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    Article summary

    Available in VPC

    Get Cloud Hadoop's add-on list.


    Request parameters

    Parameter nameRequiredTypeRestrictionsDescription
    regionCodeNoString- Region code
    Determine the Region
    regionCode can be obtained through the getRegionList action
    Default: Select the first Region of the getRegionList query result
    cloudHadoopImageProductCodeYesString- Cloud Hadoop image product code
    cloudHadoopImageProductCode can be obtained through productCode of the getCloudHadoopImageProductList action
    engineVersionCodeConditionalString- Engine version code
    Check through getCloudHadoopImageProductList
    Enter only when creating with Rocky cluster, ignore CentOs specs
    If not entered, it is created with the latest version currently available
    cloudHadoopClusterTypeCodeYesString- Cloud Hadoop cluster type code
    cloudHadoopClusterTypeCode can be obtained through the getCloudHadoopClusterTypeList action
    responseFormatTypeNoString- Format type of the response result
    Options: xml | json
    Default: xml

    Request headers

    See Cloud Hadoop (VPC) overview.

    Request body

      "regionCode": "string",
      "cloudHadoopImageProductCode": "string",
      "cloudHadoopClusterTypeCode": "string",
      "responseFormatType": "string"


    Response body


    See Cloud Hadoop (VPC) overview.


    Request example

    GET {API_URL}/getCloudHadoopAddOnList

    Response example

      "getCloudHadoopAddOnListResponse": {
        "cloudHadoopAddOnList": [
            "code": "Presto (0.240)",
            "codeName": "PRESTO"
            "code": "HBASE (2.0.2)",
            "codeName": "HBASE"
        "requestId": "e2049572-e640-4767-a600-07c7b753c776",
        "returnCode": "0",
        "returnMessage": "success"
                <codeName>Presto (0.240)</codeName>
                <codeName>HBASE (2.0.2)</codeName>

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