NCLUE overview
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    NCLUE overview

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    Article summary

    Available in Classic and VPC

    NCLUE is a NAVER Cloud Platform SaaS service that helps users create various machine learning models and solve various business problems by using the NCLUE model based on HyperCLOVA, NAVER's large-scale language model. The NCLUE service provides RESTful APIs for feature creation, task model creation and execution, and user profiling.

    Common NCLUE settings

    The following describes commonly used request and response formats in NCLUE APIs.


    The following describes the common request format.


    The request API URL is as follows.

    Request headers

    The following describes the headers.

    X-NCP-APIGW-TIMESTAMPRequiredThis is the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC
  • Request is considered invalid if the timestamp differs from the current time by more than 5 minutes
  • X-NCP-IAM-ACCESS-KEYRequiredAccess key issued on NAVER Cloud Platform
  • Issue and check access key: See Create authentication key
  • Issue and check access key for sub account: See Create sub account
  • X-NCP-APIGW-SIGNATURE-V2RequiredBase64-encoded signature that encrypts the request information with a secret key that maps to the access key issued on NAVER Cloud Platform, using the HMAC encryption algorithm (HmacSHA256)
  • Issue and check secret key: See Create authentication key
  • Create signature: See Create signature
  • Caution

    Set the number of requests per second for the NCLUE API to 1 or less. (1 tps)


    The following describes the common response format.

    Response status codes

    The following describes the response status codes.

    HTTP status codeCodeMessageDescription
    40110100ACCESS_DENIEDInvalid access.
    42210101NAME_TOO_LONGEnter 40 characters or less.
    40910102DUPLICATE_NAMEThe same name already exists.
    42210103INVALID_PATH_CHARACTERThe file path contains unacceptable special characters.
    42210104INVALID_CHARACTER_IN_TRAIN_PATHThe file path contains unacceptable special characters.
    42210105INVALID_CHARACTER_IN_TEST_PATHThe file path contains unacceptable special characters.
    40410106PATH_NOT_FOUNDThe path/file doesn't exist.
    40410107TRAIN_PATH_NOT_FOUNDThe path/file doesn't exist.
    40410108TEST_PATH_NOT_FOUNDThe path/file doesn't exist.
    42210109PERSONAL_DATA_NOT_ALLOWEDThe file can't contain any personal information.
    42210110PERSONAL_DATA_IN_TRAIN_FILEThe file can't contain any personal information.
    42210111PERSONAL_DATA_IN_TEST_FILEThe file can't contain any personal information.
    42210112TOO_MANY_KEYWORDSThe number of property keywords you can enter has been exceeded.
    40910113INCOMPATIBLE_MODELThe feature and the task are incompatible.
    40910114FEATURE_PROCESSINGThe requested operation can't be processed. Check if the feature is pending or being created.
    40910115TASK_PROCESSINGThe requested operation can't be processed. Check if the task is pending or being created.
    40910116RUN_PROCESSINGThe requested operation can't be processed. Check if the run is pending or being created.
    40910117PROFILE_PROCESSINGThe requested operation can't be processed. Check if the profile is pending or being created.
    42210118KEYWORD_REQUIREDEnter one or more keywords.
    42210119STORAGE_FULLInsufficient data storage space.
    42210121EMPTY_CONTENT_IN_PATHEmpty path/file.
    42210122EMPTY_CONTENT_IN_TRAIN_PATHEmpty path/file.
    42210123EMPTY_CONTENT_IN_TEST_PATHEmpty path/file.
    40410124PROFILE_NOT_FOUNDThere is no profile data.
    42210130INVALID_RESULT_FILE_PATHInvalid file path entered. Folders with empty name fields are not allowed.
    42210131OBJECT_STORAGE_ACCESS_DENIEDUnable to access the Object Storage bucket. Check your access permission.
    40410132OBJECT_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_REQUIREDYou need to request subscription to the Object Storage service.
    42210133INVALID_LIMITLimit must be between 1 and 100.
    40910134FEATURE_IN_USEThis feature can't be deleted because it contains jobs being created with it.
    40910135TASK_IN_USEThis task can't be deleted because it contains jobs being created with it.
    40410136BUCKET_NOT_FOUNDThe Object Storage bucket does not exist.

    For response status codes common to NAVER Cloud Platform, see Ncloud API response status codes.


    The following describes the APIs provided by the NCLUE service.

    Get featureGet NCLUE feature details
    Get feature listGet NCLUE feature list
    Create featureCreate NCLUE feature
    Delete featureDelete NCLUE feature
    Get taskGet task model details
    Get task listGet task model list
    Create taskCreate task model
    Delete taskDelete task model
    Get task runGet task model run details
    Get task run listGet task model run list
    Create task runCreate task model run
    Delete task runDelete task model run
    Get shopping intentUser Profiling > Get shopping intent details
    Get shopping intent listUser Profiling > Get shopping intent list
    Create shopping intentUser Profiling > Create shopping intent
    Delete shopping intentUser Profiling > Delete shopping intent
    Download shopping intentUser Profiling > Download shopping intent
    Get custom attributesUser Profiling > Get custom attributes details
    Get custom attributes listUser Profiling > Get custom attributes list
    Create custom attributesUser Profiling > Create custom attributes
    Delete custom attributesUser Profiling > Delete custom attributes

    NAVER Cloud Platform provides a variety of related resources to help users better understand NCLUE APIs.

    • How to use NCLUE APIs
    • How to use NCLUE service
      • Object Storage User Guide: To use NCLUE, you need to use a separate Object Storage. Object Storage is used to upload user behavior data and store NCLUE results.
      • Sub Account User Guide: It describes how to use Sub Account that helps the management of NCLUE service operations.

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    What's Next
    Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
    First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
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    Enter a valid password
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