Chat Completions
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    Chat Completions

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    Article summary

    Available in Classic and VPC

    Generate interactive sentences utilizing the HyperCLOVA X model.


    The following describes the request format for the endpoint. The request format is as follows:


    When using a task that has been tuning trained, it should be called in the form /v1/tasks/{taskId}/chat-completions. You can check the taskID required for calling in the response body of Create training API.

    Request headers

    The following describes the headers.

    X-NCP-CLOVASTUDIO-API-KEYYAPI key issued when creating the test app or service app
    X-NCP-APIGW-API-KEYYAPI Gateway key issued when creating the test app or service app
    X-NCP-CLOVASTUDIO-REQUEST-IDNRequest ID for each request
    • Response results are returned in JSON by default, but if you specify Accept as text/event-stream, then the response results are returned as a stream.
    • When using the response stream, use the API URL as

    Request path parameters

    The following describes the parameters.

    modelNamestringYModel name to use <E.g.> HCX-003

    The following describes the parameters when using a task that has been tuning trained.

    taskIdstringYTraining ID

    You can check the taskID required for calling in the response body of Create training API.

    Request body

    The following describes the body.

    messagesobject (ChatMessage)YConversation messages
    ChatMessages.roleenumYRole of conversation messages
  • system: directives that define roles
  • user: user utterances/questions
  • assistant: answers to user utterances/questions
  • ChatMessages.contentstringYContent of conversation messages
    temperaturedoubleNDegree of diversity for the generated tokens (higher values generate more diverse sentences)
  • 0.00 < temperature ≤ 1 (default: 0.50)
  • topKintNSample k high-probability candidates from the pool of generated token candidates
  • 0 ≤ topK ≤ 128 (default: 0)
  • topPdoubleNSample generated token candidates based on cumulative probability
  • 0 < topP ≤ 1 (default: 0.8)
  • repeatPenaltydoubleNDegree of penalty for generating the same token (the higher the setting, the less likely it is to generate the same result repeatedly)
  • 0 < repeatPenalty ≤ 10 (default: 5.0)
  • stopBeforestringNCharacter to abort token generation
  • [] (default)
  • maxTokensintNMaximum number of generated tokens
  • 0 - 4096 (default: 100)
  • includeAiFiltersbooleanNDegree of the generated results in categories such as profanity, degradation/discrimination/hate, sexual harassment/obscenity, etc.
  • false (default)
  • true
  • seedintNAdjust the consistency level of results in model iterations
  • 0: randomize consistency level (default)
  • 1 ≤ seed ≤ 4294967295: the seed value of the results you want to generate consistently, or a seed value you specify
  • Note

    When entering some fields, check the following.

  • messages: The sum of the number of tokens entered and the number of tokens entered in `maxTokens` can't exceed 4096 tokens. The number of tokens entered in messages can be verified by calling the Chat completions token calculation API.
  • topP, temperature: Write to two decimal places.
  • Seed: When used, you can increase the probability of getting consistent results over repeated runs of the model. However, it does not guarantee the completeness of the results, and results may vary slightly if other conditions change.
  • Request syntax

    The following is a sample syntax.

    curl --location --request POST '' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --header 'Accept: text/event-stream' \
    --data '{
      "topK" : 0,
      "includeAiFilters" : true,
      "maxTokens" : 256,
      "temperature" : 0.5,
      "messages" : [ {
        "role" : "system",
        "content" : "test"
      }, {
        "role" : "user",
        "content" : "Let's test it."
      }, {
        "role" : "assistant",
        "content" : "Understood. What would you like to test?"
      } ],
      "stopBefore" : [ ],
      "repeatPenalty" : 5.0,
      "topP" : 0.8


    The following describes the response format.

    Response headers

    The following describes the headers.


    Response body

    The following describes the body.

    result--Response result
    result.messagearray-Conversation messages
    result.message.roleenum-Role of conversation messages
  • system: directives that define roles
  • user: user utterances/questions
  • assistant: answers to user utterances/questions
  • result.message.contentstring-Content of conversation messages
    result.stopReasonenum-Reason for stopping token generation (typically passed to the last event)
  • LENGTH: length limit
  • END_TOKEN: interrupted generation due to End Of Token (EOD)
  • STOP_BEFORE: interruption caused by the character specified in stopBefore
  • result.inputLengthint-Number of input tokens (including special tokens such as END OF TURN based on billing)
    result.outputLengthint-Number of response tokens
    result.seedint-Input seed value
    (Return a random value when 0 is entered or not entered)
    aiFilterarray-AI Filter result
    aiFilter.groupNamestring-AI Filter category group name
  • curse
  • unsafeContents
  • aiFilter.namestring-AI Filter category detailed name
  • discrimination: degradation, discrimination, hate (curse)
  • insult: profanity (curse)
  • sexualHarassment: sexual harassment, obscenity (unsafeContents)
  • aiFilter.scorestring-AI Filter score
  • 0: Conversation messages are more likely to contain sensitive/hazardous language
  • 1: Conversation messages are likely to contain sensitive/hazardous language
  • 2: Conversation messages are unlikely to contain sensitive/hazardous language
  • -1: AI Filter error occurred
  • aiFilter.scorestring-Whether AI Filter is operating properly
  • OK: normal operation
  • ERROR: error occurred
  • Note

    AI Filter can analyze up to 500 characters. However, if the text being analyzed contains many unusual formats, emojis, or special characters, it may not be analyzed correctly.

    Response syntax

    The following is a sample syntax.


    The following is a sample syntax upon a successful call.

      "status": {
        "code": "20000",
        "message": "OK"
      "result": {
        "message": {
          "role": "assistant",
          "content": "Phrase: Record what happened today, and prepare for tomorrow. A journal will make your life richer.\n"
        "stopReason": "LENGTH",
        "inputLength": 100,
        "outputLength": 10,
        "aiFilter": [
            "groupName": "curse",
            "name": "insult",
            "score": "1"
            "groupName": "curse",
            "name": "discrimination",
            "score": "0"
            "groupName": "unsafeContents",
            "name": "sexualHarassment",
            "score": "2"


    The following is a sample syntax upon a failed call.

    Response stream

    You can use token streaming to output the tokens as they are generated, one by one. The following describes the token streaming format.


    The following describes the headers.



    The following describes the body.


    The following describes StreamingChatCompletionsResultEvent.

    messagearray-Conversation messages
    message.roleenum-Role of conversation messages
  • system: directives that define roles
  • user: user utterances/questions
  • assistant: answers to user utterances/questions
  • message.contentstring-Content of conversation messages
    stopReasonenum-Reason for stopping token generation (typically passed to the last event)
  • LENGTH: length limit
  • END_TOKEN: interrupted generation due to End Of Token (EOD)
  • STOP_BEFORE: interruption caused by the character specified in stopBefore
  • inputLengthint-Number of input tokens (including special tokens such as END OF TURN based on billing)
    outputLengthint-Number of response tokens
    aiFilterarray-AI Filter result
    aiFilter.groupNamestring-AI Filter category group name
    aiFilter.namestring-AI Filter category detailed name
    aiFilter.scorestring-AI Filter score
  • 0: Conversation messages are more likely to contain sensitive/hazardous language
  • 1: Conversation messages are likely to contain sensitive/hazardous language
  • 2: Conversation messages are unlikely to contain sensitive/hazardous language
  • -1: AI Filter error occurred
  • aiFilter.resultstring-Whether AI Filter is operating properly
  • OK: normal operation
  • ERROR: error occurred
  • StreamingChatCompletionsTokenEvent

    The following describes StreamingChatCompletionsResultEvent.

    idstring-Event ID that identifies the request
    messagearray-Conversation messages
    message.roleenum-Role of conversation messages
  • system: directives that define roles
  • user: user utterances/questions
  • assistant: answers to user utterances/questions
  • message.contentstring-Content of conversation messages
    inputLengthint-Number of input tokens (including special tokens such as END OF TURN based on billing)
    stopReasonenum-Reason for stopping token generation (typically passed to the last event)
  • LENGTH: length limit
  • END_TOKEN: interrupted generation due to End Of Token (EOD)
  • STOP_BEFORE: interruption caused by the character specified in stopBefore
  • ErrorEvent

    The following describes ErrorEvent.

    statusstatus-Response status


    The following describes SignalEvent.

    datastring-Signal data information to pass

    Response syntax

    The following is a sample syntax.


    The following is a sample syntax upon a successful call.

    id: aabdfe-dfgwr-edf-hpqwd-f2asd-g
    event: token
    data: {"message": {"role": "assistant", "content": “H”}}
    id: aabdfe-dfgwr-edf-hpqwd-f1asd-g
    event: result
    data: {"message": {"role": "assistant", "content": “i”}}


    The following is a sample syntax upon a failed call.

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