User Lookup
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    User Lookup

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    Article Summary

    Look up a user by user UID.


    projectIdStringOProjectId in GamePot SDK
    userIdStringOUserId of GamePot SDK

    Request header

    Header nameRequiredExplanation
    x-api-keyOAuthentication key issued by GamePot
    accept-languageXLanguage used


    Field nametypeExplanation
    statusIntResult (1: Success )
    idStringUser ID
    deletedBooleanWhether to delete the member (true: delete, false: normal )
    store_idStringStore accessed when creating account (google ...)
    countryStringUser country code (based on ISO 3166-1)
    remoteipStringUser IP
    adidStringAdvertising id
    deviceStringDevice type (android, ios)
    networkStringUser access network (WI-FI ...)
    versionStringClient version information
    modelStringUser device model name
    tokenStringPush token
    pushBooleanWhether to accept push (true: agree, false: disagree)
    nightBooleanNight push consent (true: agree, false: disagree)
    adBooleanAds push consent (true: agree, false: disagree)
    memoStringMember notes
    device_idStringMember Device ID
    createdAtStringDate the member was created
    updatedAtStringDate the member information was modified
    loginedAtStringLast access date
    deletedAtStringDate the member was deleted


    Request example

    curl --request GET \
    --url \
    --header 'accept-language: ko' \
    --header 'x-api-key: 86dcgffae0641745432as02a8801ce5a5475f764fxxxxxxxxx'

    Example response

      "status": 1,
    ## Error code<a name="Errorcode"></a>
    Common error code that occurs when requesting Gamepot Open API.
    | parameter | Explanation |
    | :--- | :--- |
    | status  | Error code  (1: Refer to Error code in case of success or failure \) |
    | message | Error details |
    | Error code | Explanation |
    | :---: | :--- |
    | -1 | If you used a key that is not on the dashboard |
    | -2 | The key of the dashboard and the key of the header are different. |
    | -3 | When using a key deleted from the dashboard |
    | -4 | The dashboard used unused keys. |
    | -5 | If the key has expired |
    | -6 | If there is no project ID |

    "status": -6,
    "message": "projectId was wrong."

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    Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
    First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Enter a valid email
    Enter a valid password
    Your profile has been successfully updated.