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    Article Summary


    Create a user-defined schema.



    Method: POST

    Request header

    The request headers specified in common settings are required.

    Content-Type: application/json
    x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2: {generated signature}
    x-ncp-apigw-timestamp: {current timestamp}
    x-ncp-iam-access-key: {your iam access key}

    Request body

    Parameter nameRequirement statusTypeRestrictionsDescription
    prodNameYesStringSchema name
    fieldsYesListDefinition of the product schema
    useCustomResourceNoBooleandefault: falseCustom resource use status



    private String name;
    private DataType dataType;
    private boolean metric = false;
    private boolean dimension = false;
    private Boolean counter = false;
    private boolean isIdDimension = false;
    private Map<Interval, Set<Calculation>> aggregations;
    private String desc;


    Parameter nameRequirement statusTypeRestrictionsDescription
    nameYesStringName of product schema
    dataTypeYesDataType- If the field is metric, STRING, INTEGER, FLOAT, and LONG types are valid,
    - and if the field is dimension, then STRING type is valid.
    Specify the data type of metric or dimension
    metricNoBooleandefault : falseSpecify that the field is metric
    dimensionNoBooleandefault : falseSpecify that the field is dimension
    counterNoBooleandefault : false
    isIdDimensionNoBooleanDefault: false. At least one dimension must be set as idDimension.- Can be set only when the field is dimension
    - When creating an event rule for a product defined by the user, it is classified based on the corresponding dimension.
    aggregationsNoMap<Interval, Set>- interval : Min1, Min5, Min30, Hour2, Day1
    - Calculation : COUNT,SUM,MAX,MIN,AVG
    - Can be set only when the corresponding field is metric
    - Set the aggregation interval and aggregation function
    descNoStringDescription of product schema


    Request example

    The example below shows how to create a schema called MyProduct that uses a custom resource.

    POST /cw_fea/real/cw/api/schema
    Content-Type: application/json
    x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2: {generated signature}
    x-ncp-apigw-timestamp: {current timestamp}
    x-ncp-iam-access-key: {your iam access key}
      "prodName": "Custom/MyProduct",
      "fields": [
          "dataType": "STRING",
          "name": "dimensionName",
          "dimension": true,
          "metric": false,
          "counter": false,
          "idDimension": true,
          "desc": "description"
          "dataType": "FLOAT",
          "name": "metricName",
          "dimension": false,
          "metric": true,
          "counter": false,
          "desc": "description",
          "aggregations": {
              "Min1": [
              "Min5": [
              "Min30": [
              "Hour2": [
              "Day1": [
      "useCustomResource": true

    Response example

    If the view is completed without any errors, then a response in simple JSON format including HTTP code 200 and product key (cw_key) is returned.

      "cw_key": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

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