Cloud Hadoop (VPC) Overview
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        Cloud Hadoop (VPC) Overview

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        Article summary

        Can be used in a VPC environment.


        NAVER Cloud Platform is a cloud service built with NAVER's latest computing technology and operational know-how.
        The application program interface (API) that supports the use of services and solutions provided by NAVER Cloud Platform is called NAVER Cloud Platform API.

        Common information

        API URL

        Request Header

        x-ncp-apigw-timestamp- It is the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC.
        - If the time difference with the API Gateway server is more than 5 minutes, the request is considered invalid.
        x-ncp-iam-access-keyAPI key issued by NAVER Cloud Platform or access key issued by IAM
        x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2- Signature used to encrypt the body of the example with the “secret key” that maps with the “access key.”
        - The HMAC encryption algorithm is HMAC SHA256.


        Cloud Hadoop (VPC)

        backupClusterConfigurationBack up client settings of all in-cluster components to the Object Storage bucket mapped to the cluster.
        changeCloudHadoopNodeCountChange the number of Cloud Hadoop nodes.
        changeCloudHadoopNodeSpecChange the specifications of Cloud Hadoop nodes.
        createCloudHadoopInstanceCreate a Cloud Hadoop instance.
        deleteCloudHadoopInstanceDelete a Cloud Hadoop instance.
        getCloudHadoopAddOnListSearch Cloud Hadoop's add-on list.
        getCloudHadoopBucketListSearch the list of Object Storage buckets available to use with Cloud Hadoop.
        getCloudHadoopClusterTypeListSearch Cloud Hadoop cluster types according to the cluster version.
        getCloudHadoopImageProductListSearch a list of Cloud Hadoop product codes.
        getCloudHadoopInstanceDetailSearch Cloud Hadoop instance details.
        getCloudHadoopInstanceListSearch a list of Cloud Hadoop instances.
        getCloudHadoopLoginKeyListSearch a list of Cloud Hadoop authentication keys.
        getCloudHadoopMysqlInstanceListView Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC)'s instance list to link to Cloud Hadoop Hive metastore.
        getCloudHadoopMysqlUserListView Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC)'s user list to link to Cloud Hadoop Hive metastore.
        getCloudHadoopObjectListView the file list of Object Storage buckets available in Cloud Hadoop.
        getCloudHadoopProductListSearch a list of Cloud Hadoop server specification codes available for use.
        saveExternalHiveMetaStoreLink Cloud Hadoop Hive metastore to the Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC) database created in the user account.
        testConnectExternalHiveMetaStoreTest whether linkage between the Cloud Hadoop Hive metastore and the Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC) database created in the user account is possible.
        getCloudHadoopTargetSubnetListView Cloud Hadoop's subnet list.
        getCloudHadoopTargetVpcListView Cloud Hadoop's VPC list.

        Error code

        If a wrong API request is sent, or an error occurs during its processing, then the success/failure result is returned as an HTTP status code. The detailed message is then returned in the form of JSON/XML.

        Response example

           "returnCode":"Return code",
           "returnMessage":"Return message"}}

        If the output format is XML

          <returnCode>Return code</returnCode>
          <returnMessage>Return message</returnMessage></responseError>

        Error response

        HTTP statusReturn codeReturn messageDescriptionSolutions
        400900Required field is not specified. location : [Required parameter name]When the required parameter doesn't existAdd required parameters
        4005000009An error occurred while processing the internal system.When a system error occursInquiry to Support > Contact us
        4005000020Processing of [View or Change]/[SubAccount action name] SubAccount authentication failed.When the SubAccount permission doesn't existAdd permission to the account
        4005001005The cluster is in another operation. Please try again after the existing work is completed.When calling a cluster that is already runningAvailable after running is complete
        4005001022Not a user-owned cluster.When a wrong cluster number enteredEnter the correct cluster number
        4005001049Network Interface does not have an IP that can be assigned.When subnet is insufficientAdd subnet of VPC network
        4005001139Contract restriction error. Creation limit is set. The cluster can no longer be created. Please contact customer support to modify the limit.When there is a restriction on creation limitInquiry to Support > Contact us
        4005001269The instance could not be found.When controlled for the deleted clusterRequest again in the created cluster

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