Deploy player option to development environment
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Deploy player option to development environment
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The following describes how to deploy the configured player options to the development environment.
Player option information
Field name | Required | Type | Limit | Description |
player_no | Y | Integer | Path Parameter | Player number |
option | Y | Object(json) | Player option information | |
option.aspectRatio | N | String | Paid/free | Aspect ratio, default 16/9, Options: 16/9, 4/3, 1/1, 9/16, 21/9 |
option.autoPause | N | Boolean | Paid/free | Auto-stop playback when disabled |
option.autostart | N | Boolean | Paid/free | Whether to autoplay, default: TRUE |
option.repeat | N | Boolean | Paid/free | Video looping, default: FALSE |
option.lang | N | String | Paid/free | UI language settings, default: auto Options: auto, ko, en, ja |
option.muted | N | Boolean | Paid/free | Mute, default: FALSE |
option.objectFit | N | String | Paid/free | Video fit-to-frame, default: contain, Options: contain, cover, fill |
option.controlActiveTime | N | Integer | Paid/free | Control bar activation time (ms) Default: 3000 |
option.controls | N | Boolean | Paid/free | Whether to use the control bar, default: TRUE |
option.controlBtn | N | Object | Paid | Control bar button visibility settings, changeable for paid only |
option.controlBtn.fullscreen | N | Boolean | Paid | Full screen, changeable for paid only, default: TRUE |
option.controlBtn.pictureInPicture | N | Boolean | Paid | Mini player, changeable for paid only, default: TRUE | | N | Boolean | Paid | Play button visibility, changeable for paid only, default: TRUE |
option.controlBtn.times | N | Boolean | Paid | Time display, changeable for paid only, default: TRUE |
option.controlBtn.volume | N | Boolean | Paid | Volume adjustment, changeable for paid only, default: TRUE |
option.controlBtn.subtitle | N | Boolean | Paid | Subtitle control button visibility, changeable for paid only, default: TRUE |
option.controlBtn.setting | N | Boolean | Paid | Settings button visibility, changeable for paid only, default: TRUE |
option.controlBtn.progressBar | N | Boolean | Paid | Whether to use the progress bar, default: TRUE |
option.descriptionNotVisible | N | Boolean | Paid | Hide video metadata UI, metadata can only be set for paid, default FALSE |
option.playRateSetting | N | Array | Paid | Double-speed selection options Changeable for paid only, default: [0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2] |
option.progressBarColor | N | String | Paid | Control bar color, changeable for paid only Default: #4299f5 |
option.seekingPreview | N | Boolean | Paid | Thumbnail preview, default: TRUE |
option.startMutedInfoNotVisible | N | Boolean | Paid | Mute indication, default: FALSE |
option.keyboardShortcut | N | Boolean | Paid | Keyboard shortcuts, default: TRUE |
option.touchGestures | N | Boolean | Paid | Touch gesture activation |
option.ui | N | String | Paid | UI settings, default: all Configurable for paid only: all, mobile, pc |
option.lowLatencyMode | N | Boolean | Paid | LL-HLS ultra-latency mode support, keeping live video always in the latest segment Default: FALSE |
option.customBtns | N | Array | Paid | Custom button addition (up to 4) |
option.customBtns.ui | Y | String | Paid | Custom button device environment UI (PC, mobile) |
option.customBtns.position | Y | String | Paid | Custom button location settings (left-top, left-bottom, right-top, right-bottom) |
option.customBtns.flow | N | String | Paid | Custom button creation location settings (left, right, default: left) |
option.customBtns.icon | Y | String | Paid | Custom button image URL settings |
Request example
Success code
HttpStatusCode | Code | Message |
200 | 200 | ok |
Error code
HttpStatusCode | Code | Message | Description |
200 | 4601 | Query string player_no is missing. | |
200 | 4729 | Body (JSON) customBtns must be array. | |
200 | 4730 | Body (JSON) customBtns is up to 4. | |
200 | 4731 | Body (JSON) customBtns position is invalid. | |
200 | 4732 | Body (JSON) customBtns position is required. | |
200 | 4733 | Body (JSON) customBtns icon is required. | |
200 | 4734 | Body (JSON) customBtns ui is required. | |
200 | 4735 | Body (JSON) customBtns ui is invalid. | |
200 | 4736 | Body (JSON) customBtns flow is invalid. | |
200 | 4706 | Enter an option value for Body (JSON). | |
200 | 4801 | No player information. | |
200 | 4804 | The feature can't be used in the free version of player. |
Response example
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