ARC eye VOT API
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        ARC eye VOT API

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        Article summary


        The ARC eye Visual Object Tracking (VOT) API returns the result of detecting the object in the image and estimating its pose by passing an image of the object to be estimated.

        Prepare API

        Convert objects and deploy the API through the VOT app and console. For more information, see the User Guide.


        MethodRequest URI
        POSTCall with the InvokeURL of ARC eye > API > Check API integration key

        Request headers

        X-ARCEYE-SECRETUse the secret key of ARC eye > API > Check API integration key

        Request body

        Field nameRequiredData typeDescriptionRestrictions
        imageYfileRGB image to perform object detection onjpg, png
        uuidYstringUUID of the device that took the image
        timestampYnumberTimestamp of when the image was takenmilliseconds
        intrinsicYstringCamera intrinsic parameters used for object pose estimation
        distortYstringCamera distortion parameters used for object pose estimation
        gravityNstringGravity direction used for object pose estimation (calculated from extrinsic if not provided on request)
        extrinsicYstringCamera pose used for object pose estimation
        videoidNstringvideoid recognized from the VOT client
        imgidNstringimgid recognized from the VOT client
        keyframeidNstringkeyframeid recognized from the VOT client

        CURL example:

        curl -X POST '{invokeUrl}' \
        -H 'X-ARCEYE-SECRET: {secretKey}' \
        -H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
        -F 'image=@object.jpg \
        -F 'uuid=a4315b63-2d64-11ef-becb-005056a70a22' \
        -F 'timestamp=1718709558076' \
        -F 'intrinsic=1524.3942260742188,0.0,539.0464782714844,0.0,1524.3942260742188,950.2188720703125,0.0,0.0,1.0' \
        -F 'distort=0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0' \
        -F 'extrinsic=-0.5501050024473961,-0.03056710354932507,-0.834535882070361,-0.2494854635652485-0.42819610313094764,0.8682865385146257,0.25045275861479593,-0.16543658916848714,0.7169606569023306,,0.495120328016226,-0.4907374830184501,0.189104661569504620.0,0.0,0.0,1.0'


        Response body

        Field nameData typeDescription
        resultstringResponse result: "SUCCESS", "FAILURE"
        uuidstringDevice UUID used in the request
        timestampnumberImage creation time used on request
        messagestringDetection status message
        statusnumberDetection status
        recvtimenumberPoint in time when the poser received the request from the detector
        objectsarrayInformation about the objects used for pose estimation
        object[].projectidstringprojectid for which pose estimation was performed
        object[].poseridstringvideoid (objectid) for which pose estimation was performed
        object[].bbox2darray(4,2)Detection ROI for the detector provided for pose estimation
        object[].corners3darray(9,3)Coordinates of the 3D object bounding box centered at (0, 0) in 3D space
        object[].corners2darray(9,2)Image coordinates corresponding to 3D object bounding box
        object[].intrinsicarray(3,3)Camera intrinsic parameters used for pose estimation
        object[].distortarray(5)Camera distortion parameters used for pose estimation
        object[].extrinsicarray(4,4)Camera pose used for pose estimation
        object[].sizearray(3)Size information for the object [width, height, depth]
        object[].statusbooleanPose estimation status of the object
        object[].messagestringPose estimation status information of the object

        Response example

        Detection success

            "result": "SUCCESS",
            "version": "3.0.0-1",
            "projectid": "123",
            "recvtime": 1712213062.4720848,
            "timestamp": 1712213062.2513185,
            "uuid": "933ec42646f8",
            "status": 0,
            "message": "VOT_DETECTOR_SUCCESS",
            "objects": [
                    "bbox2d": [[677.0, 1472.0], [1466.0, 1472.0], [1466.0, 2861.0], [677.0, 2861.0]],
                    "conf_thresh": 0.3,
                    "corners2d": [[1048, 2119], [746, 2513], [726, 1473], [715, 2864], [686, 1564], [1297, 2500], [1335, 1477], [1408, 2842], [1472, 1568]],
                    "corners3d": [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                        [-0.29031120781734804, -0.5381274223327637, -0.3174518426978675],
                        [-0.29031120781734804, 0.5381274223327637, -0.3174518426978675],
                        [-0.29031120781734804, -0.5381274223327637, 0.3174518426978675],
                        [-0.29031120781734804, 0.5381274223327637, 0.3174518426978675],
                        [0.29031120781734804, -0.5381274223327637, -0.3174518426978675],
                        [0.29031120781734804, 0.5381274223327637, -0.3174518426978675],
                        [0.29031120781734804, -0.5381274223327637, 0.3174518426978675],
                        [0.29031120781734804, 0.5381274223327637, 0.3174518426978675]],
                    "distort": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                    "extrinsic": [[-0.2429226121477801, -0.2506293885132776, 0.9371091260471003, 0.0],
                        [-0.009911837278829036, 0.9666372782061301, 0.2559572774195017, 0.0],
                        [-0.9699950309094669, 0.05288933725909484, -0.23730225033748942, 0.0],
                        [0.012476532015234023, 0.021933435026800476, 0.024992155870001847, 1.0]],
                    "global_pose": [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                        [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                        [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
                        [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]],
                    "global_prob": 1.0,
                    "intrinsic": [[2834.314, 0.0, 1093.1019], [0.0, 2834.314, 1933.7009], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]],
                    "message": "VOT_OBJECT_POSE_SUCCESS",
                    "obj_prob": 1.0,
                    "objid": "rookie",
                    "pose": [[0.9968414902687073, 0.014719659462571144, 0.0780409649014473, -0.03976171463727951],
                        [-0.006204552017152309, -0.9652349948883057, 0.26131001114845276, 0.16608235239982605],
                        [0.07917426526546478, -0.2609688639640808, -0.9620949625968933, 2.5332860946655273],
                        [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]],
                    "poserid": "14dfc56c-a640-4281-9e95-aa49b61d51bd",
                    "projectid": "b385865f-67f3-4341-aca5-166d20df952b",
                    "sim_prob": 0.9999999255277782,
                    "size": [0.5806224156346961, 1.0762548446655273, 0.634903685395735],
                    "status": True,
                    "type": "normal"

        Detection failure

          "result": "FAILURE",
          "running_time": {
            "processing": 2
          "timestamp": 1718709558076,
          "version": "3.0.0-1",
          "candidate_obj_id": 0

        Error code

        Error response:

          "code": "9999",
          "message": "Unknown server error.",
          "path": "path",
          "product": "ARC eye",
          "traceId": "9c1f55ac7d8341d792a922b2590c045f",
          "timestamp": 1570776853475,
          "status": "500"
        Error codeHTTP statusDescription
        0001404Not Found
        010040xInvalid Parameter
        100050xInternal API Error
        1001500Processing Error
        9999500Unknown Error

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