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    Article Summary

    Can be used in a VPC environment.


    Assign secondary IPs to a network interface.


    Request parameter

    Parameter nameRequirement statusTypeRestrictionsDescription
    regionCodeNoString- Region code
    You can decide the region of the network interface to assign secondary IPs.
    You can obtain regionCode through the getRegionList action.
    Default: Selects the first region of the getRegionList search results.
    networkInterfaceNoYesString- The network interface number to assign secondary IP
    You can obtain networkInterfaceNo through the getNetworkInterfaceList action.
    secondaryIpList.NConditionalListMin: 0, Max: 5- List of secondary IPs to assign
    You can add private IPs that are included in the IP address range of the subnet where the network interface is located as secondary IPs.
    Up to 5 secondary IPs per network interface can be added.
    At least one secondary IP must be specified, which is counted by adding the numbers of secondaryIpList and secondaryIpCount.
    E.g., secondaryIpList.1=
    secondaryIpCountConditionalIntegerMin: 0, Max: 5- Number of automatically assigned secondary IPs
    A specified number of secondary IPs can be assigned automatically.
    Private IPs, which are not being used in the subnet where the selected network interface is located, get assigned in sequence.
    Up to 5 secondary IPs per network interface can be added.
    At least one secondary IP must be specified, which is counted by adding the numbers of secondaryIpList and secondaryIpCount.
    allowReassignNoBoolean- Whether reassignment is explicitly allowed
    When set to true, it's necessary to remove the secondary IPs being used by another network interface, if there is one, and to reassign them to the selected network interface.
    When set to false, an error occurs if there are secondary IPs being used by another network interface.
    The error will not occur if all the selected secondary IPs are not in use or already assigned to the selected network interface.
    It is only applicable for the IPs specified with secondaryIpList.
    Options: true | false
    Default: false
    responseFormatTypeNoString- Format type of the response result
    Options: xml | json
    Default: xml


    Response body


    Request examples

    GET {API_URL}/assignSecondaryIps

    Response examples

            <codeName>used </codeName>
            <codeName>Server (VPC)</codeName>

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