

        Article summary

        Available in VPC

        This is a route table.


        The syntax is as follows.

        private String routeTableNo;
        private String routeTableName;
        private String regionCode;
        private String vpcNo;
        private CommonCode supportedSubnetType;
        private Boolean isDefault;
        private CommonCode routeTableStatus;
        private String routeTableDescription;


        The following describes the fields.

        routeTableNoStringRequiredRoute table number
        • NAVER Cloud Platform's identifier to identify route tables
        routeTableNameStringRequiredRoute table name
        regionCodeStringRequiredRegion code
        vpcNoStringRequiredVPC number
        supportedSubnetTypeCommonCodeRequiredSupported subnet type
        • PUBLIC | PRIVATE
          • PUBLIC: public
          • PRIVATE: private
        isDefaultBooleanRequiredDefault route table status of VPC
        • true | false
        routeTableStatusCommonCodeRequiredRoute table status
        • RUN
        routeTableDescriptionStringOptionalRoute table description

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