Deploy player option to development environment
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        Deploy player option to development environment

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        Article summary

        The following describes how to deploy the configured player options to the development environment.


        PUT {API_URL}/players/{player_no}/applyDev

        Player option information

        Field nameRequiredTypeLimitDescription
        player_noYIntegerPath ParameterPlayer number
        optionYObject(json)Player option information
        option.aspectRatioNStringPaid/freeAspect ratio, default 16/9,
        Options: 16/9, 4/3, 1/1, 9/16, 21/9
        option.autoPauseNBooleanPaid/freeAuto-stop playback when disabled
        option.autostartNBooleanPaid/freeWhether to autoplay, default: TRUE
        option.repeatNBooleanPaid/freeVideo looping, default: FALSE
        option.langNStringPaid/freeUI language settings, default: auto
        Options: auto, ko, en, ja
        option.mutedNBooleanPaid/freeMute, default: FALSE
        option.objectFitNStringPaid/freeVideo fit-to-frame, default: contain,
        Options: contain, cover, fill
        option.controlActiveTimeNIntegerPaid/freeControl bar activation time (ms)
        Default: 3000
        option.controlsNBooleanPaid/freeWhether to use the control bar, default: TRUE
        option.controlBtnNObjectPaidControl bar button visibility settings, changeable for paid only
        option.controlBtn.fullscreenNBooleanPaidFull screen, changeable for paid only, default: TRUE
        option.controlBtn.pictureInPictureNBooleanPaidMini player, changeable for paid only, default: TRUE
        option.controlBtn.playNBooleanPaidPlay button visibility, changeable for paid only, default: TRUE
        option.controlBtn.timesNBooleanPaidTime display, changeable for paid only, default: TRUE
        option.controlBtn.volumeNBooleanPaidVolume adjustment, changeable for paid only, default: TRUE
        option.controlBtn.subtitleNBooleanPaidSubtitle control button visibility, changeable for paid only, default: TRUE
        option.controlBtn.settingNBooleanPaidSettings button visibility, changeable for paid only, default: TRUE
        option.controlBtn.progressBarNBooleanPaidWhether to use the progress bar, default: TRUE
        option.descriptionNotVisibleNBooleanPaidHide video metadata UI, metadata can only be set for paid, default FALSE
        option.playRateSettingNArrayPaidDouble-speed selection options
        Changeable for paid only, default: [0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2]
        option.progressBarColorNStringPaidControl bar color, changeable for paid only
        Default: #4299f5
        option.seekingPreviewNBooleanPaidThumbnail preview, default: TRUE
        option.startMutedInfoNotVisibleNBooleanPaidMute indication, default: FALSE
        option.keyboardShortcutNBooleanPaidKeyboard shortcuts, default: TRUE
        option.touchGesturesNBooleanPaidTouch gesture activation
        option.uiNStringPaidUI settings, default: all
        Configurable for paid only: all, mobile, pc
        option.lowLatencyModeNBooleanPaidLL-HLS ultra-latency mode support, keeping live video always in the latest segment
        Default: FALSE
        option.customBtnsNArrayPaidCustom button addition (up to 4)
        option.customBtns.uiYStringPaidCustom button device environment UI (PC, mobile)
        option.customBtns.positionYStringPaidCustom button location settings (left-top, left-bottom, right-top, right-bottom)
        option.customBtns.flowNStringPaidCustom button creation location settings (left, right, default: left)
        option.customBtns.iconYStringPaidCustom button image URL settings

        Request example

        PUT /api/v1/players/1/applyDev
        Content-Type: application/json
        Request body
          "option": {
            "aspectRatio": "string",
            "autoPause": true,
            "autostart": true,
            "controlActiveTime": 0,
            "controlBtn": {
              "fullscreen": true,
              "pictureInPicture": true,
              "play": true,
              "setting": true,
              "times": true,
              "volume": true,
              "subtitle": true,
              "progressBar": true
            "controls": true,
            "descriptionNotVisible": true,
            "keyboardShortcut": true,
            "lang": "auto",
            "lowLatencyMode": true,
            "muted": true,
            "objectFit": "string",
            "playRateSetting": [
            "progressBarColor": "string",
            "repeat": true,
            "seekingPreview": true,
            "startMutedInfoNotVisible": true,
            "touchGestures": true,
            "ui": "string",
            "visibleWatermark": true

        Success code


        Error code

        2004601Query string player_no is missing.
        2004729Body (JSON) customBtns must be array.
        2004730Body (JSON) customBtns is up to 4.
        2004731Body (JSON) customBtns position is invalid.
        2004732Body (JSON) customBtns position is required.
        2004733Body (JSON) customBtns icon is required.
        2004734Body (JSON) customBtns ui is required.
        2004735Body (JSON) customBtns ui is invalid.
        2004736Body (JSON) customBtns flow is invalid.
        2004706Enter an option value for Body (JSON).
        2004801No player information.
        2004804The feature can't be used in the free version of player.

        Response example

        HTTP/1.1 200 OK
        Server: nginx
        Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2021 09:53:32 GMT
        Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
        Connection: keep-alive
        Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
        x-ncp-trace-id: 36c9k60om4p3238cpmc9gm4cj4
        // Upon success
          "code": "200",
          "message": "ok"
        // Upon failure
        "error": {
            "errorCode": "4804",
            "message": "The feature can't be used in the free version of player. "

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