Overview of the Cloud data streaming service
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    Overview of the Cloud data streaming service

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    Article Summary

    Available in VPC


    NAVER Cloud Platform is a cloud service built on the latest in NAVER's computing technologies and operational know-how.
    The application program interfaces (APIs) that enable you to fully utilize the services and solutions provided by NAVER Cloud Platform are collectively referred to as NAVER Cloud Platform APIs.
    NAVER Cloud Platform API is provided in the RESTful form when the HTTP GET/POST method is called.

    Common settings



    Request headers

    x-ncp-apigw-timestamp- This is the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since 00:00:00, January 1, 1970 (UTC).
    - If the time difference compared to the API Gateway server is more than 5 minutes, then the request is considered invalid.
    x-ncp-iam-access-keyAPI key issued from NAVER Cloud Platform or accessKey issued from IAM
    x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2- This is the signature used to encrypt the body of the example above with SecretKey that maps with AccessKey.
    - The HMAC encryption algorithm is HmacSHA256

    For more information, see the NAVER Cloud Platform API Guide.

    Response parameters

    public class ResponseVo<T> {
            private int code;
            private String message;
            private T result;
            private String requestId;



    API nameDescription
    createCDSSClusterCreating a cloud data streaming service cluster
    createCDSSClusterReturnServiceGroupInstancNoCreating a Cloud data streaming service cluster (Return ID)
    getCDSSVersionListSearch the Cloud data streaming service Version
    getOsProductListView the available OS list
    getNodeProductListSearch hardware specifications available in the manager and broker node
    getVpcListView the available VPC list
    getSubnetListView the list of available subnets
    deleteCDSSClusterDelete the Cloud data streaming service cluster
    changeCountOfBrokerNodeAdd the number of broker nodes of the Cloud data streaming service cluster
    restartAllServicesRestart all services
    restartCMAKServiceRestart the CMAK service
    restartKafkaServiceRestart the Kafka service
    restartKafkaServicePerNodeRestart the Kafka service for each node
    resetCMAKPasswordInitialize the CMAK connection password
    getClusterInfoListSearch the list of Cloud data streaming service clusters
    getClusterInfoSearch a single Cloud data streaming service cluster
    getClusterStatusSearch the Cloud data streaming service cluster status
    getClusterNodeListCheck the list of nodes of the Cloud data streaming service cluster
    getBrokerInfoCheck the broker node information of the Cloud data streaming service cluster
    getClusterAcgInfoCheck the ACG of the Cloud data streaming service cluster
    downloadCertificateDownload a certificate
    enablePublicDomainEnable the public domain
    disablePublicDomainDisable public domain
    getLoadBalancerInstanceListView the load balancer list
    enableBrokerNodePublicEndpointEnable the public endpoint of the Broker node
    disableBrokerNodePublicEndpointDisable the public endpoint of the Broker node
    getNodeSpecDetailSearch the specifications by node group
    getNodeProductListForSpecChangeSearch the specifications that can be changed for each node group
    changeSpecNodeChange Node specifications


    API nameDescription
    getCdssMonitoringDataSearch the Cloud data streaming service monitoring data of the cluster or server
    getOsMonitoringDataSearch the OS Monitoring data of the server


    API nameDescription
    createConfigGroupCreate a Cloud data streaming service config group
    deleteConfigGroupDelete the Cloud data streaming service config group
    getKafkaConfigGroupView information on the Cloud data streaming service config group
    setKafkaConfigGroupMemoEdit the description of the Cloud data streaming service config group
    getKafkaVersionConfigGroupListView available ConfigGroup information depending on the Kafka version of the Cloud data streaming service
    getConfigGroupUsingClusterListView the list of clusters that are using ConfigGroup of the Cloud data streaming service
    getKafkaConfigGroupDetailListView detailed Kafka settings of ConfigGroup of the Cloud data streaming service that can be changed
    setKafkaConfigGroupDetailEdit detailed Config information of the Cloud data streaming service config group
    setClusterKafkaConfigGroupRestart the cluster after applying the Cloud data streaming service config group to the cluster

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