CLOVA Speech overview

        CLOVA Speech overview

        Article summary

        Available in Classic and VPC

        CLOVA Speech is a NAVER Cloud Platform service that provides quick and easy speech recognition services through CLOVA's Neural End-to-end Speech Transcriber (NEST) speech recognition technology. It provides APIs in RESTful form for speech-based features such as transcribing long audio/video files, creating voice notes, video subtitles, and managing call transcripts.


        CLOVA Speech service allows you to upload long audio/video files to check the speech recognition results. On the other hand, the CLOVA Speech Recognition (CSR) service is optimized for imperative speech recognition within one minute.

        Common CLOVA Speech settings

        The following describes commonly used request and response formats in CLOVA Speech APIs.


        The following describes the common request format.

        API URL

        The request API URL is as follows.

        API Gateway's unique invoke URL created in CLOVA Speech Domain

        For more information on how to check the InvokeURL, see CLOVA Speech User Guide.

        Request headers

        The following describes the headers.

        Content-TypeRequiredRequest data format
        • application/json | multipart/form-data | application/octet-stream


        The following describes the common response format.

        Response status codes

        The following describes the response status codes.


        For response status codes common to NAVER Cloud Platform, see Ncloud API response status codes.

        HTTP status codeCodeMessageDescription
        400400Invalid request parametersEntered request parameter value is invalid
        401401Invalid secretEntered secret key value is invalid
        400STT002Invalid Content TypeContent-Type other than application/octet-stream is entered
        400STT003Empty Sound DataVoice data missing
        400STT005Invalid LanguageEntered language (lang) parameter not supported
        400STT004Empty LanguageLanguage (lang) parameter missing
        413STT001Exceed Sound Data lengthEntered voice data value exceeds the allowed length (60 seconds)
        500STT006Failed to pre-processingError during speech recognition preprocessing
        • Need to ensure voice data is legitimate wav, mp3, or flac
        500STT998Failed to STTError during speech recognition
        • Need to contact Support
        500STT999Internal Server ErrorInternal server error
        • Need to contact Support
        --SUCCEEDEDTask successful
        --PROCESSINGJob in progress
        --ERROR_SERVER_BUSYServer has no free resources
        --ERROR_TOKEN_INVALIDToken doesn't exist
        --ERROR_AUDIO_EMPTYVoice data value doesn't exist
        --ERROR_AUDIO_CONVERSIONFailed to convert voice
        --ERROR_PARAMS_FORMAT_INVALIDEntered parameter format is not JSON
        --ERROR_REQUEST_PARAMETEREntered request parameter is invalid
        --ERROR_REQUEST_PARAMETERSpeaker not recognized
        --ERROR_INVALID_SECRETEntered secret key value is invalid
        --ERROR_DATA_NOT_FOUNDInternal server errors
        --ERROR_DATA_CONFLICTData conflict
        --ERROR_INTERNAL_ERRORInternal server errors
        --ERROR_EXTERNAL_ERRORService not operational
        --ERROR_TOO_MANY_JOBSToo many jobs
        --FAILEDOther errors

        CLOVA Speech API

        The following describes the APIs provided by the CLOVA Speech service.

        Long sentence recognition > Object Storage file recognitionRecognize long text as unique URLs of media files stored in Object Storage on NAVER Cloud Platform
        Long sentence recognition > External file recognitionRecognize long text from unique URLs of publicly available audio files
        Long sentence recognition > Local file recognitionRecognize long text for local files
        Long sentence recognition > Get job statusCheck the job status asynchronously
        Short sentence recognitionRecognize short voice files up to 60 seconds long
        Live streaming recognitionReal-time speech recognition and text-to-speech

        NAVER Cloud Platform provides a variety of related resources to help users better understand CLOVA Speech APIs.

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