <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Pending State</codeName>
                            <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Create OP</codeName>
                            <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Pending State</codeName>
                            <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Create OP</codeName>
                            <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Pending State</codeName>
                            <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Create OP</codeName>
                            <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Pending State</codeName>
                            <codeName>CLOUD DATABASE(VPC) Server Create OP</codeName>

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